~~~~ 9 11 ~~~~

susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
It's hard to believe that the 10th anniversary is coming up for 9-11. What were you doing on that day when you heard the horrible news?

♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣


  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    Rushing out the door..
    I was rushing out the door to school when my mom said a plane just flew into a building. I heard her but it did not register because I was running late for class. Once I got to class it became clear to me something terrible had happened. I watched the coverage on a TV in the computer lab with my classmates. I could not believe my eyes it was surreal.
  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    I was
    I was a 3rd Grade teaching assistant at that time. First period I was taking the kids to gym when another TA stopped me and told me that we were under attack. When I returned to the room, we turned on the tv and watched (no children were present). It wasn't long before the first building fell, we watched in astonishment as did others all over the world. Of course, my first thought was about my own kids' safety and what was ahead for our country.

    Thoughts and prayers continue for the survivors, those who lost family and friends, and those who are having ill affects on their health due to 9/11/01.


    P.S. In my room, only 2 children were picked up early by their parents, but by lunch about 1/3 of all the kids in the building were picked up early by parents or grandparents. This event certainly did put a feeling of "terror" into the hearts of Americans.
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    In college
    I had just begun in the school of social work. When the professor told us I thought he was joking. Then some of the students said it was true. I worried about my only son having to go to war. Some people talked about whether we should go out in public spaces worrying that they would get attacked. My response was "I will continue to go out and live my life as it is. I refuse to let the terrorists win by changing my life."
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    In college
    I had just begun in the school of social work. When the professor told us I thought he was joking. Then some of the students said it was true. I worried about my only son having to go to war. Some people talked about whether we should go out in public spaces worrying that they would get attacked. My response was "I will continue to go out and live my life as it is. I refuse to let the terrorists win by changing my life."

    911 time goes by so fast
    Seems like just the other day. That time in our history will be forever seared in my memory. I was feeding my 3 week old son.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    I was
    I was a 3rd Grade teaching assistant at that time. First period I was taking the kids to gym when another TA stopped me and told me that we were under attack. When I returned to the room, we turned on the tv and watched (no children were present). It wasn't long before the first building fell, we watched in astonishment as did others all over the world. Of course, my first thought was about my own kids' safety and what was ahead for our country.

    Thoughts and prayers continue for the survivors, those who lost family and friends, and those who are having ill affects on their health due to 9/11/01.


    P.S. In my room, only 2 children were picked up early by their parents, but by lunch about 1/3 of all the kids in the building were picked up early by parents or grandparents. This event certainly did put a feeling of "terror" into the hearts of Americans.

    It is still so hard to
    It is still so hard to believe that this ever happened. My heart goes out to all of those lost that day and to their loved ones.

    I was home and had the tv on and couldn't believe my eyes when they broke in to show this. It was like I was watching a movie, it seemed so surreal.

    I will be praying for everyone on 9-11-11.

    Hugs, Angie
  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    I was in the thick of things
    Lived only 2 blocks away and was on my way to WTC 5 (for those of you who don't know, there were 7 buildings in the whole complex) for a dental appointment. I got side tracked b/c I wanted to vote in the primaries that day before my appointment which was at 9:45am. By some twist of fate, my polling site had not opened on time. Had it opened on time, I would have been there at the time of the attacks. My husband's office building (WTC 7) was the last building to collapse. By another twist of fate he was at home that morning waiting for the cable guy and hadn't gone into work yet. We couldn't return to our apartment for a couple of weeks but have family that live in NYC and stayed with them. We had to wait for 2 days outside on the Piers to be police escorted into our apartment to get our cats who otherwise would have starved to death. The police would not let both my husband and I go into our apartment building and so since the cats liked me more (hee hee!), I had to be the one to go. I had to walk up 24 flights of stairs since the building had no electricity and get the cats and walk back down another 24 flights with 2 freaked out (fat) cats. For months afterward we had to show ID to National Guardsmen to get to our building (they were young and cute, though! Nothing like a man in uniform...) since the area was still under extremely heightened security restrictions. Ironically, on the Friday preceeding 9/11, I had had a microcalcification removed from my breast. This was the breast that eventually became cancerous. So, in addition to grabbing my cats, I had to run through my apartment to grab the antibiotics (and some underwear and things of that nature) that I was prescribed from that surgery. The police only gave me 90 seconds in my apartment (but luckily for me, my police escort was overweight and I was able to out run him up the 24 flights of stairs and buy myself more time in our apartment!

    Crazy that 10 years have passed already. In some respects it feels like yesterday. In other respects, it feels like forever.

    I'll always be thinking of those who we lost on that tragic day.
