Fingers swelled up

clamryn Member Posts: 508
edited September 2011 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I am having a rough time. I currently am on taxotere/carbol. I thought the doctor was going to put me on taxol/carbol, but he decided to go with taxotere. I have had two treatments so far and each one has been dealing me a fit. Have so much trouble with loose bowels. I lost weight with that..7lbs in 3 days. I get that stopped and then my white blood cells went really low and had to get the Neulasta shot. I also got hives. This 2nd treatment my fingers started swelling up and I can't even hardly bend them. It is difficult even to type this. Hard to hold a fork to even eat. Strange it is only on my fingers and hasn't went to the palm of my hand. Also have dry sore-like throat every morning.
I called the doctor about my fingers and they said it is a side effect of taxotere and if it is not better by Thursday to call them.
I just lost it yesterday and started crying, couldn't stop. I am usually can handle stuff but this time I just fell apart.Is there anyone who has problems like this and what did you do?


  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    So Sorry !
    I'm sorry it is getting to you, you are so strong. I hope it gets better soon, I don't have any advice, my hands don't work in the morning, a side effect of the Avastin, but they get better as the day goes on. I think a good cry helps every once in a while to let out everything that builds up inside of us. Just remember you are not alone, we are here for you.
  • antcat
    antcat Member Posts: 270
    I'm so sorry
    I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. I can relate to how you're feeling because I've been on Taxotere for 4 months now and I am also having a tough time. I haven't had any problems with loose bowels or finger problems. I get Taxotere 3 weeks in a row and then a week off. I feel it is too much for me, because I don't have that much time to build up. I've experienced side effects, such as when I blow my nose, it has a mucous bloody discharge, but then when I'm for my rest period it gets better. But, since the 3rd cycle, my eyes have been tearing alot. I let the nurse and oncologist know about this, but didn't get much satisfaction, except they told me "it's a side effect of Taxotere". They gave me nothing to help with the excessive tearing, so I told my primary care doc and he gave me drops to help. I was also told that I may be having an allergic reaction now to Taxotere as I have a rash near my port since the end of Cycle 3. I hope you're feeling better soon.
  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    antcat said:

    I'm so sorry
    I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. I can relate to how you're feeling because I've been on Taxotere for 4 months now and I am also having a tough time. I haven't had any problems with loose bowels or finger problems. I get Taxotere 3 weeks in a row and then a week off. I feel it is too much for me, because I don't have that much time to build up. I've experienced side effects, such as when I blow my nose, it has a mucous bloody discharge, but then when I'm for my rest period it gets better. But, since the 3rd cycle, my eyes have been tearing alot. I let the nurse and oncologist know about this, but didn't get much satisfaction, except they told me "it's a side effect of Taxotere". They gave me nothing to help with the excessive tearing, so I told my primary care doc and he gave me drops to help. I was also told that I may be having an allergic reaction now to Taxotere as I have a rash near my port since the end of Cycle 3. I hope you're feeling better soon.

    Went to doctor
    Doctor's office called and said my white blood cells were low again. Asked if I could get to the doctor's office, they would give me the Neulasta shot. I was glad I got to go in so that they could see my fingers. Doctor did say it was from the taxotere. It affects the skin. So they gave me a steroid pack. They are going to give me another steroid pack when I start my next treatment to try to keep this from happening. My face is really flushed too and I was glad they got to see it also. I do my treatments every 3 weeks. Stuff usually starts happening about the 4 day on me.
    I sure do miss the chemos that didn't bother me but if this works, it is worth it.

    Antcat I hope you do not have any more allergic reactions. Hopefully we can make it through this.
