Anyone got sick after getting a cold or flu? What to do?!

LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
Hi sisters -- I feel like I'm coming down with a cold and I was wondering if any of you took medication for it while on tamoxifen. My white blood count is low and I'm just worried about not treating my cold. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Since starting chemo 2+ yrs
    Since starting chemo 2+ yrs ago - I have had no "colds" or sinus infections (always had lots of them in the past!).

    Actually a "cold" is a virus and will run it's course. There are some 'things' that will make you feel better but only make you feel better - they do nothing about the 'cold'.
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    I caught a cold from my
    I caught a cold from my husband right after chemo and I took lots of vit. c and zinc lozanges (sp?)it was walgreens brand, drank lots of water and rest. I had it for 3 days then it was gone, he had it for 1 week and half and he had to go to the dr. because it went into his chest and he is prone to chest infections. So jump on it right away. My wbc count was low also, but I fought it off much to my surprise.
    Good luck with it.
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806

    I caught a cold from my
    I caught a cold from my husband right after chemo and I took lots of vit. c and zinc lozanges (sp?)it was walgreens brand, drank lots of water and rest. I had it for 3 days then it was gone, he had it for 1 week and half and he had to go to the dr. because it went into his chest and he is prone to chest infections. So jump on it right away. My wbc count was low also, but I fought it off much to my surprise.
    Good luck with it.

    Rague same with me
    Rague it's the same with me. I always had one or two colds every fall/winter season until chemo. That year and those since I've not had a cold at all. My husband just had one and generally that'd be all for me.

    I probably glow in the dark too and just haven't noticed with the tv on at night. I'd be very happy if in addition to killing cancer, my chemo had cured me of colds.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    During treatment...
    Both chemo & rads - was instructed not to take nutritional supplements (multi-vitamin, etc.). However, OTC medications (Tylenol, etc.) were allowed. It's always best to check with your own doctor/nurse.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    Kind regards, Susan
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    During treatment...
    Both chemo & rads - was instructed not to take nutritional supplements (multi-vitamin, etc.). However, OTC medications (Tylenol, etc.) were allowed. It's always best to check with your own doctor/nurse.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    Kind regards, Susan

    Like Susan, during rads I
    Like Susan, during rads I was told to not take any vitamins as we didn't want my good or bad cells getting healthier from anything. We wanted to kill those suckers.

    But, I am sure every doctor is different. Since rads, if I feel like I might be catching a cold, I take extra Vitamin c and it seems to help somewhat.

    Feel better!
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    susie09 said:

    Like Susan, during rads I
    Like Susan, during rads I was told to not take any vitamins as we didn't want my good or bad cells getting healthier from anything. We wanted to kill those suckers.

    But, I am sure every doctor is different. Since rads, if I feel like I might be catching a cold, I take extra Vitamin c and it seems to help somewhat.

    Feel better!

    Sure did! And while I was doing rads.
    Call your onc first but mine told me to take Claratin D 12 hour and wrote a script of Tamiflu because no one wanted to take any chances. (I had my flu shot.) It's expensive, even with insurance but it worked. I'm battling right now but just using OTC stuff. Just like with everything else remember to drink lots of water and I use a lot of tea.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    skipper54 said:

    Sure did! And while I was doing rads.
    Call your onc first but mine told me to take Claratin D 12 hour and wrote a script of Tamiflu because no one wanted to take any chances. (I had my flu shot.) It's expensive, even with insurance but it worked. I'm battling right now but just using OTC stuff. Just like with everything else remember to drink lots of water and I use a lot of tea.

    I don't know if I will ever
    I don't know if I will ever get the flu shot again. I got it last year because my oncologist said I should and got the flu. :( I know I should, but, just not sure yet.
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    DebbyM said:

    I don't know if I will ever
    I don't know if I will ever get the flu shot again. I got it last year because my oncologist said I should and got the flu. :( I know I should, but, just not sure yet.

    Flu shot every year
    and never got the flu from the shot. The shots have the strains of flu that they feel are most liekly but can't cover everything. My PCP even got the flu last year because she got a different strain than was covered in the shot. I'm also considering a pnuemonia shot since my rads "caught" a sliver of my lung. The Dr. can hear the difference in my breathing and I'm told there's a greater risk of phuemonia, at least for a while. Decisions, decisons, decisons! What's a girl to do?
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    skipper54 said:

    Flu shot every year
    and never got the flu from the shot. The shots have the strains of flu that they feel are most liekly but can't cover everything. My PCP even got the flu last year because she got a different strain than was covered in the shot. I'm also considering a pnuemonia shot since my rads "caught" a sliver of my lung. The Dr. can hear the difference in my breathing and I'm told there's a greater risk of phuemonia, at least for a while. Decisions, decisons, decisons! What's a girl to do?

    I plan on getting the flu
    I plan on getting the flu shot. My husband already did thru his job. I've been lucky so far in not getting a cold.
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Angie2U said:

    I plan on getting the flu
    I plan on getting the flu shot. My husband already did thru his job. I've been lucky so far in not getting a cold.

    I am allergic
    I am allergic to the flu shot.I had the Swine Flu shot years ago and went down in the floor. My legs were not moving.I crawled to the phone to call my doctor and he said it isn't the shot.I didn't get any help from him so I just pulled myself up in a chair and made myself do things with horrific back pain.It was like I was paralyzed but forced myself to do things.Later I heard there were problems with the shot.Some people died,some paralyzed and some had problems where their throat closed off. The doctor I have now told me I can't get one. No flu shots she said.

    My husband just had his flu shot through the VA.I was shocked he did because 6 years ago he got one.Woke up 8 hours later with chest pain.He had a heart attack.He hasn't had one since but the VA encouraged it.He did fine.Also got the pneumonia shot before the flu shot.Guess he will continue getting them.

    My friend had the flu shot for years.She called me a few weeks ago and said she had been sick for 6 days after the flu shot.She never had problems and said she was sicker than she had ever been.Not sure if she will ever get another.I asked her if she had been around anyone who had been sick and she hadn't.It was the shot. Same problem with my aunt.She got deathly ill and said she would never get another flu shot.

    Lynn Smith