OT - FYI - cork for a cause

skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
This is NOT meant to be an ad or an endorsement of any kind!!!!! Just passing along some info I found.

Some time ago there was a post about wine for sale with a pink ribbon on the label. Many of us felt that there should be a contribution to bc research or free care before the pink ribbon should be displayed. Some referenced The Breast Cancer Site as an example of this type of donation. While on The Breast Cancer Site this morning I noticed an add (actually under the animal rescue tab) for "Cork for a Cause". They sell a Washington State red for a number of causes. The website lists what percentage of the price goes to the cause you're interested in, and it varies depending on the cause. Just wanted to bring this up for those who might be interested. The pink ribbon bottle sells for $19.95 and 30% goes to fund mammos.

AGAIN - this is NOT an endorsement or and ad, just an FYI.


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    so when PINK Ribbon on any
    so when PINK Ribbon on any label NOT necessarily contributes to the cause? AM I readhing this correctly?

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    so when PINK Ribbon on any
    so when PINK Ribbon on any label NOT necessarily contributes to the cause? AM I readhing this correctly?


    my understanding
    From what I'm hearing anyone can display a pink ribbon in support of the cause but that does not necessarily mean that they contribute $. I just got back from WalMart where there's a large display of pink ribbon shirts but nowhere did it say that $ from teh sale went to fight bc.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    skipper54 said:

    my understanding
    From what I'm hearing anyone can display a pink ribbon in support of the cause but that does not necessarily mean that they contribute $. I just got back from WalMart where there's a large display of pink ribbon shirts but nowhere did it say that $ from teh sale went to fight bc.

    I just saw that display at our Wal-mart also
    And couldn't find anything on where the money was going to... I am seeing so many things for causes with nothing showing where the monies are actually headed. That is why I give directly to a cause, such as St. Jude's where they actually will give the breakdowns on where the money is going and how much they are bringing in from donations.

    I do think so much of these 'pay for a cause' are playing on peoples willingness to give and breast cancer is such a big one as it affects so many through family members, friends or self.

    Personally, I am not into wearing the 'Pink clothes', other than I did see a t-shirt that I loved that was being worn by a gal at the rodeo that said 'yes these are fake' and gave directions to a web site for information on BC and how to donate to the local cancer center.