Caregiver Blog

mruble Member Posts: 174
I regularly read a blog called "The Unprepared Caregiver. " As I read it tonight, I thought about all the wonderful caregivers on this site. Today's entry is about burnout - something I'm guessing most of us can relate to at one point or another. You might have to copy and paste the link into your browser.



  • LeeinLondon
    LeeinLondon Member Posts: 103
    very useful and well-written. Thanks Mary!
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Several nice blogs there
    Thanks for this, Mary. There are several blogs there that touching.

    And in case I don't say it enough - I believe that I am a better caregiver to Nick through his journey with EC because of what I learn from all of you!

    I admire your strength, your devotion, your persistence to fight for better medical care for your loved one, and your knowledge. Thank you for providing excellent examples for me to follow. and believe me, saying that doesn't even begin to express how I feel for what you have given me....