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908

    I was in the thick of things
    Lived only 2 blocks away and was on my way to WTC 5 (for those of you who don't know, there were 7 buildings in the whole complex) for a dental appointment. I got side tracked b/c I wanted to vote in the primaries that day before my appointment which was at 9:45am. By some twist of fate, my polling site had not opened on time. Had it opened on time, I would have been there at the time of the attacks. My husband's office building (WTC 7) was the last building to collapse. By another twist of fate he was at home that morning waiting for the cable guy and hadn't gone into work yet. We couldn't return to our apartment for a couple of weeks but have family that live in NYC and stayed with them. We had to wait for 2 days outside on the Piers to be police escorted into our apartment to get our cats who otherwise would have starved to death. The police would not let both my husband and I go into our apartment building and so since the cats liked me more (hee hee!), I had to be the one to go. I had to walk up 24 flights of stairs since the building had no electricity and get the cats and walk back down another 24 flights with 2 freaked out (fat) cats. For months afterward we had to show ID to National Guardsmen to get to our building (they were young and cute, though! Nothing like a man in uniform...) since the area was still under extremely heightened security restrictions. Ironically, on the Friday preceeding 9/11, I had had a microcalcification removed from my breast. This was the breast that eventually became cancerous. So, in addition to grabbing my cats, I had to run through my apartment to grab the antibiotics (and some underwear and things of that nature) that I was prescribed from that surgery. The police only gave me 90 seconds in my apartment (but luckily for me, my police escort was overweight and I was able to out run him up the 24 flights of stairs and buy myself more time in our apartment!

    Crazy that 10 years have passed already. In some respects it feels like yesterday. In other respects, it feels like forever.

    I'll always be thinking of those who we lost on that tragic day.

    I was at work that day at a meeting . I was also so happy that it was my 1 year Cancerversary since my Mastectomy/Reconstruction. My joy certainly took a back seat at that moment but today, I celebrate my 11 year Cancerversary as well as pray for those lost during that awful time!I will NEVER forget that date,9/11.
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I was home that day from
    I was home that day from work with a horrible migraine. Had the news on when it came across the news. I was looking at the T.V. when the second plain hit the second building. I called my husband at work and told him what was happening and his boss sent every one home. And we sat here in disbelief the rest of the day. I will never forget that day..
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    I was home that day from
    I was home that day from work with a horrible migraine. Had the news on when it came across the news. I was looking at the T.V. when the second plain hit the second building. I called my husband at work and told him what was happening and his boss sent every one home. And we sat here in disbelief the rest of the day. I will never forget that day..

    I was like you
    I was like you smalldoggrommer, I sat in disbelief when I first saw it. And, they kept showing it over and over again, and, I still was in shock that this happened.

    One thing I would like to say is how proud I am of all of the people that helped, all of the people that are still helping and how proud I am of my country!

    God bless the USA!

    Love, Leeza
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    jnl said:

    I was like you
    I was like you smalldoggrommer, I sat in disbelief when I first saw it. And, they kept showing it over and over again, and, I still was in shock that this happened.

    One thing I would like to say is how proud I am of all of the people that helped, all of the people that are still helping and how proud I am of my country!

    God bless the USA!

    Love, Leeza

    I was getting a perm at the time and my stylist's mom called
    She was getting pretty confused at that point in her life so we weren't too sure. I suggested that Cath call my mom who confirmed what had happened. We turned onthe radio and were in shock. I got home intime to see the towers fall and spent hours with goosebumps just praying for everyone. Friends from around the country called to make sure we wer okay since we're only 2 hours from DC and many weren't sure exactly where Shanksville was in PA in relation to us. It was a chilling day I'll never forget. A friend lost her nephew - that kept watching the video of him directing his men into the building to rescue those inside. That's the last he was seen. (FDNY chief) I still remember every Sept. 11 and pray for those lost and their families.
  • kookaa
    kookaa Member Posts: 27
    I was getting ready for work while watching the news. I think it was so shocking I yelled O.M.G. That got my husband and teenagers attention. We all stood there watching as the second plane hit. Needless to say we were
    all late.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    kookaa said:

    I was getting ready for work while watching the news. I think it was so shocking I yelled O.M.G. That got my husband and teenagers attention. We all stood there watching as the second plane hit. Needless to say we were
    all late.

    I was at work in New Jersey
    I was at work when we were told what has happened. I was 15 miles away from the Twin Towers, had several friends working in those building. We were sent home immediately to pick up kids from school and stay with family.Very, very sad day, buildings were burning for weeks and the sky was red and black. It is very sad and tragic day for all of us, always will remember all innocent people who lost their lives.
