Anyone used/using anti-depressant, Lexapro?

missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
I had a 4-month follow-up with my med. onc. today. Things are okay, although my WBC is low at 3.4. She continues to watch it, but doesn't seem too concerned. I had been on Zoloft since diagnosis (early 2010) but had been weened off last month--my call. I told her what had happened to my friend passing away last week and that I continue to be tearful, still having sleep issues and increased hot flashes.

I have 2 friends who are on a low dose of Lexapro and are very happy with it. So, I asked my onc. to let me try it for awhile. She agreed that it would probably be a good idea. I'm not really into taking anything more than absolutely necessary, but I don't like to be in this state of sadness--I want to enjoy my life again. Maybe I was too hasty in going off the Zoloft.

Anyway, anyone have experience with Lexapro? Thanks for your input, ladies.

Hugs, Renee


  • pinkpalette
    pinkpalette Member Posts: 112
    Lexapro, yes...
    Hi Renee, I am in treatment now, 3 cycles of chemo done - 3 to go, then rads plus herceptin for 1 year. Well anyway, when I went for a follow-up visit to onc., I was complaining about my SE's and he suggested I was depressed and rx'ed Lexapro. It kind of suprised me. Yeah I am sad, who wouldn't be, going thru this. I've been taking it. I agree, I'd rather not be taking anything more than is absolutely necessary. I'd rather take something as needed, and be done with it when I feel better. I take tramadol for pain from rheumatoid arthritis (as needed) and was told by pharmacist not to take Lexapro if I continue to use the tramadol. Great!!??

    I'd like to hear what the sisters have to say about it. Thanks for opening this topic.

    Hugs, Debbie
  • TKMomma
    TKMomma Member Posts: 54
    I was on zoloft for five
    I was on zoloft for five years after a breast scare and went ballistic. It really helped me cope with ocd. This yr diagnosed and treated for breast cancer and went thru everything with an upbeat spirit. Thsnks for the zoloft. About six weeks ago switched to lexapro because I was starting tomaxafin. Didnt notice any changes. Talked to my doctor in january about zoloft and how it has changed my fretting. She said i might b a lifer. Discussed long term damage. End result if it takes a yr or two off my life its worth it to me to live calm vs ballistic all the time. Just my thoughts. Dont feel I need it for a crutch but I need it to enjoy life.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    TKMomma said:

    I was on zoloft for five
    I was on zoloft for five years after a breast scare and went ballistic. It really helped me cope with ocd. This yr diagnosed and treated for breast cancer and went thru everything with an upbeat spirit. Thsnks for the zoloft. About six weeks ago switched to lexapro because I was starting tomaxafin. Didnt notice any changes. Talked to my doctor in january about zoloft and how it has changed my fretting. She said i might b a lifer. Discussed long term damage. End result if it takes a yr or two off my life its worth it to me to live calm vs ballistic all the time. Just my thoughts. Dont feel I need it for a crutch but I need it to enjoy life.

    My family has history of
    My family has a history of chemical issues. I knew that I would need something if I got diagnosed again. Once I did, I said sign me up. I take 5mg of lexapro and it really helps me to be logical. I still have bad days but more like someone without anxiety issues would. To me it makes sense. I was using so much energy to deal with the anxiety I didnt have any energy to focus on getting well. When I went through chemo at age 34 it delayed my cycles, I regained them, but when that happened I had horrible hormonal issues. so I really believe it has helped me get through chemo pause. The clincher was when my clinician told me that many oncs like it for their patients as it helps with seratonin, which helps a sense of well being, which improves the immune system. I dont look at it as a crutch, I think its using good tools to get through a crappy thing. just my opinion The downside is it makes me tired so I take it at night. and it can make you gain weight. thrilling.
    Sometimes I think we are our own worst enemies, just like women who make you feel bad if you took pain meds during childbirth, well i had epidurals both times, best thing I ever did LOL
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I also take lexapro
    When I was diagnosed with a recurrence in 2009, I knew that I was getting too anxious and depressed. I am able to get by on a very low dose (I am unusually sensitive to meds) and take just 5 mg a day. I have noticed no side effects, but it really seems to help me stay on a more even keel. Good luck!
  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209

    I also take lexapro
    When I was diagnosed with a recurrence in 2009, I knew that I was getting too anxious and depressed. I am able to get by on a very low dose (I am unusually sensitive to meds) and take just 5 mg a day. I have noticed no side effects, but it really seems to help me stay on a more even keel. Good luck!

