just read "blunting lethal impact of nuclear factor-kappaB" i feel reassured and faith is the key fo

pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
the article in the lef magazine, and these articles seem reasonable to me.

but i am aware its produced by a not for profit organisation that sells supplements. nevertheless reading the article gives me some confidence in my supplement regime that has been developed completely independently of lef by my wonderful naturopath. i am probably paying more for my supplements through a local one off and soon will probably switch to the lef supply. sorry lef is life extension foundation.

the article has a list of nf-kb inhibiting compounds. just search on net for more info if you want to read about these points and compounds.

Some compounds discussions mentioned colon cancer specifically, so i have COLON next to the compound to highlight this.

A i did not want to retype of the material, and just highlighting the compounds i figured is enough of a starting point for anyone who is interested. its a good list and should not be new to anyone fighting cancer. its just the explanation of the action of the compounds i enjoyed reading.

you see these article gives me FAITH that what i am doing is based on solid science, just its not widely accepted science. i cannot see a down side to trying these items, except cost and time which of course are factors. but my personal decision is they are worth it for my survival.

nutrients ie plant based diet
milk thistle
garlic extracts COLON
green tea
isoflavones COLON
and omega-3 fatty acids.
each of these are explained in the article, i understand most of the article, its a bit heavy. i justed wanted to throw this out here so if anyone is interested in nk-kb then this list is the way i am fighting it. now most of these items i have daily, some every couple of days, and the soy only about weekly.

No big discussion wanted here about supplements and diet, this is just a list of nf-kb inhibiting compounds, now i am happy to have already been taking them all mostly.

my point here is that i am happy to get articles that backup what i am doing and spoending independently. of course except i agree the articles is sourced from the supplement industry. this is a huge caveat that i will conclude on. just search and read.

and good health to everyone whatever you are trying. please don't shoot the messenger.
if you want an online copy of the mag try emailing lef and asking for a copy. i don't have it online and am away. you may have to join the lef. this mag is the only research type reading i do these days, except for what pops up on this board which is not a lot these days in terms of alternative treatments and articles. but maybe its just a lull in the flow of the news. hopfully will we have lots of useful relevant news about colon cancer from studies being relayed here.

final caveat i get the best medical and health advice and information i have access to , to fight crc, in conjunction with this article.

i am away for 10 days meditation on monday so i will reply to any posts when i can.



  • mik3
    mik3 Member Posts: 5
    nuclear factor-kappaB
    Hey Pete, I think it's so important to have positive thoughts relative to our afflictions and what we're doing to make us better. If you absolutely believe and trust in what you're doing to keep yourself well or make yourself better you'll probably succeed. Wish you the best.