meds after radiation

pkp Member Posts: 8
If I don't take the anastrozole will my chances be extremely worse getting the cancer back? On said it is not much but it is better.. My Chiropractor thinks I shouldn't.. Dose anyone know the percents not getting cancer if you don't take it verses takiing it..
Thank you Cindy for your advice on last post.


  • sinee
    sinee Member Posts: 196 Member
    Well now
    I don't know the percentage, but if it was only 1% chance of not getting it again, I would take the pill...and I am, taking the pill. No side effects here. Took me 2 weeks to talk myself into it, but I am glad I did. I am doing other things too. like exercising, eating right, and getting as much rest as I can. All of those things, help reduce the risk of it returning....learning as I go...Sinee
  • pkp
    pkp Member Posts: 8
    sinee said:

    Well now
    I don't know the percentage, but if it was only 1% chance of not getting it again, I would take the pill...and I am, taking the pill. No side effects here. Took me 2 weeks to talk myself into it, but I am glad I did. I am doing other things too. like exercising, eating right, and getting as much rest as I can. All of those things, help reduce the risk of it returning....learning as I go...Sinee

    Thank you I wil try in the
    Thank you I wil try in the morning... I am so afraid of everything that goes into my body.. But I am also afraid of the cancer coming back.. I am alone here my husband is a truck driver & my daughters & family live in another state. Really don't have friends here so I am afraid to take it by myself.. I am not on a pity party just really afraid...
    Thank you for sharing.
    If I can ask what stage did you have?
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Just wondering....
    Asking this as nicely as I can...what is your chiropracter basing this opinion on?

    I am taking Tamoxifen and will do so until my time is up or I develop really bad side effects.
    Haven't had many yet.

    Good luck with this tough decision,

  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Stupid double post
  • pkp
    pkp Member Posts: 8
    grams2jc said:

    Stupid double post

    Thank you for your input.. My chiro is basing it on that I aleady have had radiatio I don't need to put anything else into my body.. Especially the way I react to meds & such... I do not want to spend the next 5 yrs experimenting. What will I be good for then.. I have also heard that it cause tumors also.. I am soooooo torn.. I have worked so hard to recover without stress & now that is all I do....
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    We're all unique
    A lot of the 'odds' has to do with the type BC you have and the stage at DX. 87% of all BC survivor make it to 5 years post DX but with some types the odds are higher just as with some it's lower. In my case - I'm IBC so my odds of making it to 5 years no matter how much I do is 25% - not great odds but then I'm already 2+ yeaars since DX so I'm doing good.

    I've been on Femara since early Feb., 2010 with no SE's. I started it 2 weeks after last Taxol and a week after starting radiation. Also the last time Io saw my Chemo Dr he said the latest research shows that those with IBC (Inflammatory Breast Cancer) should not go off Femara when the 5 year mark is hit - that should stay on it basically forever.

    Personally I would not listen to a chiro on medical issues - they don't have the education in medicine to make judgemnt calls on meds - in my opinion. I have been to a chiro a couple of times for riding injuries and was great for that but they aren't medical Dr.s. Buring show season one of my horses has regular chiro appts. to keep him physically comfortable with the extra work he does but if he has medical issues - it's a Vet that will treat him. Radiation does kill the cancer cells in the radiated area IF there are any left after surgery and chemo but it only effects the area that is radiated by killing what is there (if any) at that time. It doesn't keep cells from growing in the future.

    Actually - I don't put much hold in odds/chances because they are just an overview of many, many of which have other health issues that effect their survival rate. My personal odds are either 0% or 100% - either I do not get a reoccurance or mets (0%) or I do get a reoccurance or mets (100%). 25% of me can not get a reoccurance or mets while the other 75% of me does not.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I have beenon tamoxifen for
    I have beenon tamoxifen for just over 3 yrs...aboaut 2 1/2 yr into it I started bleeding post meno and thickening of uterus (very common I am told)
    I was taken off tamoxifen-symptoms got no better-had total hysterectomy in May...and back on Tamoxifen for another 18 mths of so

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I have beenon tamoxifen for
    I have beenon tamoxifen for just over 3 yrs...aboaut 2 1/2 yr into it I started bleeding post meno and thickening of uterus (very common I am told)
    I was taken off tamoxifen-symptoms got no better-had total hysterectomy in May...and back on Tamoxifen for another 18 mths of so

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    I have beenon tamoxifen for
    I have beenon tamoxifen for just over 3 yrs...aboaut 2 1/2 yr into it I started bleeding post meno and thickening of uterus (very common I am told)
    I was taken off tamoxifen-symptoms got no better-had total hysterectomy in May...and back on Tamoxifen for another 18 mths of so


    You are exactly like me
    You are exactly like me.I've had many reactions to things.I am afraid everytime i take a new pill.Doctors don't seem to be worried but I am. I was one who had no one home till my husband came home from work.Then after contemplating for 6 weeks I took my tamox with my husband driving me around.We live far from any doctors or hospitals.I didn't feel comfortable taking it at home.So we ventured out a ways just in case I had any serious complications.Once it was down I felt comfortable.

    I've been taking it for almost 2 years.No side effects but thinning hair.

    I told one of my doctors tamox worried me.He said you've been dx with a non invasive cancer.It won't come back BUT you can get other types of cancer. Meaning other types of breast cancer or cancer in another part of my body. That made me realize the importance of taking the tamox. I could kick myself for not taking it sooner.

    Lynn Smith
  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member

    You are exactly like me
    You are exactly like me.I've had many reactions to things.I am afraid everytime i take a new pill.Doctors don't seem to be worried but I am. I was one who had no one home till my husband came home from work.Then after contemplating for 6 weeks I took my tamox with my husband driving me around.We live far from any doctors or hospitals.I didn't feel comfortable taking it at home.So we ventured out a ways just in case I had any serious complications.Once it was down I felt comfortable.

    I've been taking it for almost 2 years.No side effects but thinning hair.

    I told one of my doctors tamox worried me.He said you've been dx with a non invasive cancer.It won't come back BUT you can get other types of cancer. Meaning other types of breast cancer or cancer in another part of my body. That made me realize the importance of taking the tamox. I could kick myself for not taking it sooner.

    Lynn Smith

    I just started on tamoxifen last week
    and so far, no SEs except mild headache (occasional) and one hot flash. I used to also be afraid of taking medications but since I survived chemo I have become a bit less so. You can always try the medication and if side effects are bad ask to be switched to something else.

  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member

    You are exactly like me
    You are exactly like me.I've had many reactions to things.I am afraid everytime i take a new pill.Doctors don't seem to be worried but I am. I was one who had no one home till my husband came home from work.Then after contemplating for 6 weeks I took my tamox with my husband driving me around.We live far from any doctors or hospitals.I didn't feel comfortable taking it at home.So we ventured out a ways just in case I had any serious complications.Once it was down I felt comfortable.

    I've been taking it for almost 2 years.No side effects but thinning hair.

    I told one of my doctors tamox worried me.He said you've been dx with a non invasive cancer.It won't come back BUT you can get other types of cancer. Meaning other types of breast cancer or cancer in another part of my body. That made me realize the importance of taking the tamox. I could kick myself for not taking it sooner.

    Lynn Smith

    I just started on tamoxifen last week
    and so far, no SEs except mild headache (occasional) and one hot flash. I used to also be afraid of taking medications but since I survived chemo I have become a bit less so. You can always try the medication and if side effects are bad ask to be switched to something else.
