
epark Member Posts: 339
Hi Ladies

I just did my second treatment of chemo last Wed. and the last two times I had chemo. I get these terrible headaches that comes and goes all day long for at least a week, it’s so frustrating I take Vicodin and sometimes it goes away and sometimes it doesn't. Have any of you guys experienced this? If so, any good remedies that you can recommend.

The last time I wrote to you guys about my joints pains a lot of you women recommended Claritin which by the way THANK YOU so much it worked GREAT...



  • Penny67
    Penny67 Member Posts: 65
    I can't comment on chemo
    I can't comment on chemo related headaches as I start my 1st round of chemo next Wednesday, but I do suffer from horrible migraines the day before and the day of my period. I have tried everything out there and the ONLY thing that works for me is Excedrin migraine. Honestly it takes about 15 minutes and then I feel relief. Excedrin migraine contains acetamin..., aspirin and caffeine.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Hi Eva
    I also get chemo headaches, I switch it off with Ibupro 800 and Tylenol w/codine. It seems to help, but they do come back. If it is a migraine, like Penny just said, I also use Excedrine Migraine and that works.

    Hope it helps.
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member
    Hi Eva!
    I just finished my 6th treatment. I thought we were on the same schedule, but it looks like I jumped ahead with my weekly treatments. I'm doing Taxol and Herceptin only. Anyways, I also had really bad headaches with my first two treatments. I took Execedrin Migrane and it helped. Hopefully, you won't get them with the rest of your treatments either!

    I've also heard that chocolate and caffeine work also. I use any excuse to eat chocolate!

  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    I suffered from debilitating migraines for years (not cancer-related). My doctor prescribed Zomig & it worked better than anything else. Of course, you need to check with your onc, but Zomig did it for me! Hope you can get some relief!
  • jewels5
    jewels5 Member Posts: 57
    Tux said:

    I suffered from debilitating migraines for years (not cancer-related). My doctor prescribed Zomig & it worked better than anything else. Of course, you need to check with your onc, but Zomig did it for me! Hope you can get some relief!

    I am not one who normally
    I am not one who normally gets headaches, but I did get them in the beginning of the chemo treatments. I don't remember at what point they went away, I just remember a friend asking how they were and I had forgotten about them! Maybe that was the chemo brain kicking in, lol! I hope yours go way too. I just remember drinking extra water and taking extra strength Tylenol.

    Best Wishes,
