Last Week & This Week & Next Week

Christmas Girl
Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
edited October 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
Last Week:
Monday - Initial consultation appointment with radiation therapy oncologist (same as first time, love her!). Plan: 28 treatments, w/5 "boosters" at end = 33 total. Our discussion minimized - though didn't completely eliminate - my concerns & apprehension. It was the best she could do.
Friday - Measurements, marking (temporary) & simulation #1.
Sunday - Celebrated my Dad's 80th birthday with family.

This Week:
Friday - Adjustments, marking (permanent) & simulation #2.
Saturday - 35 Years High School Reunion. Didn't attend the 10 & 25 Years - committee couldn't find me (nor many others). The internet has made a big difference for this one. Should be fun. :-)
Sunday - ACS Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk for awareness & fundraising. The one cancer-related event I vowed - long ago - to participate in each & every year, as long as I'm able. This year, I & my little group will register as "Team Moopy23" - in memory of my dear & precious friend, Lisa.

Next Week:
Monday (the 17th) - Rads treatment #1.

It is what it is. Am now anxious to get started, in order to finish. And just in case anyone is wondering... Openly & honestly... No, it's certainly NOT "easier" to face this a second time. At least, not for me. I've been a cancer survivor for 8+ years. Haven't yet quite adjusted to my new status as a two-time cancer survivor. And am constantly reminding myself that this could've been so much worse... Am holding on to gratitude for balance. Because gratitude is the only thing that sets me back straight up.

Kind regards, Susan


  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Busy days coming
    Sounds like a fun weekend and a very nice tribute to Moopy who I never got to "meet".

    You are facing this second cancer jouney with grace and courage, I really admire your attitude and strength.

    Good luck with your rads and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Love the name of your
    Love the name of your walking group, how sweet of you! High School reunion woooohooo now get out there and strut your stuff girly!!! My guy and I have not gone to any of our reunions, lets see it has been 35 years for us.

    Okay now the rads, did you have rads previously? Be sure to take super good care of your skin, pat dry never rub after a shower, another thing that you can do while having radiation is to lightly dust the radiated area with corn starch (yes the stuff in your kitchen.) I was instructed to made a corn starch dust ball of sorts using cheese cloth or a stocking (sock) tying off the end. This really worked well as it made it easy to apply lightly. The cornstarch helps to keep the radiated area from chafing. Aloe Vera Gel is very soothing as well, chin up it will be over in no time!

    Gentle Hugs,

  • Ticky
    Ticky Member Posts: 117
    RE said:

    Love the name of your
    Love the name of your walking group, how sweet of you! High School reunion woooohooo now get out there and strut your stuff girly!!! My guy and I have not gone to any of our reunions, lets see it has been 35 years for us.

    Okay now the rads, did you have rads previously? Be sure to take super good care of your skin, pat dry never rub after a shower, another thing that you can do while having radiation is to lightly dust the radiated area with corn starch (yes the stuff in your kitchen.) I was instructed to made a corn starch dust ball of sorts using cheese cloth or a stocking (sock) tying off the end. This really worked well as it made it easy to apply lightly. The cornstarch helps to keep the radiated area from chafing. Aloe Vera Gel is very soothing as well, chin up it will be over in no time!

    Gentle Hugs,


    Keep up the good attitude.
    My heart feels heavy to know that you are going through this for a second time. My prayers are with you.

    Prayers and Hugs,

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    I can't imagine it

    I can't imagine it would be easier the second time around.... It sounds like you have a wonderful network of support. Have fun with the walk. The rads will be done before you know it.
    All the best,
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    RE said:

    Love the name of your
    Love the name of your walking group, how sweet of you! High School reunion woooohooo now get out there and strut your stuff girly!!! My guy and I have not gone to any of our reunions, lets see it has been 35 years for us.

    Okay now the rads, did you have rads previously? Be sure to take super good care of your skin, pat dry never rub after a shower, another thing that you can do while having radiation is to lightly dust the radiated area with corn starch (yes the stuff in your kitchen.) I was instructed to made a corn starch dust ball of sorts using cheese cloth or a stocking (sock) tying off the end. This really worked well as it made it easy to apply lightly. The cornstarch helps to keep the radiated area from chafing. Aloe Vera Gel is very soothing as well, chin up it will be over in no time!

    Gentle Hugs,


    Had rads first time - 35 treatments, right side. This time, left side. Still relieved to have escaped chemo this time. We strive to find the silver linings in all things, don't we?

    Kind regards, Susan
  • gagee
    gagee Member Posts: 332
    I am so sorry to hear

    I am so sorry to hear your news. You were so sweet to me at Christmas. I still have the hummingbird on my fireplace. I clipped it to my grand kids picture frame. I think of you often. Know my prayers are with you and wish I could do more. Diana from Calif.
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    gagee said:

    I am so sorry to hear

    I am so sorry to hear your news. You were so sweet to me at Christmas. I still have the hummingbird on my fireplace. I clipped it to my grand kids picture frame. I think of you often. Know my prayers are with you and wish I could do more. Diana from Calif.

    sending prayers for peace!
    In some ways I think it would be harder the 2nd time around BUT there's not the fear of the unknown this time. We're with you, but you know that. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    You speak of balance...and
    You speak of balance...and it sure seems that you are balancing the icky rads with fun, friends, and family. I hope those 33 treatments fly by...take good care of yourself and your skin.


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I'll be thinking of
    I'll be thinking of you.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Susan, while your treatment
    Susan, while your treatment is not ideal, it is better than what could have been. I am happy to read that you get to have fun mixed in with the dreaded rads. I know you had a wonderful time celebrating your dad's 80th (I hope you get to celebrate your 80th, too). Enjoy your high school reunion. I attended my 10th and had a great time. I had to get out my yearbook before the reunion to hopefully remember some classmates. There were over 600 in my graduating class.

    I am hoping for an easy time for you and if that can't be, then at least something tolerable. Sending love and (((hugs)).
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    Susan, you are right on
    Susan, you are right on about the gratitude. It is something that too sets me straight and humbles me. During treatment I was often told I had such a 'positive' attitude. One morning while wondering what that meant, I heard someone on the radio talking about 'positive' attitude as being grateful for what one has and not focusing on what one does not have. For me, it is exactly that!

    Best wishes for you treatment and much love to you.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Susan, you are right on
    Susan, you are right on about the gratitude. It is something that too sets me straight and humbles me. During treatment I was often told I had such a 'positive' attitude. One morning while wondering what that meant, I heard someone on the radio talking about 'positive' attitude as being grateful for what one has and not focusing on what one does not have. For me, it is exactly that!

    Best wishes for you treatment and much love to you.

    Susan ...
    Keeping you, your health, loved ones in prayers and positive thoughts. Speaking of positive, continue on with your zest for life, and great attitude.

    Strength, Courage and Hope for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    VickiSam said:

    Susan ...
    Keeping you, your health, loved ones in prayers and positive thoughts. Speaking of positive, continue on with your zest for life, and great attitude.

    Strength, Courage and Hope for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam

    Enjoy your reunion. That
    Enjoy your reunion. That should be fun. Love the way you are facing this the 2nd time around, and although you have to deal with it once again, thank God you dont have to do chemo. We are here cheering you on. (((HUGS)))