Lost power for 5 days but had "angel wings" removed

cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
We lost power on Sunday morning at 9:20am. I was scheduled for surgery on Wednesday. By Tuesday night we had to go stay with my sister-in-law in another town. We stayed there until Friday. Had to throw away all food in fridge and freezer.

Now about my surgery.... I think my surgeon (who I really like) and I were not on the same page. Everything went well and I was able to remove bandages and shower 24 hours later. My husband said it didn't look like the angel wings were gone. On Friday, when I was finally able to see what he was talking about, I agreed. I see my surgeon on the 13th and will plan on talking to him about it. I honestly don't see a change. I still have a mound of skin that sticks out sideways on each side of my body. BooHoo!

In the meantime I'm dealing with seeing a Nutritionist. Today I went to an iformational meeting with Weight Loss Surgeons. I'm gathering info but don't really want to through more surgery. I just want to be healthy again.


  • gami43
    gami43 Member Posts: 281
    Char - How disappointing to

    Char - How disappointing to not be able to see a change
    after your much anticipated surgery. I guess you think
    what was he thinking? Swelling? Probably not that much.
    Good luck with your Nutritionist consult. Keep us posted
    after your MD appt on the 13th.

    Luv & hugs, Teresa
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    gami43 said:

    Char - How disappointing to

    Char - How disappointing to not be able to see a change
    after your much anticipated surgery. I guess you think
    what was he thinking? Swelling? Probably not that much.
    Good luck with your Nutritionist consult. Keep us posted
    after your MD appt on the 13th.

    Luv & hugs, Teresa

    Oh, Char--this is not what I expected to hear
    Is it at all possible that there is considerable swelling from the surgery? Maybe in the next few days you'll see some changes. I sure do hope so. After having to go through that--you want it fixed! And then, as if surgery weren't enough, you have to go through the stress of power outages and not being in your own home. Geesh--enough already, right?!

    Keep your chin up, sweetie. So great that you are taking steps with a nutritionist. I certainly need to re-vamp my diet as well.

    Keep us posted and sending some positive energy your way for healing.

    Hugs, Renee
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Hi Char, I am so sorry you do not see a difference how very frustrating. I too am hoping it will become more apparent when the swelling goes down.

    In regards to weight loss may I suggest Weight Watchers if you have one near by, or if you are open to doing it with their online program. I started it on Oct. 3 and to date have lost 51 lbs. It is a slow process but it is pretty easy to follow and if you like fruit and veges you will never be hungry since you can eat an abundance of it. They also encourage you to exercise so now we are back to walking 4 to 5 days a week about 2 miles each time. We started out just walking around the block so it is all gradual.

    Keep us posted on your surgery and if it improves.

    Big Hugs,

  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    Hi Char
    Sorry about your surgery, how frustrating for you! I'm anxious to know what Doc. says about it. Glad your back! Keep us posted.
  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    Char, I am so sorry about
    Char, I am so sorry about losing all your food. What an added stress and disappointment. I am even more saddened by the fact that your surgical results didn't turn out like you wanted. I am glad you are going to talk to your surgeon about it. What a stressful week for you. I hope things are settling down now and glad you got your power back.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey!!
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    OMG...5 days without power,
    OMG...5 days without power, no food, and a surgery...you have certainly been through the mill haven't you? Like others, I hope the results will be better once swelling is reduced. I'm sending you some positive mojo!


  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Hi Char
    Sorry about your surgery, how frustrating for you! I'm anxious to know what Doc. says about it. Glad your back! Keep us posted.

    I am so sorry Char that your
    I am so sorry Char that your angel wings aren't gone. I guess I don't understand what could have happened. I will also be anxious to see what your surgeon says.

    Hugs, Diane
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Angel Wings?
    Hi Char,

    I kept wondering "what are angel wings"? Then it dawned on me. In my day, we called them "dog's ears".
    I had one after my mastectomy. Just as I was scheduled to have the ear removed, I was dx with my first recurrence, a good size tumor in the axilla. So I told my surgeon, to take that dog ear off at the same time.
    He did and I was very happy with the results.

    Originally it was scheduled to be removed this dog ear in his office. I hope we are talking about the same thing, the extra skin left after a mastectomy?

    Good luck to you,

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    SIROD said:

    Angel Wings?
    Hi Char,

    I kept wondering "what are angel wings"? Then it dawned on me. In my day, we called them "dog's ears".
    I had one after my mastectomy. Just as I was scheduled to have the ear removed, I was dx with my first recurrence, a good size tumor in the axilla. So I told my surgeon, to take that dog ear off at the same time.
    He did and I was very happy with the results.

