My hands itch bad with some blister like bumps

Hi, I am a 46 year old women. I had non hodgkins at age 14.All the nodes on the right and left side removed, also had thyroid cancer that was removed. This all happened in 1979 thru 1981, I was given the I 131 radiation cocktial. I have been free of cancer for 30 years. Now my glands in the right side of my neck are swollen and not sore, mind you that I am not suppose to have nodes there, also have a small mass on right side where my thyroid was, I am also experiencing red rash on the back of both my hands with a blister like bump, fatigue,hair loss, no desire to eat,itchy like crazy. I am going for a ultra sound on my neck tomorrow.My doctor did not order blood work, so I called to ask why and was told to go to the er,omg what is doc thinking.Very scared right now. Any feed back will be greatly appreciated.


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Renee
    Hi Renee,

    Sorry you are going through these problems.
    My cancer experience doesn't relate to yours but I wanted
    to respond to your post. Also, there is a Thyroid Discussion
    Board and you might want to try there as well.

    If your thyroid was removed you are probably taking synthetic hormones right?
    I pasted something I found below which matches many of your symptoms and
    relates to those hormones being out of whack.

    I also found out Thyroid tissue can grow back but it doesn't
    produce the hormones. That could be what's going on also.

    Treatment for cancer has come a very long way since 1981 so please
    know there's hope. There are many long term survivors here and
    you will find a wealth of support from caring people at this site.

    Please keep us posted.

    Big hugs,



    Some signs of hypothyroidism are extreme fatigue, hair loss and red/purple blotches on the skin. The reversal of these symptoms by the use of synthetic hormones, such as synthroid, is dramatic.
  • reneew46
    reneew46 Member Posts: 3
    jimwins said:

    Hi Renee
    Hi Renee,

    Sorry you are going through these problems.
    My cancer experience doesn't relate to yours but I wanted
    to respond to your post. Also, there is a Thyroid Discussion
    Board and you might want to try there as well.

    If your thyroid was removed you are probably taking synthetic hormones right?
    I pasted something I found below which matches many of your symptoms and
    relates to those hormones being out of whack.

    I also found out Thyroid tissue can grow back but it doesn't
    produce the hormones. That could be what's going on also.

    Treatment for cancer has come a very long way since 1981 so please
    know there's hope. There are many long term survivors here and
    you will find a wealth of support from caring people at this site.

    Please keep us posted.

    Big hugs,



    Some signs of hypothyroidism are extreme fatigue, hair loss and red/purple blotches on the skin. The reversal of these symptoms by the use of synthetic hormones, such as synthroid, is dramatic.

    Hi Jim,

    Thank you for responding.My thyroid level is perfect had to go to the er recently so I had some labs already,I have experienced hyperthyroidism in the past, wish it was hyperthyroidism but that can be ruled out. I have been going through thyroid scans for 30 years and thus far no thyroid tissue, although I am not ruling that out. I also am going to be seen by a rheumatoligist at the end of Nov. My thoughts are positive so one way or another all will work out. I will keep you posted on the test results. Thank you again for caring enough to find out these facts for me.

    Hugs back hope all is well

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Following up
    Hi Renee,

    Just following up. Any news?
    Just thinking of you.
