One for the 'Girls' .. Joke ..

VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
One for the girls

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my shape to keep.
Please no wrinkles, Please no bags
And please lift my butt before it sags.
Please no age spots, Please no gray
And as for my belly, Please take it away.
Please keep me healthy, Please keep me young,
And thank you Dear Lord, For all that you've done.


  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    I like the no belly part. And now I can say: "Please no gray". After chemo, 50% of my hair came back gray. :)
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    I like the no belly part. And now I can say: "Please no gray". After chemo, 50% of my hair came back gray. :)

    Thanks Vicki!
    Loved it...I so needed a funny today...amazing how a pink sister can bring a smile, laugh or chuckle just at the right time!
    But.....and I did laugh at myself when I late for the late for the late for no wrinkles....etc. BUT. I'm not gray....thank you Natural Instincts!
    Oh and to late for the healthy too....but what's a girl to do!
    Thanks Vicki for the laugh,
    Hugs, Nancy
  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    Well, I won't hold my breath
    Well, I won't hold my breath on this one!!!!

  • jendrey
    jendrey Member Posts: 377
    poplolly said:

    Well, I won't hold my breath
    Well, I won't hold my breath on this one!!!!


    Please no bags or baggage!!! =)
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    jendrey said:

    Please no bags or baggage!!! =)

    Love it!!!
    Thanks for the bright spot. Great Chuckle!!!

    Mitzi ;0)