OT - favorite Holiday Traditions

mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
Ok, the holidays are upon us again. Last year I didn't do much because of chemo...... This year my husband is nervous because I told him we are going to totally go all out for the holidays.

One of my favorite things to do is make dark chocolate fudge. My husband and I make it together and it is delicious.
We also like to take the grand kids to Christmas in the Park in down town San Jose.

What does everyone else do for the next three months. Some people are more into different holidays. Please share and maybe we can pick up some new traditions!



  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Hay/Feed for the Reindeer
    The first thing that comes to mind is putting hay/feed out for the reindeer. Many remember to put out goodies for Santa but not many think about how hard the reindeer have to work and they need something too to keep going.

    I lived in France as a small child and there it's normal for the kids to put out something for Pere Noel's horse so of course I had to start feeding the Santa's reindeer. When boys were little and we lived in houses with chimneys they insisted that the hay/feed had to be put on the roof because that's where the reindeer land. Even as they got older we always had to put hay out with a sign so the young neighbor kids would know that there was food for the reindeer. Boys are grown now and not around here but I have a lighted sign that they made for me that says "Reindeer Fuel" and I get the neightbor kids (with parent permission) to help me set it up each year and put out hay. Of course by morning the hay is under a tarp in the back of the truck and the snow/mud trampled and 2 lines drawn for the sleigh runners. Of course - if you don't have hay/feed (we do - we have horses), reindeer like carrots, apples and sugar too.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I LIKE TO have breakfast
    I LIKE TO have breakfast with santa at local firehouse and then go cut our tree. we all go-(adult girls and grandsons)Each year we bicker which is the best tree...if we dont' it wouldn't be Christmas...
    We all work, full time college, day care (ALL LIVE AT HOME) so we have such different schedules so this is one of the few times we all get to DO something at one time!

    I am not one (NO time per say) bake from scratch but we do the slice and bake cookies and boys love that. (we did Holloween ones last night)

    ***we just took boys to Holloween tunnel -then went to get costumes followed by pizza

    Thanksgiving-just me doing all the cooking....hehe...hubby does all the clean up

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    I LIKE TO have breakfast
    I LIKE TO have breakfast with santa at local firehouse and then go cut our tree. we all go-(adult girls and grandsons)Each year we bicker which is the best tree...if we dont' it wouldn't be Christmas...
    We all work, full time college, day care (ALL LIVE AT HOME) so we have such different schedules so this is one of the few times we all get to DO something at one time!

    I am not one (NO time per say) bake from scratch but we do the slice and bake cookies and boys love that. (we did Holloween ones last night)

    ***we just took boys to Holloween tunnel -then went to get costumes followed by pizza

    Thanksgiving-just me doing all the cooking....hehe...hubby does all the clean up


    I started making all my own Christmas cards several years ago an
    have kept that tradition - people look for them and I enjoy the rubber stamping and embossing. Not sure how I'll make out this year since I reconstructive surgery coming up. Did okay last year working around chemo and before my mastectomy but just can't seem to get "charged up" this year. Maybe they'll be New Year's cards instead. Every time we take a trip we buy a Christmas ornament, or 2, in that area, of a landmark or atttraction. Since we visit a different city each year to go to the ballpark and take ina game (my husband's dream is to see them all) we're developing quite a collection. Our Christmas tree gets loaded with those ornaments and ones that were special gifts. Last year we didn't put the tree up because of my surgery and the 2 adorable Siamese kittens that turned the house into a race track and jungle gym. I'm still not sure if we'll make it this year or not but we hope to.

    Reaindeer food - always heard it was oatmeal mixed with red glitter. Glad to know there are options.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    skipper54 said:

    I started making all my own Christmas cards several years ago an
    have kept that tradition - people look for them and I enjoy the rubber stamping and embossing. Not sure how I'll make out this year since I reconstructive surgery coming up. Did okay last year working around chemo and before my mastectomy but just can't seem to get "charged up" this year. Maybe they'll be New Year's cards instead. Every time we take a trip we buy a Christmas ornament, or 2, in that area, of a landmark or atttraction. Since we visit a different city each year to go to the ballpark and take ina game (my husband's dream is to see them all) we're developing quite a collection. Our Christmas tree gets loaded with those ornaments and ones that were special gifts. Last year we didn't put the tree up because of my surgery and the 2 adorable Siamese kittens that turned the house into a race track and jungle gym. I'm still not sure if we'll make it this year or not but we hope to.

