Good Oncologist Visit

Pam5 Member Posts: 232
Hi Everybody,

Met with my oncologist yesterday and had a lot of questions. I wanted to know about other chemo drugs that could be paired with taxotere that did not have the lung issues cytoxan has. I wanted to know if the hormone treatment would also target any stray cancer cells running around in my body like chemo would. He was very candid and said that they actually don't know a lot about how each treatment affects each person. They often don't know if it's one drug being given or another part of the cocktail or the combination of drugs that is having the best resuls. They don't know if hormones are actually more effective with estrogen receptive tumors than chemo. Right now he wants to stay with the hormone therapy and just keep a close eye on it to make sure the tumor is continuing to shrink and not grow. Then he measured it and said it had definitely gotten smaller just in the last two weeks. That was great news for me. I'm still having difficulty with my lungs and am on 30mgs of steroids but each day seems to be a little better. I am actually working on some clients and it feels so good to be able to work. I just love it. So that's where I am today. Would love to hear any thoughts you all might have.



  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    It sounds like you are
    It sounds like you are having some positive results. It makes sense to stick with what is working as long as the doctor is monitoring well. Sounds like you have a good doctor.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Good news
    I am glad that you feel better and tumor has shrieked . From what I have read I understand that Taxotere and Cytoxan have synergy and it was shown in clinical studies. Taxotere is given as a single drug or in combination with Cytoxan.
    Get better soon
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    Good news
    I am glad that you feel better and tumor has shrieked . From what I have read I understand that Taxotere and Cytoxan have synergy and it was shown in clinical studies. Taxotere is given as a single drug or in combination with Cytoxan.
    Get better soon

    Glad things have improved
    Keep us posted please! Each persons body chemistry can be so different and as we've all discovered cancer isn't cancer, it has many mutations so I can understand why there are still questions. Stick with what works and be glad for an MO that listens and is willing to work with you.
  • Pam5
    Pam5 Member Posts: 232
    skipper54 said:

    Glad things have improved
    Keep us posted please! Each persons body chemistry can be so different and as we've all discovered cancer isn't cancer, it has many mutations so I can understand why there are still questions. Stick with what works and be glad for an MO that listens and is willing to work with you.

    Thanks ladies. I am very
    Thanks ladies. I am very grateful to have this doc. I also appreciate his candor. I will be happy when I get this breathing under control but it is definitely better than it was a couple of weeks ago. I don't think the doc really got how bad the asthma became and then with the pneumonia on top - he just didn't seem to realize right away that this could kill me. When he did get it, we switched to hormones. I did learn that I have to be my own advocate in many ways and be clear with I feel is going on so he can respond appropriately.

    Have a great day.
    Take care,
  • pinkpalette
    pinkpalette Member Posts: 112
    Pam5 said:

    Thanks ladies. I am very
    Thanks ladies. I am very grateful to have this doc. I also appreciate his candor. I will be happy when I get this breathing under control but it is definitely better than it was a couple of weeks ago. I don't think the doc really got how bad the asthma became and then with the pneumonia on top - he just didn't seem to realize right away that this could kill me. When he did get it, we switched to hormones. I did learn that I have to be my own advocate in many ways and be clear with I feel is going on so he can respond appropriately.

    Have a great day.
    Take care,

    Hi Pam, good to hear your update!
    I am so happy to hear the tumor is shrinking! That is absolutely awesome news!!! You really had a rough time with those breathing issues and it just seemed like no one was listening to you. I agree that you must be your own advocate, it empowers you!

    Just wondering...Are you still receiving chemo for the taxotere, or is that on hold too? I am getting taxotere along with others and most every side effect I get, the onc usually says it's because of the taxotere. Go figure.

    Be strong Pam.

    hugs, Debbie