Lakota Sweat Lodge - Women's Retreat following

Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
Those who have been around for a while know that I do a Women's Retreat every 6 months at Ft. Meade (SD) VA. The Fall Retreat will be Oct. 14 - 16.

There is an option to start the Retreat by doing an Iniki (Lakota Sweat Lodge) presidered over by a Lakota Elder who is a Veteran (he is such a NEAT guy). I do it as it takes me from 'the day' and is the best way to start the Retreat (for me).

These Retreats do not cost the participant anything (other than getting there) OR the Government - DAV funds them through a Trust. Food is cooked by male Veterans (they even seranade us sometimes) and lodging is covered.

It is an intensive Retreat - you don't just go somewhere and 'chill'.

Any questions ask me - the last I heard it's the only one of it's type in the country.



  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Sounds like a wonderful thing
    No questions but it sure sounds good.

    Enjoy, hope it recharges your batteries,

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    You know I love this! I look
    You know I love this! I look forward to your retreat knowing that you enjoy it so. We just worked the Pow Wow~ Reggie's family has made the Frybread for as long as I can remember, and his eldest sister leads the healing is a wonderful weekend. Reggie and his guys sing during the dinner break and this weekend I had a German woman ask me if I could translate the songs , as she saw me singing along! Thankfully, I was able to, having heard Reggie sing them so many times! LOL

    Enjoy every minute of your special time away...I send you blessings!

  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    I would be interested to

    I would be interested to know when the next one occurrs. Along with what is the minimum age, ie could my 12 year old daughter join in?

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    I would be interested to

    I would be interested to know when the next one occurrs. Along with what is the minimum age, ie could my 12 year old daughter join in?


    Not sure rather you're
    Not sure rather you're asking about the Iniki or the Retreat so will answer the best I can on both.

    The next Retreat will be in April (probably but maybe May). The dates have to be worked around when the SD National Guard has weekends as they own the BOQ (lodging and mess hall) on Ft. Meade. To attend the Retreat, you have to be a Veteran or the spouse, SO, or family member of a Veteran. (I fall in both groups as I was Army and Hubby is retired Navy.) The youngest person I remember being at any of the Retreats I've been to was 18. Honestly if I had a 12 y/o I wouldn't think of taking her as it is very intensive and some of the issues dealt with might not be best for them to experience. That's not to say that we don't have a lot of just plain fun times but PTSD is dealt with - usually when we split into Vet. group and spouse/SO/family group. Male Veterans do all the cooking and it's great - the only thing 'wrong' is that they always try to give you too much food. As I said it's not a go and chill - there is always something going on and you have to take off your watch and turn off your cell when you get there. Time is measured by how far apart the Staff put their fingers when you break into groups be it for 'work' or working on your skit.

    The Iniki is conducted by a fantastic Elder. There is one done every other weekend at Ft. Meade but this one is done for the start of the Retreat. I really liked the old site for the lodge as it was pretty much hidden back in the woods but there was a lot of vandalization done to it over time so the new one is much closer in where Security can drive past it easy. Plus it is in a 6 foot solid fence that stays locked when not in use.

    Hope I answered your questions and didn't ramble on too much. Any other questins please ask.
