Melanoma vulvar cancer?

I am a 22 year old mother (turning 23 shortly) and I had to go to the doctors because I had a miscarriage in march and haven't had my period for months. (not pregnant) I have gained about 10-15 pounds and can't lose the weight.

I went in to the doctors, had my exam, Cant tell me why I don't have my period. Had 2 ultra sounds every thing came back normal on the inside both the ultra sounds and exams. My doctor found odd moles on me including one on my "favorite girly part" as i like to call it. and he decided to do a biopsy. He says they are pre cancerous and it's vulvar cancer. Now, I've been searching online, and I think it is melanoma vulvar cancer because it's only moles, no sores or anything. I go in next month to get them all lasered off.

I guess I'm just afraid, and dont want them to come back, or dont want them to miss any.

Is this type of cancer due to sun exposer? I spent 3 months in a behavior modification program in Mexico a couple years ago with no sun screen and it just makes me worry.

Please help.



  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Hi Lily
    I am so surprised nobody answered your plea. I am a visitor from the Breast Cancer site, looking on his thread because a dear friend of mine has been fighting vulvar cancer for years and I find myself lacking in the knowledge of this type of cancer. I wish I could help you with answers, but all I can offer is my support and hope that someone can see this posting and help you. I pray that everything turns out well for you. I am keeping you in my prayers.
  • 7414
    7414 Member Posts: 3
    I was diagnosed with vaginal
    I was diagnosed with vaginal melanoma - I was told that it has nothing to do with sun exposure and that melanoma can occur many places on the body (nail beds, eyes, sinus cavities etc.) I hope you have been able to get more information and realize that you did not cause this. Where are you treatment wise now? I hope you are doing well- I know how scary it is when your "favorite girlie parts" are in jeopardy!
  • DeeRose
    DeeRose Member Posts: 4
    Sister in the Vulvar melanoma-hood
    Just want to echo the sentiment that you can't blame yourself. I have a vulvar melanoma on my left labia (well, they said it was melanoma, now they're saying ohhh could be just severely dysplastic, we won't know for sure til we cut it all out), I'm barely 24, and I have NONE of the risk factors: I've never had sex even with myself, never smoked a day in my life, am obviously not 60+ and am a sunscreen Nazi. Melanomas in this area aren't caused by the sun from what I've read and been told (though I have been joking with my friends that I've been secretly tanning just my vag/ streaking a lot ).
  • Ruby3
    Ruby3 Member Posts: 30
    Vulvar Cancer
    Hi Lily, I have just seen your post. My vulvar cancer started with a growth in the Bartholin gland on the right hand side. I didn't get sores or itching or anything like that. It is not caused by the sun although they do not really know what causes it as it is such a rare cancer. I wish you all the best. Keep us up to date with your progress.
  • Mybrotherskeeper
    Mybrotherskeeper Member Posts: 2
    7414 said:

    I was diagnosed with vaginal
    I was diagnosed with vaginal melanoma - I was told that it has nothing to do with sun exposure and that melanoma can occur many places on the body (nail beds, eyes, sinus cavities etc.) I hope you have been able to get more information and realize that you did not cause this. Where are you treatment wise now? I hope you are doing well- I know how scary it is when your "favorite girlie parts" are in jeopardy!

    You're absolutely right my

    You're absolutely right my brother was just diagnosed with melanoma in two spots on his face, growing in his ear canal, in his sinuses, lymph nodes, and has metastasis in his back and pelvis area. It's terrifying anywhere! Even when it's not on you!