    Originally it was scheduled to be removed this dog ear in his office. I hope we are talking about the same thing, the extra skin left after a mastectomy?

    Good luck to you,


    ahhh, so sorry Char.
    Will you be able to speak your mind with your doctor, and voice your concerns? Not being on the same page === Yikes .. Maybe in a few weeks things will look better.

    Hoping you have some help in clearing out all of your spoiled food. Terrible ...loss -- many of us not in the throes of hurricanes, tornadoes or mud slides ever consider.

    Positive thoughts ...

    Vicki Sam
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    RE said:

    Hi Char, I am so sorry you do not see a difference how very frustrating. I too am hoping it will become more apparent when the swelling goes down.

    In regards to weight loss may I suggest Weight Watchers if you have one near by, or if you are open to doing it with their online program. I started it on Oct. 3 and to date have lost 51 lbs. It is a slow process but it is pretty easy to follow and if you like fruit and veges you will never be hungry since you can eat an abundance of it. They also encourage you to exercise so now we are back to walking 4 to 5 days a week about 2 miles each time. We started out just walking around the block so it is all gradual.

    Keep us posted on your surgery and if it improves.

    Big Hugs,


    I became a Lifetime member of WW in 1996. In 1999 I quit a 38 year smoking habit and went through menopause. I gained 80 lbs in the next couple of years. I've gone back to WW several times including the past few months. I lost weight with my Naturapathic dr 2 years ago only to put it all back on since going through chemo. My problem is sustained weight loss. I just keep going back to my old bad habits. I'm not considering weight loss surgery but am finding out all I can about it. My added weight causes my arthritis to pain me more than it should. It is depressing not being able to exercise like I used to. The nutritionist has me on a 1200 calorie diet eating 5 times a day and having protein each time. Time will tell if I can keep off whatever weight I lose.
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    cahjah75 said:

    I became a Lifetime member of WW in 1996. In 1999 I quit a 38 year smoking habit and went through menopause. I gained 80 lbs in the next couple of years. I've gone back to WW several times including the past few months. I lost weight with my Naturapathic dr 2 years ago only to put it all back on since going through chemo. My problem is sustained weight loss. I just keep going back to my old bad habits. I'm not considering weight loss surgery but am finding out all I can about it. My added weight causes my arthritis to pain me more than it should. It is depressing not being able to exercise like I used to. The nutritionist has me on a 1200 calorie diet eating 5 times a day and having protein each time. Time will tell if I can keep off whatever weight I lose.

    I wish you luck with your weight issues. My husband struggles with his weight so I know what you are going through. Great that you are going to a nutritionist. I hope you meet your goals.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    OMG...5 days without power,
    OMG...5 days without power, no food, and a surgery...you have certainly been through the mill haven't you? Like others, I hope the results will be better once swelling is reduced. I'm sending you some positive mojo!



    This isn't the news I had
    This isn't the news I had hoped to read Char. I am so sorry. I pray that when the swelling goes down, your results will be what you want.
  • mollieb
    mollieb Member Posts: 148
    cahjah75 said:

    I became a Lifetime member of WW in 1996. In 1999 I quit a 38 year smoking habit and went through menopause. I gained 80 lbs in the next couple of years. I've gone back to WW several times including the past few months. I lost weight with my Naturapathic dr 2 years ago only to put it all back on since going through chemo. My problem is sustained weight loss. I just keep going back to my old bad habits. I'm not considering weight loss surgery but am finding out all I can about it. My added weight causes my arthritis to pain me more than it should. It is depressing not being able to exercise like I used to. The nutritionist has me on a 1200 calorie diet eating 5 times a day and having protein each time. Time will tell if I can keep off whatever weight I lose.

    Good Habits
    Char, even with weight loss surgery you have to change your eating habits, and the change is very drastic. I have friends who learned how to overeat in small quantities and managed to regain all the weight they lost after surgery, and more. I am upset with the part of the medical establishment that sees surgery as a fix for everything, and I am concerned that they don't share information about how hard it is to eat properly after surgery. Think of the celebrity weight loss surgery spokeswomen who have disappeared from sight, and ask yourself why. I don't care how heavy I am, weight loss surgery is not for me. I have found that setting smaller goals -- losing 30 or 40 pounds to aid in mobility, for example -- works better for me than setting a goal that I won't be able to maintain. If I can get comfortable at the lower weight, then I can use it as a base for the next loss. Right now, although no one would call me anything but fat, I am living comfortably at a weight more than 50 pounds below my peak, and I look forward to further gradual decline. I use Weight Watchers, because it's easier to stick to than any other diet I have tried, but I don't let them give me a goal, and I go at my own pace. Whatever you do, you have my solidarity and understanding.