Hello Ladies, I am new here

KitKatKat Member Posts: 27
edited October 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
To all you beautiful ladies. I am new my name is Kathy and I am so glad that I found this place and you all. I just found out I have breast cancer on Sept 28,2011. I am scared,sad,and don't really understand it all yet.I found a lump that is in the left breast Dr sent me for a ultrasound came back highly suspicious so next step biopsy which came back IDC stage 2.Next I went to cancer Dr who wants to do a lumpectomy with 6 months chemo.Well I was not really happy with his plan so I went to a cancer institute for a second opinion. This time the Dr is a lady and I really like her a lot better.She wants me to have a mastectomy with reconstructive surgery,which sound better to me as far as getting the cancer out. I all so found out from her I am 18% positive for the estrogen and negative for the progesterone,with the nottingham score of a 9.Not really sure what all that means she explained it but still not sure.She also said radiation and chemo she was not sure until after surgery how much and how long.
I had a breast MRI and a petscan today I see her on Monday and then I guess surgery next week.
I am sorry for such a long post I am just very concerned and scared and really don't have any idea what to expect from all this.Thanks to all who will bear with me and help me to understand all of this.I have talked your ears off so I will close for now. Kat


  • gagee
    gagee Member Posts: 332
    You are not alone. We all
    You are not alone. We all found this place and were just as scared as you are. I found peace, friendship and information here. I had a small cancer and they got it with a lumpectomy and took 8 lymp nodes. Then all margins were clear. It was on Aug. 4,2010. Just had a clean mammo and was so happy to receive that. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I am sure a lot of pink sisters will reply to you. Diana
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Welcome to the site. I know it is scary. The other half of this site has some good vidios under cancer information and then choose breast cancer. That is how I got educated on the various forms of breast cancer and what all the stages meant. Also you will find a lot of informal education on what to expect just by reading some of the posts here. The more you know the easier it is to understand the doctor's instructions.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    A warm welcome Kat
    I remember when I first landed on this board dazed and confused and not to mention
    scared out of my mind. There's so much to take in when you are first diagnosed. You
    get a crash course on all things cancer. But I can already see what a resourceful person
    you are, after all you found us (;

    I found it very important to start your journey with doctors you truly trust and feel comfortable
    with. After all this the fight for our life and you don't want to just trust anyone with your most
    precious belonging. You will be experiencing a whirlwind of emotions and fears, just know that
    we are all here to hold your hand and help guide you on your way. A road less traveled is way
    less scarier with fun companions to come along. This is a great group of women who really
    care and will take you by the hand. I can personally attest to that. I don't know where I would
    have been without them.

  • BetsyJane
    BetsyJane Member Posts: 127
    Welcome Kit Kat
    So happy you found this board. The pink ladies here are wonderful. Everyone does their best to answer questions from the experiences of their own. Of all the boards I have ever been on, this one is the best by far. It's a scarey ride for all of us --- but you're gonna make it thru. Good luck on Monday. God Bless.
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Welcome sister!
    I'm sorry you are going through this, but I wanted to welcome you to this great community of supportive and caring ladies (and men!).

    When I was dx, I was so scared that I couldn't even make myself come here!

    Personally, I think the "waiting" is the worst. Once you have a plan set up for yourself, it would be better. You take it one day at a time - I know it's hard - but trust me, you will soon look back and feel it was a big challenge that you were able to overcome.

    I had a lumpectomy (i'm 33) because I wasn't ready emotionally for any other surgery. Plus I didn't have enough information/knowledge to make an educative decision. For young people, I know they recommend the removal of the breast, but I also know there are stats that show (including both young and older women), that a lumpectomy with radiation is the same as the removal of the breast. They're no guarantees the cancer won't come back with either surgery. However, you can prevent new cancers from developing for up to 95%. And that's great! The reason younger women benefit from a mastectomy is because the risk goes up as you get older.

    We're always here for you. You'll be OK.
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Welcome sister!
    I'm sorry you are going through this, but I wanted to welcome you to this great community of supportive and caring ladies (and men!).

    When I was dx, I was so scared that I couldn't even make myself come here!

    Personally, I think the "waiting" is the worst. Once you have a plan set up for yourself, it would be better. You take it one day at a time - I know it's hard - but trust me, you will soon look back and feel it was a big challenge that you were able to overcome.

