A trip!

We finally found a match for a bone marrow transplant, and that is going to take place on the 28th. We are super excited, even though they say the chances of the outcome being positive are very small. We are crossing our fingers for a miracle!

This weekend is our anniversary, and we had booked a trip to Vegas in the spring. I've consulted with my team of doctors, and they have approved me to go, but we have to drive (no planes because it's metastasized to my brain, and they said that could cause serious complications). Fortunately, we live in Los Angeles, so it's a short drive.

I'm so weak and skinny at this point, and the doctors have made a huge point of it, so I'm just going to be taking it easy. We'll stay in our suite, order room service, and maybe if I get really lucky and can get the nausea to subside, a little gambling.

Just wanted to share with everyone, as I'm pretty excited. I keep saying that I'm checking another thing off of my bucket list! :)


  • bellaFFL
    bellaFFL Member Posts: 15
    Also, I'm rocking the bald
    Also, I'm rocking the bald look, as I haven't purchased a wig or too many head coverings - "bald is beautiful" :) It will be hard to get the stares and looks, but I don't care!
  • ddpekks
    ddpekks Member Posts: 162
    bellaFFL said:

    Also, I'm rocking the bald
    Also, I'm rocking the bald look, as I haven't purchased a wig or too many head coverings - "bald is beautiful" :) It will be hard to get the stares and looks, but I don't care!

    bald is beautiful....
    When peeps stare at you beautiful head, know that they are jealous that they couldn't carry off the look as well as you do! Smile back and think "eat your heart out!" ENJOY THE RIDE and hugs for being so brave!
  • grandmafay
    grandmafay Member Posts: 1,633 Member
    Happy Anniversary
    Have a good trip. I have my fingers crossed for the bone marrow transplant. Fay
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"
    "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"...
    So, maybe your cancer will stay in Vegas ? :).

    If that were true, we'd all be booking trips there and
    singing Wayne Newton songs all the way - lol!

    Congrats on the donor, happy anniversary and have a wonderful
    trip! We want to hear all about it when you get back.

    Best and hugs,

  • AnneBehymer
    AnneBehymer Member Posts: 738 Member
    Vegas can I go lol
    Have fun on your trip and try not to think about the cancer while on vaction. I know that is hard to do (I am stage four ovarian cancer) but try anyway. We all need a break from this beast.
