What is politically correct??



  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member

    One of the things that
    One of the things that someone said to me when i finished chemo was - "I'm so glad you're finished with all that horrible sh*t"

    love this response
    """In the response to 'How are you doing?' question I typically tell them how I feel in the larger picture - 'In the grand scheme of the universe and everything I am doing great, my spirits are good, however on the physical plane I feel awful'."""

    I love this response - it's very honest but also very upbeat.

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    I guess on the answer to this I would say the following. If how I feel is any indicator then I have kicked cancer's butt! However there are no guarantees, so I try to keep my regrets list really short." If they ask how I feel I tell them how many good days I have in relation to crappy days I have. Since I have far more good days it is a truthful response and still allows them to feel good for showing concern.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    I guess on the answer to this I would say the following. If how I feel is any indicator then I have kicked cancer's butt! However there are no guarantees, so I try to keep my regrets list really short." If they ask how I feel I tell them how many good days I have in relation to crappy days I have. Since I have far more good days it is a truthful response and still allows them to feel good for showing concern.

    one point in my life
    I was down to 97 lbs due to stress-I work in a school and parents would say to me "you have to eat , you look like you are dieing"

    HOW DID they not know I was not sickly-and just stress?

    IF I HAD been deathly ill I am not sure HOW I would have taken it!
