My Mucus is under control !!!!

mrapp Member Posts: 30
edited October 2011 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
I am honored that again I can talk up my caretaker (lovely young bride). She seen the misery I was in with he phlegm/mucus and she has been all over net and talking to anyone she could. She has me on Mucinex w/expectorant alternating with Children s Allergy w/anthihistamine. She had to ask the pharmacist the conversion ratio. Then taking my pain meds and I now have some relief. It isn't completely gone, but I do not feel the need to beat my head on the wall. I know this will not work for everyone, but if you are having mucus/phlegm issues I would give it a try.
Also I would like to say many thanks to all of your suggestions and moral support and prayers. I only hope I can help at least.. at least one person with something, because I have been helped on here more than I could say.

Mitch .. Florida


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Mitch

    Just glad you found something that is working for you, We are sure blessed to have loving caregivers.

  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    So glad
    So glad you were able to get it under control. This is not a fun journey but so glad to have this site and the wonderful people here. Also thankful for caregivers!
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Congrats Mitch....

    Glad your wife hooked you up and you might get some rest at night now.

  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    copiedt your post and asdded to my list or questions for the rad doc consult next week, that nasty mucus kinda has me worried...but will wait till it happens or not happens

  • NJR
    NJR Member Posts: 82
    Me too
    Congratulations. I discovered the Musinex trick myself and it saved me from losing my mind, not to mention choking to death in the middle of the night because I suddenly couldn't couldn't breath. Just so you know, the Robitussin and store brand DX formulas work equally as well at 1/2 and 1/3 the price.