Did anyones breast become more swollen after radiation?

ender Member Posts: 167
Hi everyone,

Im almost 2 weeks out since radiation. My husband noticed that my breast appears more swollen now than during the radiation treatment. The redness has gone down, and there is less pain, but the breast is more swollen. Did anyone experience this?

All comments are much appreciated.



  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I did not get any side
    I did not get any side effects during my radiation..NOT even chapping or burning..(just square tan on chest) Not tired etc. I am odd man our happy to say...I am sure you'll get others with helpful!

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    I did not get any side
    I did not get any side effects during my radiation..NOT even chapping or burning..(just square tan on chest) Not tired etc. I am odd man our happy to say...I am sure you'll get others with helpful!


    I'm 10 months out from my last radiation. My breast is tender and it feels "engorged". Like when I was breast feeding a thousand years ago. I've had it checked and it's fine and pcp says it's radiation changes. I see rad onc next week so will get more feedback then. I did not have any burning (did get a little red) or fatigue during radiation, either.

    Hope someone else has some comments. We're all a little different in our side effects. Regardless, at this time in your treatment, I don't think it's cause to worry, but I'd rather feel silly for reporting something that's "normal", than not reporting something that I should have. So give a call to the rad onc and put your mind at ease. Swelling post treatment was not something I remember being told about.

  • ender
    ender Member Posts: 167

    I'm 10 months out from my last radiation. My breast is tender and it feels "engorged". Like when I was breast feeding a thousand years ago. I've had it checked and it's fine and pcp says it's radiation changes. I see rad onc next week so will get more feedback then. I did not have any burning (did get a little red) or fatigue during radiation, either.

    Hope someone else has some comments. We're all a little different in our side effects. Regardless, at this time in your treatment, I don't think it's cause to worry, but I'd rather feel silly for reporting something that's "normal", than not reporting something that I should have. So give a call to the rad onc and put your mind at ease. Swelling post treatment was not something I remember being told about.


    Thanks so much. I will
    Thanks so much. I will follow your advice and give my radiologist a call.

  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Mine is!
    Hi Eva -- Just finished radiation over a month ago, and my breast feels swollen and sensitive too. I saw my surgeon, and he said (as well as my Onco) that the breast tissue has changed from radiation. So the tissue inside has become thicker hence the reason why it's swollen.

    I was also advised by my rad. Dr. to start using sun screen moving forward, because the breast has been radiated and it would be more sensitive to the sun (skin cancer).

    I hope yours feels better soon.