Mets to the thyroid question

donna_lee Member Posts: 1,050 Member
I've been a regular on the Kidney Cancer board, and am running a bit scared at this time. On my most recent CT a month ago, there was enough change that I've already had the ultrasound and the next test will be a nuclear scan of the thyroid.

Has anyone had another type of cancer metastacize to the thyroid? And has anyone had kidney-more spefically Renal Cell Carcinoma-go to the thyroid.

I've already beat the 5-7 months I was given in the spring of 2006, had 2 recurrences, and beat the percentages of 5% living to 5 years after Dx. I'm not too much into gambling with percentages, but the Docs and tumor boards do keep stats.

Any answers would be appreciated.


  • sunnyaz
    sunnyaz Member Posts: 582
    Met's to the Thyroid
    I have never heard of Thyroid being a secondary cancer. Cancer in the Thyroid typically starts there and then causes metastasis to the lymph nodes, lung or bone and some other areas less frequently. I guess it's not impossible however for it to be secondary. There are four types of Thyroid cancer. The one that is most common is Papillary. You can get more information from on Thyroid cancer.

    If you had radiation exposure with your Renal Cell Carcinoma, that could cause Thyroid cancer, but it would not be considered a metastasis. The main cause of Thyroid cancer is Radiation exposure.

    I hope it all goes well with your scan. Keep us posted.

  • veronica57
    veronica57 Member Posts: 98
    Although I'm not positive, I agree with Julie that thyroid cancer starts in the thyroid and mestastasize to the lungs and lymph glands; sometimes other distant areas. I have a mestastasis to the lungs and lymph glands. Since my cancer has been so hard to treat, my docs were beginning to think I had some other type of cancer. But a thoracic surgeon performed a lung biopsy and confirmed that thyroid cancer was still growing in my lungs. This may be something you need to have done. A biopsy can confirm whether it thyroid cancer growing from the thyroid or is it renal cell carcinoma that has mestastisized. Good luck to you. Best wishes.
