My Problem, My Plan and Your Input Needed

bluwillo Member Posts: 113
So, I found a lump in the only breast I have left last night. Needless to say, that gave me a lot of time to formulate a plan. Since I've been thru this before, I know the drill.

First, the coincidence: Last time, I was diagnosed 2 months before my dear niece's wedding. I only told my "little family", sons and their families. Swearing all to secrecy, I didn't want to overshadow the joy of the wedding. AFTER the newlyweds got back from their honeymoon, I told my mom and sent a little note to all my nieces and nephews and brothers and started with "Hey, guess what? I have cancer AND YOU DON'T! I will be the featured Christmas decoration in the front yard this year, from all the radiation." And ended with "I'm really sorry, but now you'll have to put this on your health histories." So that was good, they liked my candor and my warped sense of humor.

This time, my dear friend and boss is getting married next week, with a week's honeymoon after. So, of course, I'll have to have a mammo and get the results before her wedding (cuz I'm just not gonna, like, let the mammo people string me along...BTDT).

I've already figured that I will skip the biopsies (they hurt worse than childbirth) and just go straight for the mastectomy. AFTER that, my onco doc can figure out what to do. I don't really care if the lump is cancerous or not, I should have had both taken the last time. Ha ha, one less thing to worry about.

So, this is where your help comes in. I am somewhat famous for not bothering to remember any days about the last time. So, I don't remember how long I was in the hospital, how long that stupid drain was in, how much time I'll have to take off from work (last time, I wasn't employed outside the home). I'm trying to plan this so I miss as little time as possible from work. My job is not one that someone else can just slide into.

So, if you remember your timelines, please share. Oh, and I am very happy to report that I am not totally freaking out over this. Last time, I promised myself I would never again be so paralyzed with fear that I forgot most of that summer. So far, so good.


  • zahalene
    zahalene Member Posts: 670
    My timeline....sort of.
    I lost my right breast in 1986 and the left one in 1988. Yep it was a long time ago and things have changed a lot since then in terms of procedures and treatments, etc.
    But what I wanted to say is that no two experiences are the same. This lump will be different in size, location, etc than you other one was and all that will affect your med team's plans for surgery and treatment.
    I was in the hospital 4 days after each of my surgeries. Now days many ladies go home the next day, which freaks me out big time! But with good results and success in most cases apparently.
    My drains were in for at least a week. I was fairly young, (38 at first dx), and healed quickly and without complications.
    My arms were semi-disabled for a few weeks. I had a 1 year old and could not coddle myself much, which was probably a good thing.
    All this being said, it was still a time to simply my life as much as possible and ask for more help than I liked to and just generally use common sense to bring about the best possible results. I know none of this is 'new and different' to you. Just wanted to put in my two cents worth in case it helps. God bless.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I was in the hospital over
    I was in the hospital over night (24 hours). Two drains. One was in one week the other two.

    I had 4 cycles of chemo before surgery and after, and 6 weeks of radiation. My tumor was large.

    Good luck!
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Not that this is definitely cancer
    But here is my timeline. Mammo to mastectomy was 22 days. I had my left mastectomy with no reconstruction on Friday, out of the hospital Sunday a.m., 2 drains, both out in 10 days...very important to monitor the amount of drainage. Off work 2 weeks with mastectomy, no driving for those 2 weeks. Did not need pain meds for that surgery but did for port insertion. 8 chemo trtmts 3 weeks apart then 33 rads. Took off 3 days each of the first 4 chemo sessions and then only 1 day for each of the last 4 (1st were epirubicin/cytoxin 2nd was Taxol). Did rads after work. Mammo 10/14/10 last rads 7/8/11. Rads took a little longer due to 2 timeouts. Tamoxifen since late May.

    Don't blame you for wanting it done, my surgeon initially recommended biopsy with immediate mast. if needed due to some expected healing issues. I just couldn't face not knowing if I would wake up without a breast. Opted for biopsy then mast. That was just better for me to come to grips.

    Sending you positive thoughts and prayers,

  • bluwillo
    bluwillo Member Posts: 113
    grams2jc said:

    Not that this is definitely cancer
    But here is my timeline. Mammo to mastectomy was 22 days. I had my left mastectomy with no reconstruction on Friday, out of the hospital Sunday a.m., 2 drains, both out in 10 days...very important to monitor the amount of drainage. Off work 2 weeks with mastectomy, no driving for those 2 weeks. Did not need pain meds for that surgery but did for port insertion. 8 chemo trtmts 3 weeks apart then 33 rads. Took off 3 days each of the first 4 chemo sessions and then only 1 day for each of the last 4 (1st were epirubicin/cytoxin 2nd was Taxol). Did rads after work. Mammo 10/14/10 last rads 7/8/11. Rads took a little longer due to 2 timeouts. Tamoxifen since late May.

    Don't blame you for wanting it done, my surgeon initially recommended biopsy with immediate mast. if needed due to some expected healing issues. I just couldn't face not knowing if I would wake up without a breast. Opted for biopsy then mast. That was just better for me to come to grips.

