beginning to see through my chemo haze

Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
Hi Loves,
Just coming back from two weeks of chemo haze. Week one gemzar/cisplatin and week two gemzar. I've been doing this for the past 21 months and believe it or not, it's beginning to feel routine. The good news is that my Ca-125's are holding so steady that I'm now going to be able to take some schedualed "extra weeks off" around holidays, etc. I have all kinds of fun things planned for my next two weeks of freedom.... apple picking, trips to the pumpkin farm, throwing a b-day party for my son, etc. I'm trying to catch up with what's been going on around the board and I couldn't be more pleased to hear wonderful news about Kathleen and Linda.
(((hugs))) Maria

PS: Joys of life = putting on REAL clothes, driving myself around, tasting coffee again, walking the dog, making sock monkeys and cookies for the granddaughters.... priceless.


  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    or is it Purple Haze??
    lol. Glad the fog has finally gone and you are feeling better. I always hum this song sometimes and remember the good ole days ,,but I did't Enjoy you gradnchildren and apple picin. Make some pies and candy apples...val
  • carolyn45
    carolyn45 Member Posts: 100
    Hi Maria
    I'm thrilled for you. 21 months is SOOO long! Welcome back to the real world of coffee, driving, walking, and being with your family. I'm sure they're as ecstatic as you are. Your courage is an inspiration. Hugs back to you, Carolyn
  • AnneBehymer
    AnneBehymer Member Posts: 738 Member
    chemo haze
    I know how you feel about the chemo fog it is had because it does leave you feeling like you have no life at all. I am not able to drive because of the pain medication I am on (morphine 30 mgs three times a day and oxycodone 10-20 mgs every four hours as needed for pain). Even with out all the pain medication I would not want to drive because of the chemo fog. This cancer has taken so much away that I don't even feel like my self any more. I have lost my job, lost the ability to drive, lost going out with friends because of the fog and lost being the out going fun loving person I was. I miss visiting with the Ladies I took care of in my group home and I miss just going when I wanted to so I could visit with friends or go play in a poker game. Oh well this is my life for now and as long as I can live so be it. enjoy your time with your grand children and I am so happy for your numbers droping my they continue to drop and I am praying for your remission to come very, very soon. sending huggs your way and you are in my prays.

  • Radioactive34
    Radioactive34 Member Posts: 391 Member

  • vj1
    vj1 Member Posts: 150



    Welcome "out of the haze"--21 months a long time. I am on carbo/gemzar and it is giving me a run for the money, have 4 more treatments to go; then I hope I will be out of the "haze" This run has been much harder than my first but gotta do what we gotta do! Enjoy your time off.
