Herpes to Fight H&N Cancers??

Pam M
Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
Sorry - forgot how to include links It's at http://ht.ly/1eCi5c

Docs using bacteria from dirt, scorpions and the virus that causes herpes to fight cancer.

From the article:
"Not to leave viruses out of the mix, doctors based at the Institute of Cancer Research in London report that they have used a genetically engineered herpes virus called HSV to successfully treat patients with head and neck cancers. The virus apparently works by penetrating cancer cells, killing them from the inside, and enhancing the patient’s immune system. A trial of 17 patients at London’s Royal Marsden Hospital found that use of the specially engineered virus in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiotherapy helped to successfully kill such tumors in most patients. The group showed an 83 percent success rate two years after this treatment, compared with an average of 35 to 55 percent improvements with current conventional therapies."


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Pam, that is great news hope the FDA will approve it for uses here in the USA, if I had something like that I would have only needed treatment once instead of twice.

    Thanks for sharing
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228

  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    New Treatments
    Not H&N but my sister's step grandson, 28 last summer had bladder cancer. He had surgery and treatment was to inject TB into his bladder, he has been NED ever since.
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    KTeacher said:

    New Treatments
    Not H&N but my sister's step grandson, 28 last summer had bladder cancer. He had surgery and treatment was to inject TB into his bladder, he has been NED ever since.

    Who'da thunk it?
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    I know there's a good joke to make a comment on here....so far I've been refraining, along with Dawn and Joe I'm sure....

  • mixleader
    mixleader Member Posts: 267 Member
    Herpes and Treatment
    I will also refrain from any herpes jokes since this is a serious subject. Hey, maybe it's the Herpes like causes shingles and not the other one. Yes, it is amazing what kind of discoveries are being made. A cancer institute near me found that an approved drug for anti-rejection was shrinking tumors from salivary gland cancer in mice. This particular drug comes from bacteria in the ground on Easter Island. How strange is that? This is not approved for cancer treatment yet, but it sure sounds hopeful. For those of you familiar with Stargate SG1, I am still hoping for a Tok'ra to give me a symbiote that can cure me. Oh well, at least that is a good dream. Someday modern science will kill/control this beast and I'm hoping and praying it will be in time for my Grandchildren to benefit from it.