    I had a lumpectomy (i'm 33) because I wasn't ready emotionally for any other surgery. Plus I didn't have enough information/knowledge to make an educative decision. For young people, I know they recommend the removal of the breast, but I also know there are stats that show (including both young and older women), that a lumpectomy with radiation is the same as the removal of the breast. They're no guarantees the cancer won't come back with either surgery. However, you can prevent new cancers from developing for up to 95%. And that's great! The reason younger women benefit from a mastectomy is because the risk goes up as you get older.

    We're always here for you. You'll be OK.

    Sorry you're here, but here is a really good place to be when navigating the maze and hoops we go through when diagnosed with breast cancer.

    The Nottingham score is used by the pathologists to determine the grade (how abnormal) the cancer cells are. There are 3 subcategories that are assigned a number from 1-3 (don't ask me how they come up with those numbers). So the minimal score you can have is 3 (1+1+1) and the maximum is 9 (3+3+3). Scores of 3-5 are grade 1, 6-7 grade 2, and 8-9 grade 3. My score was 6(2+3+1), so my cells were Grade 2.

    Hope you settle on a treatment plan soon. It's all doable, not fun, but doable and we're here for support all along the way for you.

  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    Welcome Kat! Sorry you had
    Welcome Kat! Sorry you had to come here in the first place, but now that you found us you are part of our family! I wish I had found this site when I was first diagnosed. It would have helped a lot. These woman here are fantastic!! They are loving, caring and so helpful.

    Right now I'm sure you are very confused and scared. I know I was. I guess we all have to go through all the steps before we calm down.If you are more comfy with the woman doctor then stay with her. You need to be able to trust your doctor, if not you will always be questioning if you did the right thing. Whatever decision you make stick to it and don't ask "what if".
    Please keep us up to date on what is happening and if unsure ask away here. The woman here have so many answers!

    Sending hugs and prayers your way!

  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    robang13 said:

    Welcome Kat! Sorry you had
    Welcome Kat! Sorry you had to come here in the first place, but now that you found us you are part of our family! I wish I had found this site when I was first diagnosed. It would have helped a lot. These woman here are fantastic!! They are loving, caring and so helpful.

    Right now I'm sure you are very confused and scared. I know I was. I guess we all have to go through all the steps before we calm down.If you are more comfy with the woman doctor then stay with her. You need to be able to trust your doctor, if not you will always be questioning if you did the right thing. Whatever decision you make stick to it and don't ask "what if".
    Please keep us up to date on what is happening and if unsure ask away here. The woman here have so many answers!

    Sending hugs and prayers your way!


    Welcome Kat
    Sorry to hear of your dx, but you have come to the right place!
    I was dxed 2 years ago, and it was so scary! But through this
    board I learned a lot, and you can, too! Just take it one day
    at a time! (((Hugs))) and prayers sent your way.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    gagee said:

    You are not alone. We all
    You are not alone. We all found this place and were just as scared as you are. I found peace, friendship and information here. I had a small cancer and they got it with a lumpectomy and took 8 lymp nodes. Then all margins were clear. It was on Aug. 4,2010. Just had a clean mammo and was so happy to receive that. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I am sure a lot of pink sisters will reply to you. Diana

    Welcome to the site, even
    Welcome to the site, even though I am sorry for the reason you are here. Being scared is normal, we have all been there and still are.

    I had a lumpectomy and rads. I had clear margins so no chemo was recommended.

    Good luck and saying a prayer for you,

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Hi Kat and welcome to a
    Hi Kat and welcome to a group who not only cares, but truly understands the confusion, sadness, pain and fear. As our beautiful "double whammy" said, this is no fun but it is doable and we are all proof of that truth. Keep posting and know you will get the understanding here that many of us find so necessary. (((HUGS)))
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    natly15 said:

    Hi Kat and welcome to a
    Hi Kat and welcome to a group who not only cares, but truly understands the confusion, sadness, pain and fear. As our beautiful "double whammy" said, this is no fun but it is doable and we are all proof of that truth. Keep posting and know you will get the understanding here that many of us find so necessary. (((HUGS)))

    Welcome aboard!
    Sorry you had the need to look us up but gald you found us. I wish I had found this site as early ihn my journey! Like you, I was diagnosed with IDC stage 2. I had 8 round of chemo (4 a/c and 4 taxotere) before my mastectomy in December. That was followed by 33 rads but with a clear PET scan. You can do this. The hardest parts are the waiting, although you don't seem to have to be waiting too long, and the unknown. You can ask anything here and get straight answers. Hang in there and fight lika a girl! Sending prayers your way!
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    I'm so sorry to have to meet you under these circumstances. Welcome! I am Sue from Central New York. Dx'd 2 years ago this month. IDC, lumpectomy and radiation. I am now on Arimidex for 5 years.

