Tooooooo Funny

My husband had his first visit with his internist and they did blood work. They called ne at work Friday and said everything is fine but his cholestral is a tad high. Their recommendation, low fat diet and exercise... I laughed on the phone. I said, um my husband is 130 pounds and gets 80% percent of his nutrition through a feeding tube. Not sure what to do. He does eat most of his food with mayo, just to help get things down.


  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member nothing...except add mayo :)
    It would be nice if they considered all factors before they make such inane phone calls, wouldn't it?
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228 nothing...except add mayo :)
    It would be nice if they considered all factors before they make such inane phone calls, wouldn't it?

    I get my annual physical
    I get my annual physical every May. My PA, Michelle, asked me if we wanted to do a cholesterol check. I told her not to bother because I wasn't going to change my diet anyway.
  • Husker Fan
    Husker Fan Member Posts: 65
    Thats funny...
    I asked my primary care doctor about not being able to down my choloestrol meds, due to the sore throat... "I'm not worried about that, let's get your surgeries and radiation done first!" LOL

    Maybe we could use mayo to help down the Zocor!

    Good Luck!
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Great Laugh
    I guess they want him on a low cholesterol fat free feeding tube food, da do they make the stuff doc. Make you wonder where some of our doctors went to learn how to be a doctor.

    Really; a lot of the problems are that most of the time the doctor don’t take the time to read our charts to find out a history of what is going on in our life. So they just go by the protocol that tells them what to say or do.

  • Dan Garrett
    Dan Garrett Member Posts: 14
    My cholesterol is high now too. My doctor was suprised and the only thing we could figure out was the cause was Ensure because of the fat content. The way I feel anymore is what next? Hemmoroids?
  • waywest
    waywest Member Posts: 44
    I have the blessing of the nutritionist to put a pound of butter on everything I feed my husband so I bet his cholesterol is through the roof. Heck she even told us where to go for the highest calorie restaurant meals. The most important thing is to get the weight back on. Cholesterol is a problem for another day.If I could get my husband to eat mayo, I'd probably slather a a jar of that on every meal as well.Keep the faith!

  • KareGiver
    KareGiver Member Posts: 301 Member
    waywest said:

    I have the blessing of the nutritionist to put a pound of butter on everything I feed my husband so I bet his cholesterol is through the roof. Heck she even told us where to go for the highest calorie restaurant meals. The most important thing is to get the weight back on. Cholesterol is a problem for another day.If I could get my husband to eat mayo, I'd probably slather a a jar of that on every meal as well.Keep the faith!


    about these posts. My husband had to get bloodwork done recently because of (insert whatever you like here) and I am sure it has had to do with the chemo and radiation. He has been on cholesteral meds for years and was asked to stop for a couple of weeks. They added checking his cholesteral to the blood work they needed. It came back at 325. He says, "is that high?" Well, duh! Saying that, he has been eating hot dogs and brats since treatment ended the second week of June because HE CAN TASTE THEM! I can only imagine...
  • mixleader
    mixleader Member Posts: 267 Member
    I mentioned the cholesterol drug I was taking to my oncologist and he said "Roger, you don't need to take that anymore". A slightly high cholesterol count is the least of my troubles right now and one additional drug was deemed to be not necessary. less drug is good.

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    mixleader said:

    I mentioned the cholesterol drug I was taking to my oncologist and he said "Roger, you don't need to take that anymore". A slightly high cholesterol count is the least of my troubles right now and one additional drug was deemed to be not necessary. less drug is good.


    That it is. But what would you have said to them over the phone if they'd advised, "Tell your husband he has to try 'Ham on rye, and hold the Mayo?" (Sorry- Airplane jokes are impossible to avoid)
