Am I crazy?

I have a very strange question... Have any of you had a real revulsion to meat since cancer treatment? I always thought I leaned more on the carnivore edge of the spectrum instead of the herbivore, but, since my chemo last year (my active treatment ended in January), I am truly nauseated by anything but really well-cooked meat and would prefer to not eat meat at all. My husband, who is usually very supportive, made the comment the other day that he doesn't understand the new me, and wished I could quit thinking about plastic containers leaching chemicals in our food, pesticides on our fruits and vegies, the sun causing skin cancer, etc. I didn't think I was being obsessive, but maybe I am... Shouldn't we be concerned about what we do to our bodies? I don't think I can go back to blithely going through life and assuming I'll be fine. Cancer could have killed me... I know it didn't, but it could have.
Does this make sense to anyone but me?


  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    I was that way before cancer

    I was that way before cancer - didn't eat meat, only ate organic, had stainless and glass containers to store food, juiced, minimised the amount of processed food I ate, grew many of my own veggies ..... and I still go breast cancer, still had abnormal pap smears until recently .... I don't know.

    What did happen when I started chemo was my protein needs shot up and I just didn't have the wear with all to stand an prepare high protein vegetarian meals besides I started craving meat so I started eating meat again (organic/free range). I don't like the idea of eating meat but in reality, right now it is providing me what I need. A year out from chemo I still find my protein needs are pretty high. What I did find was that I have to eat an enormous amount of raw vegtables a day, particularly spinach and bean sprouts(which I grow). Somehow cooked vegtables don't seem right for me, right now.

    I still use glass and stainless steel, minimise processed foods, grown my own veggies, juicing is on a hiatus, eat only organic ....and so on. I prefer it this way and I think we do need to be conscious of where our food comes from and what we are putting in our bodies and the impact our actions have on our environment.

    QuiltingMama I think in many ways this is just a natural response that has you thinking about things in a different way and becoming more conscious of your choices, which in many ways brings about more freedom. You go girl!
  • TKMomma
    TKMomma Member Posts: 54
    I myself find that I am always reading up on the latest news, etc. on foods, etc. that has to do with eating better or could cause cancer. I don't have the best of marriages so I don't discuss any of this at home. It really urks me though when I see posts like yours that say ...... he doesn't understand the new me. What's wrong with people that say stuff like that and not think it won't hurt your feelings. Maybe that's why I probably don't talk about it at home because I know mine would roll his eyes or say something that would send me over the edge. I just don't get people. You keep on reading and finding out everything you can about the food you eat and staying healthy. I have come to realize that food and nutrients are such an important factor and I never really gave that much thought before. I didn't realize how much a factor in your health it really makes. Take care of yourself and be as obsessive as you want.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    TKMomma said:

    I myself find that I am always reading up on the latest news, etc. on foods, etc. that has to do with eating better or could cause cancer. I don't have the best of marriages so I don't discuss any of this at home. It really urks me though when I see posts like yours that say ...... he doesn't understand the new me. What's wrong with people that say stuff like that and not think it won't hurt your feelings. Maybe that's why I probably don't talk about it at home because I know mine would roll his eyes or say something that would send me over the edge. I just don't get people. You keep on reading and finding out everything you can about the food you eat and staying healthy. I have come to realize that food and nutrients are such an important factor and I never really gave that much thought before. I didn't realize how much a factor in your health it really makes. Take care of yourself and be as obsessive as you want.

    I think bc is a crap shoot....our own unique DNA...or for any form of cancer....I watched my best friend battle a lethal, terminal form of brain cancer for 2 1/2 years....she ALWAYS watched what she ate, she ate "healthy" food, exercised, never smoked, drank an occasional glass of wine...for what? She passed way in March age 53...I was never a health "nut" but have never been overweight, ate as healthy as I felt was right for me, and I still got bc...I almost drove myself crazy and my oncologist, too, when I was diagnosed the first time 2 1/2 years ago...researching, reading everything I could to try and understand why I had bc.....finally my oncologist said "You have to let it go, we don't KNOW what causes bc, because if we did, we could cure it or possibly even prevent it and the best we can do is treat it and put me in remission..." So, I had to let it go or drive myself I am in the midst of a recurrence.....I've let go of the "cause"....

    But I think it's one's right to try and do anything and everything that feels right to them in trying to improve their health and quality of life...I am so fortunate, my husband listens to me and is very patient when I get on my " what caused this, rant"....

    Keep doing what feels right for YOU....after all it's YOUR body! And if people roll their eyes at you, so be it!
    Hugs, Nancy
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    It is not over reacting to
    It is not over reacting to think about what you put in your body! I am a bit more of a germ-a-phobe since chemo. This is a life changing experience, so you changed.....
    Sometimes certain things give you flashbacks of chemo. That may ease as time goes by.
    When I was pregnant, I had pork one night for dinner then ended up with a stomach bug. Not fun at 8 months pregnant.... Anyway it took more than 10 years till I could stomach pork again and I still don't eat it much. (my daughter is 28)

    As to being crazy? Who knows, a little crazy is a good thing though!
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    That makes two of us.
    I'm the same way. I am afraid to eat some foods and I dislike plastic. AND yes, I feel sick when I see cooked meat. The one meat I eat(organic) is chicken, and I don't enjoy it like I used to. How are you getting your protein? I don't even eat eggs!

    I'm not sure if this is any good for us or if it would make any difference. I have heard - as many pink sisters mention above - that many "healthy" people get this illness. I guess it depends on the DNA and how our bodies reacts to chemistry of foods, etc. I am just trying to change my life-style so I can say "I tried everything I could". What if those who don't eat meats, and avoid certain foods should not continue this diet? Would this work against them? The truth is we don't really know why, how and when - but I made a personal decision to eat healthier. I even feel better knowing "I'm doing something about it". Many others think it doesn't made a difference, and that's fine too.

    You're not crazy. :)
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Meat Changes

    I can't eat certain meats anymore. Anything that is marinated makes me feel ill. I have had cancer twice and am stage 4. There are also certain days I just can't eat certain things because the revolt me. Your not losing your mind. I do think though you shouldn't worry too much about the rest. We could just as easily get in an accident as have cancer so I don't let the rest bother me. I just live....

  • Ticky
    Ticky Member Posts: 117
    mom62 said:

    Meat Changes

    I can't eat certain meats anymore. Anything that is marinated makes me feel ill. I have had cancer twice and am stage 4. There are also certain days I just can't eat certain things because the revolt me. Your not losing your mind. I do think though you shouldn't worry too much about the rest. We could just as easily get in an accident as have cancer so I don't let the rest bother me. I just live....


    Less meat
    I don't eat nearly as much meat that I used to. I just don't enjoy it the way I used to.

    It seems I become bloated when if I don't eat a lot of salad so I eat more salad now.


  • QuiltingMama123
    QuiltingMama123 Member Posts: 124
    Ticky said:

    Less meat
    I don't eat nearly as much meat that I used to. I just don't enjoy it the way I used to.

    It seems I become bloated when if I don't eat a lot of salad so I eat more salad now.



    Thanks, everyone!
    It's good to be reminded that it's okay to feel the way I feel. Meat just doesn't seem right, so it is not right for me right now. More beans, fruits, salads, nuts, whole grains,etc! Less processed foods, sugars, and meats. Maybe I'll even be able to lose some weight...