Fingers swelled up

clamryn Member Posts: 508
I am having a rough time. I currently am on taxotere/carbol. I thought the doctor was going to put me on taxol/carbol, but he decided to go with taxotere. I have had two treatments so far and each one has been dealing me a fit. Have so much trouble with loose bowels. I lost weight with that..7lbs in 3 days. I get that stopped and then my white blood cells went really low and had to get the Neulasta shot. I also got hives. This 2nd treatment my fingers started swelling up and I can't even hardly bend them. It is difficult even to type this. Hard to hold a fork to even eat. Strange it is only on my fingers and hasn't went to the palm of my hand. Also have dry sore-like throat every morning.
I called the doctor about my fingers and they said it is a side effect of taxotere and if it is not better by Thursday to call them.
I just lost it yesterday and started crying, couldn't stop. I


  • zinaida
    zinaida Member Posts: 221
    O, my dear! Take ibuprofen
    O, my dear! Take ibuprofen 600 mg every 6 hours and vicodin every 5 hours It is what my oncologist order for me. Just yesterday I received my third dose of Taxol. And yes, all my bones are in pain for 10 days after chemo, side effects. And my fingers swelling. Today is second day after chemo, I did not sleep for more than 36 hours in row, my face is red,red and hot. But my CA125 dropped with two treatments of taxol from 85 to 49 , so it is working , it has slow down the beast. I hope Taxoter will work for you. I had taxoter/carboplatin in 2007(my first treatment) Put me in remmission all most for three years! Talk to your doctor first about this regiment of pain pills that I have .It hased work for me, I hope it will work for you. Dont cry my dear. Protend like we hug each other, take a pain pill and become stronger. (((HUGS))) love, Zina :)
  • Radioactive34
    Radioactive34 Member Posts: 391 Member
    There are some days when we
    There are some days when we can't help but cry. This is a tough load to carry. We can't be graceful all the time. The chemos have some many side effects that at times you just do not know if you are going or coming.

    Cyber hugss.....
  • jbeans888
    jbeans888 Member Posts: 313
    zinaida said:

    O, my dear! Take ibuprofen
    O, my dear! Take ibuprofen 600 mg every 6 hours and vicodin every 5 hours It is what my oncologist order for me. Just yesterday I received my third dose of Taxol. And yes, all my bones are in pain for 10 days after chemo, side effects. And my fingers swelling. Today is second day after chemo, I did not sleep for more than 36 hours in row, my face is red,red and hot. But my CA125 dropped with two treatments of taxol from 85 to 49 , so it is working , it has slow down the beast. I hope Taxoter will work for you. I had taxoter/carboplatin in 2007(my first treatment) Put me in remmission all most for three years! Talk to your doctor first about this regiment of pain pills that I have .It hased work for me, I hope it will work for you. Dont cry my dear. Protend like we hug each other, take a pain pill and become stronger. (((HUGS))) love, Zina :)

    I know it can be frustrating
    I know it can be frustrating especially when all we want is to feel better and be better. It's okay to freak out and loose it, we are human. Just try not to let it get to you. Remember better days are coming.