    Reaindeer food - always heard it was oatmeal mixed with red glitter. Glad to know there are options.

    MY must do (for over 20 yrs)
    MY must do (for over 20 yrs now) are photo Xmas cards...I JUST LOVE THEM....

    Also Scrap booking all our thaditions is a tradiation!

    Making cards ...great fun...I used to make other cards but since grandsons MOVED in with their mom-not much time or space!

    *also love personalized ornaments with all our names..

  • deeb111
    deeb111 Member Posts: 141 Member
    october is warm up apple picking then apple pies and fall dinner with friends then thanksgiving well all the usuals then friend and I add new dishes every year then i decorate every wall table piece of floor space that there is plus the whole outside then go to my friends and do hers as well make cookies with her and kids have christmas with family and friends and breakfast xmas morn we all get new pjs and since we live in same house no one has to get dressed if they choose not new years repeat of xmas but you must bang pots and pans at midnight then new years day annual roast beef dinner hope you all enjoy the holiday season be safe stay well
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    After Hurricane Katrina when
    After Hurricane Katrina when our house was gutted, we decided to make lemonade out of a real lemon of a situation and we booked a room at the Windsor Court Hotel and visited the French Quarter. It also felt like the right thing to do because, at the time, tourism was suffering (in part because folks didn't realize that the French Quarter and historic Uptown did not flood).

    Anyway, we had such a great time, we have done it ever since. Sometimes my sisters join us and sometimes it is just Katherine, Danny and I. It works out well with my work schedule because we can plan it around when I am off.

    I don't know if we can swing it this year or not, but I am watching the specials and hoping.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    After Hurricane Katrina when
    After Hurricane Katrina when our house was gutted, we decided to make lemonade out of a real lemon of a situation and we booked a room at the Windsor Court Hotel and visited the French Quarter. It also felt like the right thing to do because, at the time, tourism was suffering (in part because folks didn't realize that the French Quarter and historic Uptown did not flood).

    Anyway, we had such a great time, we have done it ever since. Sometimes my sisters join us and sometimes it is just Katherine, Danny and I. It works out well with my work schedule because we can plan it around when I am off.

    I don't know if we can swing it this year or not, but I am watching the specials and hoping.
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    For Halloween any kid who wants to puts on their costume and walks down the main street of our little town (Sunday afternoon prior) with an announcer saying who they are and what their costume is. Last year daughter, sil, and jc were mustard, ketchup and mini cheeseburger. This year just daddy and jc, they will be Mario and Luigi from the super Mario brothers (daughter said Princess Peach would not look good with a baby bump)

    We spend Thanksgiving at my mom's with traditional meal at noon and Christmas day there also. We gave up on the big christmas day meal because we all love the cookies and candies and don't do justice to the meal, all kids and grandkids get a bag of orange slices because that is the 1 thing my dad always got for Christmas.

    New Year's day finds us all in our seperate homes but we all make sure to eat cabbage for money to get us through the whole year. We always said with enough money we didn't need good luck but lately have been adding the black-eyed peas to the meal just to cover all bases.

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Keep the Traditions coming!
    Ok, with hay prices so high, I think carrots will do. Making Christmas cards sounds like fun for the kids too! Trying new dishes, I leave to my mother in law as I am not a very good cook! I am bringing the prime rib for Thanksgiving though since I had to pass on it last year! So many fun things to try!
    With my new Christmas dishes, I can't wait to decorate!

  • sinee
    sinee Member Posts: 196 Member
    is at our house, usually, but my daughter and her husband just bought a house, so, maybe it will be at hers this year..heheheh that would be ok with me. We do Christmas Breakfast. Then everyone scatters to the in-laws~until they finally all end up back home. This year will be even more fun, because last year I too was going through chemo~so I am looking forward to making chrismas breakfast this year. And shopping for presents in stores instead of on line~woohoo~grand daughter is two, and that will make it very special~