    Have been on Lexapro since three weeks after my BC diagnosis. I know I would never have gotten through chemo, surgery and radiation without it. Looking back, I have always had severe anxiety and probably should have been on it years ago. I have no desire to try to go off of it.

  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member
    GrandmaJ said:

    Have been on Lexapro since three weeks after my BC diagnosis. I know I would never have gotten through chemo, surgery and radiation without it. Looking back, I have always had severe anxiety and probably should have been on it years ago. I have no desire to try to go off of it.


    I had been on Paxil for anxiety issues
    for many years starting after the birth of my first child.

    Recently I switched over to Effexor as the Paxil interferes with Tamoxifin, which I would be starting on after finishing radiation.

    Also, I was in such high anxiety that I felt the Paxil was not working any more.

    Lexapro was also suggested to me but I had read that Effexor has the least interactions with Tamoxifin, (though the Effexor can cause high blood pressure, which I already have).
    Either, I think, will help with the hot flashes which can go with the Tamoxifin.

    It's been about a month since I started Effexor, and I am feeling better slowly. I've been told it takes about 5-6 weeks to get the full effect.

    I;ve always had anxiety issues and agree with cartifis (not spelling correctly) - taking meds lets me deal with things more like a "normal" non-anxious person would.

    It's normal to be scared, worried, sometimes sad, angry when dealing with BC. But when I went into a major depressive episode this summer I knew it was more than normal; I had all the classic symptoms of depression lasting for over a month. So I am glad that I got medicine as well as therapy help. I will take all the tools I can get to get through this!

    Wishing you the best,
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I went on Lexapro
    at the end of my treatment. I was exhausted and had a death in the family that really got to me. My PCP was the one who rx'd it. At first the dose was a little to high and I felt like I was not really me. Once she adjusted it I was fine and really felt better. The only reason I switched to Citalopram is because my insurance would not pay for the Lexapro.

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    I'm not on Lexapro or any
    I'm not on Lexapro or any other antidepressant Renee, but, you do whatever it takes to make you feel better. It looks like several here are on it and like how they are doing with it.

    Hugs, Noel
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Noel said:

    I'm not on Lexapro or any
    I'm not on Lexapro or any other antidepressant Renee, but, you do whatever it takes to make you feel better. It looks like several here are on it and like how they are doing with it.

    Hugs, Noel

    Renee, have you tried the Lexapro yet? Do you like it?

    Hugs, Diane
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    DianeBC said:

    Renee, have you tried the Lexapro yet? Do you like it?

    Hugs, Diane

    So far, I've only taken 2 pills
    I take them at night because my doctor said they could make me drowsy--which would help me with my sleep issues as well. So far I haven't seen any difference, but it can take up to 2 weeks for antidepressants to kick in. My girlfriend experienced nausea for the first two weeks, but so far, for me, no nausea.

    I'll post any positive or negative things that happen.

    Hugs, Renee
  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    Yes, I take Cymbalta. 60 mgs through the treatment time and honestly sailed through most of it, bilateral. Now down to 30 mgs as I feel Tamoxifen and Cymbalta (two nasty drugs but required drugs for me) weren't getting on too well together. Yet again isn't it funny how obvious things seem on this sight when we all chat. I have suffered from a young age with depression but getting through these tough times for most ladies a little extra help is a good thing. Doesn't have to be forever. As you mentioned, my hot flashes/sweats are horrific.

    The best thing I every did is getting a CEILING FAN installed in the bedroom (wonderful) because when a heat wave comes, down go the covers and the breeze is very comforting, instead of waiting for it to pass naturally. If I could I'd have one in every room, my daughters house does and its wonderful. If any one is playing with this idea get a good one that is silent when running, you must pay more than those in our main outlets. Mine was just over three hundred dollars, get everyone to chip in for a Xmas present....................... it's the best gift you could get believe me.