    Sending you positive thoughts and prayers,


    Thanks ladies for your input. The 24 hospital stay sounds familiar, but I know I only had one drain...which became an obsession with me. I know there was a certain number that I had to stay below and then they'd remove the drain. I couldn't wait to get rid of it!

    so tomorrow I'll call the doc and start shaking things up. :)
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    bluwillo said:

    Thanks ladies for your input. The 24 hospital stay sounds familiar, but I know I only had one drain...which became an obsession with me. I know there was a certain number that I had to stay below and then they'd remove the drain. I couldn't wait to get rid of it!

    so tomorrow I'll call the doc and start shaking things up. :)

    The surgery and drains
    The surgery and drains depend on if any lymph nodes are involved. The ultrasound tech checked my LN's during the ultra sound.
    If you have any nodes removed then you have 2 drains.
    I had chemo 1st then, mastectomy then rads. The time line was
    5 months chemo
    wait 3 weeks for mastectomy
    wait 5 weeks for rads

    It all depends on the mass that may not even be cancer. In that case, if you have a prophylactic mastectomy, 24 hour hospital stay. Limited movement until the drain comes out. Anywhere from 1-5 weeks.

  • cubanatex
    cubanatex Member Posts: 4
    mamolady said:

    The surgery and drains
    The surgery and drains depend on if any lymph nodes are involved. The ultrasound tech checked my LN's during the ultra sound.
    If you have any nodes removed then you have 2 drains.
    I had chemo 1st then, mastectomy then rads. The time line was
    5 months chemo
    wait 3 weeks for mastectomy
    wait 5 weeks for rads

    It all depends on the mass that may not even be cancer. In that case, if you have a prophylactic mastectomy, 24 hour hospital stay. Limited movement until the drain comes out. Anywhere from 1-5 weeks.


    I had a double mastectomy Sept 6th. Four drains, hospitalized 24 hrs. Off work, two weeks from part time job and four weeks from full time job. Start four rounds of chemo, first this week. I plan to work as much as possible. I had breast cancer 13 years ago and had lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. I worked as much through all of it as possible as I do not like to sit and dwell on my circumstances.

    I did notice that I have not "bounced back" as well this time as I did 13 years ago but am taking it one day at a time. When this cancer was found in the same spot as the last I opted to have both breasts removed. It runs on my mother's side of the family and I didn't want to go thru any more biopsies and "scares."
    God bless you.
  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    Sounds familiar
    I have the exact same thing right now, and I am having my other breast removed November 22nd. I stayed in the hospital one day--the day of surgery, and I went the next morning after seeing the doctor. As best as I can remember, I think the drain was in about a week. It could be less, but it wasn't longer than that. Whether you could work or not would depend on how you feel, and whether you need complete use of your arm in your job. It didn't take long for me to loosen up after I got home and did the exercises they give you.

    I wish you the best,

    Hugs, Judy
  • mollieb
    mollieb Member Posts: 148
    My TImeline
    I had a single (left) modified radical mastectomy last November. The kind of mastectomy you have affects recovery, as does the type of work you do and whether you need to drive. I don't drive to work, and I have a desk job. I was in the hospital overnight and was back at work in about a week and a half. I probably could have started sooner. I had two drains. One came out after about a week; the other was in absolutely forever. Weeks, but it didn't keep me from going to work. Chemo was scheduled for about five and a half months (it ended up being longer because I had a 7-week "chemo vacation" in the middle) and I missed a total of four or five days due to fatigue or low white cell count, in addition to 16 afternoons for infusion. After a four-week break I started daily radiation treatments. I am late for work every day -- it ranges from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on how organized they are at the hospital -- and I have taken off early a couple of times due to fatigue.
  • catowner
    catowner Member Posts: 50
    mollieb said:

    My TImeline
    I had a single (left) modified radical mastectomy last November. The kind of mastectomy you have affects recovery, as does the type of work you do and whether you need to drive. I don't drive to work, and I have a desk job. I was in the hospital overnight and was back at work in about a week and a half. I probably could have started sooner. I had two drains. One came out after about a week; the other was in absolutely forever. Weeks, but it didn't keep me from going to work. Chemo was scheduled for about five and a half months (it ended up being longer because I had a 7-week "chemo vacation" in the middle) and I missed a total of four or five days due to fatigue or low white cell count, in addition to 16 afternoons for infusion. After a four-week break I started daily radiation treatments. I am late for work every day -- it ranges from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on how organized they are at the hospital -- and I have taken off early a couple of times due to fatigue.

    I had my right breast
    I had my right breast removed on Sept. 14,2011 and went home the next day with one drain that they removed 8 days later. I still have some swelling on my right side due to fluid. ( I had one lymphnode removed). Luckly I do not work and I start chemo for 8 treatments on the 13th of oct. Hope this is helpful to you, good luck with your findings. Debbie
  • jendrey
    jendrey Member Posts: 377
    catowner said:

    I had my right breast
    I had my right breast removed on Sept. 14,2011 and went home the next day with one drain that they removed 8 days later. I still have some swelling on my right side due to fluid. ( I had one lymphnode removed). Luckly I do not work and I start chemo for 8 treatments on the 13th of oct. Hope this is helpful to you, good luck with your findings. Debbie

    Was in hospital for about 20 hours for the mastectomy! Also at the same time I had a sentinel lymph node biopsy where 8 lymph nodes were removed. My arm was numb for several months afterward but has regained full feeling. No excersizes were ever mentioned or encouraged. I was driving on the third day but only for quick trips.

    Only had one drain which was in place a little over three weeks. (Probably due to the infection from the burn.)

    I've never had any pain whatsoever from any of these things! :)