Clear Mamogram,,,

gagee Member Posts: 332
I am so happy and relieved .. my mammogram came back clean. No cancer in breast. I had the mammo done on Sept. 1st and have been waiting for the letter to get here. I was a nervous wreck. My GP sent me an email and gave me the results. He was afraid the mail wouldn't get here until Monday because of the holiday. I am so happy. My dx was in July 2010 and lumpectomy in Aug. 2011 and finished rads Nov. 2011. So happy to have all that behind me. I don't mean to be insensitive to all of you still in treatment but I was terrified. Want to thank you all for your prayers and concern. AND I thank God.

Prayers and Hugs to All,


  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I know how great it feels to have a clear mammo. I can't believe they made you wait for the results. When I had my first mammo done after my treatment ended I just sat in the waiting area and they gave me the results right away.

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    That's wonderful news
    Diana! We certainly share in your happiness and relief!


  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    ladyg said:

    I know how great it feels to have a clear mammo. I can't believe they made you wait for the results. When I had my first mammo done after my treatment ended I just sat in the waiting area and they gave me the results right away.


    Congrats Diana! Great
    Congrats Diana! Great news!

    Hugs, Jan
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    sea60 said:

    That's wonderful news
    Diana! We certainly share in your happiness and relief!



    Glad to hear the good news! I agree, can't believe they made you wait! I was told right then (well, okay, after a 20 minute wait). It was till good to get the letter and the surgeon's confirmation but what a heart-breaking time waiting that long. Go out and do something special for yourself!
  • ldpettit
    ldpettit Member Posts: 128
    Well now isn't that WONDERFUl news... CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    It is not insensitive! Every
    It is not insensitive! Every one loves to hear good news!

  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    mamolady said:

    It is not insensitive! Every
    It is not insensitive! Every one loves to hear good news!


    that's great news
    not insensitive at all...we all want to share those great news when we get them

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    epark said:

    that's great news
    not insensitive at all...we all want to share those great news when we get them


    Diana, we love a celebration
    and a clear mammo is definitely cause to celebrate. So happy for you and this great news.

    Hugs, Renee
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    missrenee said:

    Diana, we love a celebration
    and a clear mammo is definitely cause to celebrate. So happy for you and this great news.

    Hugs, Renee

    Diana - Great new!!
    Celebrate each and every milestone, that's what I say. Enjoy the peaceful feeling now surrounding your life.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • gagee
    gagee Member Posts: 332
    Thank You ,,,
    Thank You All for caring so much. I don't had much family support so you are all extra special for caring. My husband and I will do something special tonight.
    I thought they were going to tell me right away also. My doctor was upset that no one called. He was out of the office until Thurs. and thought I had heard. He is my GP. I think the onc. should have called. I will see her in 2 weeks and let her know how upset I was. BUT....... for now I am so happy .

    Again Thank You, Diana
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    It is not insensitive at all
    It is not insensitive at all to share your good news. I am so happy for you!!!

    Happy hugs,

  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Great news! We all love good news!

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Now you need to go out and celebrate! I love good news and I know first hand, you are anything but insensitive! Now go out and have a good time.

    A big hug and prayers to you!
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member
    camul said:

    Now you need to go out and celebrate! I love good news and I know first hand, you are anything but insensitive! Now go out and have a good time.

    A big hug and prayers to you!

    We LOVE hearing good news! Hope you had a well deserved wonderful celebration!

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    gagee said:

    Thank You ,,,
    Thank You All for caring so much. I don't had much family support so you are all extra special for caring. My husband and I will do something special tonight.
    I thought they were going to tell me right away also. My doctor was upset that no one called. He was out of the office until Thurs. and thought I had heard. He is my GP. I think the onc. should have called. I will see her in 2 weeks and let her know how upset I was. BUT....... for now I am so happy .

    Again Thank You, Diana

    Congrats! This is really
    Congrats! This is really great news!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    so glad your mammo was clear. My xray was clear too and that's definitely something to smile about.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Happy for you!
    Hi Diana -- I am very happy for you. May it continue to be clean for many years to come. Can't believe they made you wait so long, but usually when they don't call, it's good news. And I am happy yours were. :)
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    grams2jc said:

    Great news! We all love good news!


    Great news!
    Love this kind of news! Congratulations!

    Love, Leeza
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    grams2jc said:

    Great news! We all love good news!


    Great news!
    double post sorry