Nephew Update

Hi all:

Here's the latest on my nephew Brian. He opened his eyes last night! My sister-in-law was so excited. I talked to her last night. He looked right at them when they were talking to him and he tried to talk when his son Justin, was there before he left for college. Now, we are awaiting results from blood and lung cultures as he had a fever Thurs. night. His heart rate is elevated off and on as well as blood pressure somewhat so please continue with your prayers. They are planning on doing a tracheotomy, and putting his leg on a machine to exercise it and placing a feeding tube in. His breathing has gone from 16% on his own to 24%. So, he still has a long way to go but we are thankful for these "baby steps"! I printed off y'all's replies and my sister took them to my sister-in-law. She thinks y'all are awesome and keep the prayers coming. Thanks so much. God Bless!

Jan (Basketcase)


  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    Wonderful news
    Prayers continuing, Jan.
  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    Still Praying
    Still sending them everyday. Glad to hear there is improvement. Keep us updated.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Great news
    Jan that is great news to hear he opened his eyes. Like you said just got to keep him in prayer a little longer.

    Still praying for Brian