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    Wow Clementine, you were too
    Wow Clementine, you were too close, I can't even imagine! I'm watching the survivors read the names of those lost on CBS right now, it's so tear jerking, I've started crying 3 times now and they're only on the B's. I live in South Dakota, far from New York and I didn't know anyone we lost that day but I often think of the survivors and the pain that tragic day brought amongst our country.
    I owned and operated a concrete construction company at the time of the attacks. I was pulling into the shop when one of my guys said "hurry up, un-lock your office and turn on the t.v., a plane just flew into the WTC" I couldn't believe my ears. We got into my office and shortly after we turned on the live coverage, the second plane hit, it was HORRIFYING, we all sat there with our jaws dropped and in pure dismay. Prayers for all of those affected by this tragic event, my heart goes out to you and I think/pray for you often.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    kookaa said:

    I was getting ready for work while watching the news. I think it was so shocking I yelled O.M.G. That got my husband and teenagers attention. We all stood there watching as the second plane hit. Needless to say we were
    all late.

    Prayers for everyone on this
    Prayers for everyone on this day!
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    On my way to college
    At first, I could not believe it. So although the first plane had hit, I decided to take the train to school anyway - stupid me! Everything was stopped and there was no way back, so I had to wait for a bus to drive me near home. It took a long time. Then I saw the news on TV and it didn't sink in until later that day. It was a horrible and sad day. And there is one image I was never able to erase from my mind. I pray all the families who lost someone have found comfort and are doing OK.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    On my way to college
    At first, I could not believe it. So although the first plane had hit, I decided to take the train to school anyway - stupid me! Everything was stopped and there was no way back, so I had to wait for a bus to drive me near home. It took a long time. Then I saw the news on TV and it didn't sink in until later that day. It was a horrible and sad day. And there is one image I was never able to erase from my mind. I pray all the families who lost someone have found comfort and are doing OK.

    Oh my Lord, Clementine ... So close --
    Hard not to believe in fate.

    I was home making breakfast for my kids .. I just stood there watching the television -- scared to move or breathe. After a while, I woke my children up .. spoke to them about the events that had taken place -- the 3 of us watch television and cried for hours.

    It took me a while to gather my wits -- I then call my husband, mom, sister. Then I called several friends back East === no answer for 2 days. Everyone was okay, numb and displaced, but okay.

    I am numb again today, 10 years later --- peace to all those WARRIORS. Continued prayers to all those folk who lost a loved one, family member or friend.

    Vicki Sam
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    On my way to college
    At first, I could not believe it. So although the first plane had hit, I decided to take the train to school anyway - stupid me! Everything was stopped and there was no way back, so I had to wait for a bus to drive me near home. It took a long time. Then I saw the news on TV and it didn't sink in until later that day. It was a horrible and sad day. And there is one image I was never able to erase from my mind. I pray all the families who lost someone have found comfort and are doing OK.

    We watched a lot of the
    We watched a lot of the tributes on TV today and cried so hard. Even my husband who is so strong and so manly shed many. I think it was good though to remind us all of what happened 10 years ago.

    Hugs, Noel
  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    Noel said:

    We watched a lot of the
    We watched a lot of the tributes on TV today and cried so hard. Even my husband who is so strong and so manly shed many. I think it was good though to remind us all of what happened 10 years ago.

    Hugs, Noel

    The tributes were beautiful
    The reflection pool is amazing to see in person as well! NYC was very quiet this weekend, it almost felt as if we were in lockdown. Police and army officers everywhere. A grim reminder of the world we live in nowadays, but being reminded of such things is still better than suffering at the hands of another attack. My heart goes out to all those that lost someone that day and for the loss of a better way of life.

    On the very plus side, yesterday, my husband and I went to a wedding on Fire Island (an Island off the coast of Long Island outside of NYC). It was a gorgeous day and the couple with whom I have been friends for 24 years have been together 25 years. They were finally able to officially tie the knot thanks to marriage equality being sanctioned in NYS. The wedding ceremony was so touching and beautiful. Now, when 9/11 comes in the future, for me at least, I will have some wonderful memories as well.

    Best to all,
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    I was a middle school teacher--I was on break & first thought it was a horrible accident. But by lunchtime we knew it was an act of terrorism. Our staff decided not to tell students--to let them find out from parents at home. We also were in the first day of our state achievement tests, but we continued them according to the original schedule. (I live in Indiana.)

    My son is career military & he has been deployed twice to Iraq. He & his wife have 4 children. My nephew (PFC Joshua Ramsey from Ohio) was killed in Iraq in 2004, so 9-11 has had a huge effect on our lives.