Positive BRAC2

jamjar62 Member Posts: 135
This December it will be 9 years since I was diagnosed with bc and went through lumpectomy, chemo, radiation and reconstruction (large lumpectomy). At the time I was diagnosed, the BRAC testing was brand new, and I didn't have a family history of bc.

Last year, my gyn suggested I have the test done since I have a daughter. Bingo! My BRAC2 was positive. My onc immediately suggested a hysterectomy and double mastectomy. I had the hysterectomy in February but have resisted having the double mastectomy.

Recently I decided to go ahead with it and made plans to see a surgeon and a plastic surgeon. I ended up having such a panic attack that I cancelled both appointments. I am seriously considering not having the surgery. I could give a million reasons why I don't want to do it but it boils down to the fact that I want to be DONE with this after 9 years and not be messed with anymore.

Has anyone else with a positive BRAC2 chosen not to have the mastectomy? I saw a genetic counselor who thought as long as I was closely monitored, it would be okay. I see my onc twice a year with a yearly diagnostic mammo.



  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Karen... so sorry to hear
    Karen... so sorry to hear the results of the BRCA test. It is a very traumatic and heart wrenching decision. I have yet to take this test, have been putting it off. I have an 11 year old, but the "what if's" scares the *&^% out of me.

    Bear hugs to you, dear one.
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    add MRI
    I did not have either BRCA gene but I had the bilateral mastectomy since I am the 3 generation with BC. I also had my ovary out. It is a very personal and permanent decision so take your time.
    If you don't have the mastectomy, ask to add an annual MRI to your screening. My sister has both annually at 6 month intervals so she is checked out every 6 months. My daughter is on the same schedule even though she is 28 years old.

  • jamjar62
    jamjar62 Member Posts: 135
    mamolady said:

    add MRI
    I did not have either BRCA gene but I had the bilateral mastectomy since I am the 3 generation with BC. I also had my ovary out. It is a very personal and permanent decision so take your time.
    If you don't have the mastectomy, ask to add an annual MRI to your screening. My sister has both annually at 6 month intervals so she is checked out every 6 months. My daughter is on the same schedule even though she is 28 years old.


    The genetic counselor actually suggested an MRI but I've resisted that because of the increased risk of a false positive. She also suggested going back to mammo's every 6 months but I said no to that as well.

    I feel at some point, you just need to say enough is enough and try to wrestle some control back. I don't want to jeopardize my health however.

    Thanks for your input!
  • jamjar62
    jamjar62 Member Posts: 135

    Karen... so sorry to hear
    Karen... so sorry to hear the results of the BRCA test. It is a very traumatic and heart wrenching decision. I have yet to take this test, have been putting it off. I have an 11 year old, but the "what if's" scares the *&^% out of me.

    Bear hugs to you, dear one.


    I wasn't not even remotely worried about my test being positive. I have no history of bc in my family; however, I was 40 at diagnosis. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I got the results in the mail.

    My daughter was 15 at the time and I decided not to tell her til she was much older. She saw an email I sent to my cousins about it so she now knows. Little snoop!

    There are times I'm glad I did it and then there are times I think "Ignorance is bliss!" Whatever you decide, it has to be a decision you can live with.