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    BetsyJane said:

    Welcome Kit Kat
    So happy you found this board. The pink ladies here are wonderful. Everyone does their best to answer questions from the experiences of their own. Of all the boards I have ever been on, this one is the best by far. It's a scarey ride for all of us --- but you're gonna make it thru. Good luck on Monday. God Bless.

    Welcome Kat and wishing you
    Welcome Kat and wishing you good luck tomorrow with your appointment. Post to update us as to what you find out.

    Hugs, Diane
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    I'm so sorry to have to meet you under these circumstances. Welcome! I am Sue from Central New York. Dx'd 2 years ago this month. IDC, lumpectomy and radiation. I am now on Arimidex for 5 years.


    Welcome Kat
    This is a scary time for you. We have all been there. I am so glad you found us, will stay with you all the way. I also had IDC, with lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. I am 2 years out now. Stay as positive as you can. This will help you get through your journey and us pinks will be with you all the way.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    welcome...sorry you had to
    welcome...sorry you had to find us...you can get so much support here from those who get it...

    I"LL check bad to see if you put any updates from your appts..


    MAY I suggest using journal(S)...I did..at time seemed silly but now it I see it was a great help
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944

    welcome...sorry you had to
    welcome...sorry you had to find us...you can get so much support here from those who get it...

    I"LL check bad to see if you put any updates from your appts..


    MAY I suggest using journal(S)...I did..at time seemed silly but now it I see it was a great help

    Hello Kat,
    First of all you have every right to be scared. We've all been there and know how that feels. With that said a brief history on me. I too am IDC Stage 3 breast cancer. I had 4 rounds of chemo, a double mastectomy (tumor in left breast only) with immediate reconstruction. After the inflation of my tissue expanders I did 33 treatments of radiation. I am currently healing up from all of that and eagerly awaiting my implant exchange surgery in a few weeks. I was diagnosed Oct. 26th, 2010 to give you an idea of my timeline.

    You will do fine my dear, but as you go along your journey take us with you. We will be there to answer your questions and listen to you vent. It's a long journey, but looking back now that year went fast and these beautiful women helped make it doable.

    We are here for you Kat,
  • catowner
    catowner Member Posts: 50

    Hello Kat,
    First of all you have every right to be scared. We've all been there and know how that feels. With that said a brief history on me. I too am IDC Stage 3 breast cancer. I had 4 rounds of chemo, a double mastectomy (tumor in left breast only) with immediate reconstruction. After the inflation of my tissue expanders I did 33 treatments of radiation. I am currently healing up from all of that and eagerly awaiting my implant exchange surgery in a few weeks. I was diagnosed Oct. 26th, 2010 to give you an idea of my timeline.

    You will do fine my dear, but as you go along your journey take us with you. We will be there to answer your questions and listen to you vent. It's a long journey, but looking back now that year went fast and these beautiful women helped make it doable.

    We are here for you Kat,

    Hi Kat,
    I just found out I

    Hi Kat,
    I just found out I had breast cancer on August 26, 2011 and am going through chemo now. I had a right mastectomy and just had my first chemo treatment on the 13th of Oct. with 7 more to go. My Petscan was clear as was my lymphnode. It is a scary thing but with the help of our sisters they have gotten me through a lot! It is very doable and not as scary as I first thought. Any questions you have we all try to help. Just keep the faith and a positive outlook and you will do great! I will keep you in my prayers, Hugs galore:)
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    Kat11 said:

    Welcome Kat
    This is a scary time for you. We have all been there. I am so glad you found us, will stay with you all the way. I also had IDC, with lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. I am 2 years out now. Stay as positive as you can. This will help you get through your journey and us pinks will be with you all the way.

    Hey Kat and Welcome! I know
    Hey Kat and Welcome! I know how scared you must be. We all understand and have been afraid to. Try to take it one step at a time and focus on your treatment. We will be with you every step of the way.

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