It's All Too Much to Bare...How much more...

emamei Member Posts: 146
Hi there.
How much more trauma and tragedy can our family bare? Cancer is a relentless adversary.

I had my last RAD on Aug. 15th. Back in July, my husband's uncle (on his mother's side) was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer of Unknown Primary - no cure. He's undergoing chemo as a palliative measure to slow the cancer down. His entire lymphovascular system in infiltrated with cancer.

One week ago, my husband's other uncle (on his father's side) was admitted to hospital. Long story short, his wife was told yesterday that his entire gastrointestinal system, stomach, liver, gallbladder, and then some is saturated with cancer. It's so far gone and his so very sick that the docs are saying that to attempt surgery or chemo could kill him.

This uncle is our favorite. We are extremely close to him and his wife and their son (my hubby's cousin) who just went through his own cancer battle three years ago with bladder cancer.

My husband's older brother has been battling CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) for the last 14 years and has had 3 BMT's in the last 12 years. He's only 49.

I'm barely coming to terms with all I've been through in the last 12 months with my breast cancer. We as a family were just beginning to catch our breaths and now two dear uncles are fighting battles that they will lose. It's not a matter of "if" it's a matter of "when". To say we're devastated and overwhelmed is an understatement.

I'm not coping well. I feel terrified all over again. For myself, my kids and our extended family.

I've been crying off and on all day. My body has been shaking off and on. I feel physically sick in the pit of my stomach.

All this and my three girls were all sick, as was I, last week with a retrovirus (stomach bug). All of us were vomiting and having explosive diarrhea last week.

It's just one thing after another. I feel like I'm drowning and can't catch my breath.

I hate cancer. It comes like a thief in the night and robs us of so much. I've survived, but two people we love and care about are losing their battles to this beast.

I am seeing a counselor and psychiatrist at our Cancer agency regularly and will continue to do so. I'm on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds and still it all seems like to much.

How much more can our family take? It's horrible. So, horrible.

I had a mammogram today, the first since my diagnosis last year and it took everything in me not to fall apart emotionally during the exam. My birthday is tomorrow. I'm turning 43. I don't feel like celebrating. My daughters asked me "mommy what do you want for your birthday?" What I want, no one can give.

Our family gets together annually, every Christmas with our extended family. This Christmas coming will be heavy on the hearts of many.

We had to tell our girls tonight that another great uncle is sick. That he has cancer and is in Hospital and won't be going home. They're all so sad and I know they're worried about me. They're trying to understand why some people beat cancer and why some people get taken by cancer, and how do you know who will be next on either side of that spectrum? What can I tell them? I have no idea what to tell them. They're only 10.5, 9, and 7.5 years old.

I know I'm ranting and venting. I'm just so overwhelmed and needed to tell others who would be able to possibly understand. Thanks so much for listening...


  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Vent all you want, you won't
    Vent all you want, you won't find anyone here who isn't tired of cancer.....
    Sorry you have so much on your plate when you should be celebrating the end of treatment.
    Let tomorrow be about you and your girls! They need it as much as you do.

    Take care,
  • sinee
    sinee Member Posts: 196 Member
    Happy Birthday
    1st and foremost let me say how sorry I am that you are going through so much. My heart just aches for you. Do find a special way to celebrate your Birthday with your girls, even if it is a living room picnic~my favorite thing to do~spread a table cloth on the floor in the living room and have a little picnic~create a memory that will last a lifetime~put on some music, kick off your shoes, and have the little ones do the same, and dance silly~don't thing all the way to Christmas, and don't write a script of things yet to come, just celebrate the day ~ What you can tell the girls, is that sometimes you get scared to, and if they ever get scared they can come and get a great big hug from you~that maybe if you squish all the fear together with a big hug it will get really really small and won't be so scary~ But do have the picnic~let that be "what you want for your birthday" let them all help, put out the tablecloth, make the sandwhiches together, cut up the apples, etc. whatever you like to eat, heck make cupcakes and put a candle in each one so they can blow out a candle with you for your birthday~ you can do this girlfriend, you really can~I don't know your Uncles, but my guess is, that those two dear uncles, would want you to celebrate another day of living~that's what it's all about~let me know how the picnic went~and Happy Birthday dear sister, you deserve to celebrate this one....all of you do...Sinee
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    wow you deserve to vent
    wow you deserve to vent sorry
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944

    wow you deserve to vent
    wow you deserve to vent sorry

    Maria all I can offer is a big ole cyber {{{hug}}}. It's amazing even the people around me that are being diagnosed with the nasty beast. In the past 6 months I've been up to the hospital following the mastectomies of two very dear people that I know. Unfortunately as we get older the news seems to get more and more dismal as our bodies age and those around us too. We are here for you to vent any time you want.. .

    Oh and please celebrate that birthday today... each and everyone spent with your husband and children should be cherished. Happy Birthday girlfriend...

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    yes it is hard for children
    It is very hard for children, however they should NOT approach every day thinking "who will be next". Please ask your medical team to help in communicating with children. They still need happiness and joy in every day. They can draw a picture, create a song or poem for relatives expressing their feelings. Nobody can understand why some people beat or some are taken...

    Happy Birthday, please celebrate your special day!
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    yes it is hard for children
    It is very hard for children, however they should NOT approach every day thinking "who will be next". Please ask your medical team to help in communicating with children. They still need happiness and joy in every day. They can draw a picture, create a song or poem for relatives expressing their feelings. Nobody can understand why some people beat or some are taken...

    Happy Birthday, please celebrate your special day!

    Too much to bare yes.
    You look towards heaven and shout, "enough already, can you just give me a break."

    You try to prepare yourself for a loved ones passing away. You realize you can't decide ahead of time how you will react. You're dreading that day you know when that phone call will be made to you. Your heart freezes when you see the name on the caller i.d. For a split second you wonder,"will this be the day I snap and loose it."

    I understand. I too am expecting a call this coming week, I will hate to get. I feel like I'm bracing for impact.

    All the comfort I can give to you is. Cry, but remember the joy of sharing your life with that loved one. Find joy in your children.

    Once there was happy times when our generation was giving birth to the gereration ahead of us, babies entering our families. How wonderful. Now we are surrounded by the generation before us passing away, leaving our families. How sad. Although you cry, always find something to smile for.

    Take care, love much
  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    This is probably the worst time of your life right now. No point in sugar coating. If your meds are working try pushing everything aside just for one day and enjoy your family being together for your birthday. In your heart on the day make it special (like the lady said about a picnic) and have some special thoughts about your uncles who would want you to enjoy your day with your lovely children. Glad you are getting help, we females need to talk and it really does make us feel better sharing. You are the most important person to your little ones so you must look after yourself. Good luck, sorry you are having such an awful time. I had a huge family of around 24 blood relatives of aunts and uncles and they nearly all have passed prematurely due to smoking from an early age. One after another, but funny enough on one side they had a sense of humor about death. Like one aunt said at one funeral 'well I guess I'm next' and she was, bless her heart. What will be..... I think about them a great deal and those memories are wonderful to pull up into my mind and actually give warmth rather than sadness. Always think of the Lion King "The Circle of Life". I like the European way of celebrating the life of the person who passed. You will have memories of your uncles to pass on to your children, I loved listening to tales from my elders about others, stored them away.