Just a little update



  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    MAJW said:

    We understand...
    A recurrence does suck big time! Going through it myself....I'm not going to give you all the"stay strong" speech....what choice do we have...?
    All I can say, yes, this sucks and I will keep you in my prayers....keep us posted, we care...

    Hugs, Nancy

    Ps....thanks for calling us " girls" lol:)

    Hi Kat! I was just
    Hi Kat! I was just wondering how you are doing. I will be watching for another post from you, hopefully soon.

    Sue :)
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Hi Kat, my heart goes out to

    Hi Kat, my heart goes out to you. I don't know what to say other than I pray for the best possible solution to your current situation. It is heart breaking to see someone as young as yourself go through what you are going through. You are right, life is not fair ever. If it were there would be no povery, no disease and equal opportunity ..... however we all do the best we can given our situations. Take care and please keep us posted on how you are doing.

    Kat, I put you on our prayer
    Kat, I put you on our prayer list. Please keep posting to update us.

    Hugs, Jan
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    emamei said:

    I'm Thinking of You...
    I'm so sorry to hear this news. I find that no words offered could possibly make the situation any better for you. I totally get the "motivational speeches", I really hate that too. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that you beat this beast and can move forward with your life.

    You mentioned that your original diagnosis was a rare breast cancer. Could you please explain what type of breast cancer exactly.

    I'll be looking out for your posts. Please keep letting us know how you're doing.

    Love and Light,

    Every day I say a prayer for
    Every day I say a prayer for you Kat as all of the other pink sisters do as well.

    Lots and lots of hugs,

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    dbhadra said:

    thanks for your posting
    I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing, and I'm sure many others on this site have been as well.

    I know what you mean about how people tell you that you are strong and brave and sometimes you want to just feel free to break down and rant and rave. You have every right to be angry and upset, you've gotten a raw deal! So rant and rave all that you want to, that's one of the things this site is for!

    Prayers coming your way,


    I have added you to our
    I have added you to our prayer chain Kat. I believe strongly in the power of prayers.

    Hugs, Lex
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    mollieb said:

    Being Strong
    I was struck by how everyone is telling you how strong you are. I think people around us need for us to be strong; they want us to be heroines. And it's less hassle to appear strong than to look like a mess, because then everybody feels like they have to do something, and there is often nothing to do. But I never feel strong. There are days when I put one foot in front of the other, keep marching, and hold it together. I manage that most days. And there are days when I am just falling apart, and that comes out of me as bitchiness.

    Here, you are free to be any way you want, and no one will give you a hard time. Well, unless she is having a really bad day. Your story moves all of us. Of course you are afraid, and angry, and sad. And you have to work out how to deal with it in your own way. Nobody else can promise her way will work for you.

    Think about the end of your treatment, and how it will feel to not be tied to your schedule of medical appointments. Then see if you can keep marching, in whatever way feels best to you, to get to that end.

    I am sending you a big hug. Mary

    Kat, please keep posting so
    Kat, please keep posting so we know how you are, how school is going and how your treatment is. Look at all of the outpouring of concern, love and support.

    I join the others in prayer for you.

    Love, Leeza
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    cctiz said:

    Braveheart Kat
    I wish i could hold you for a moment and tell you how brave you are to talk to all of us and give us a lesson of endurance and strengh - you are an inspiration - is also good that you accept the things as they are, as they come, do your part, fight as much as you possibly can and when you can't just rest, keep in mind that the most important thing now is your health, you are gonna need all your energy to deal with chemo, personally I think that 56 weeks of it, its bananas, then again do what you can - i'm not on remission and im scared to death when that day to know comes - I'll be thinking about you all the time as the bravest cancer warrior alive!
    all my love

    I hate hearing this about
    I hate hearing this about you kat although I am so glad when you post as I wonder what is going on for you. It is going to be along road for you and you need to put the supports in place to help you get through this the best you can. it will be one hour at a time, one day at a time. Do you have a counselor? good relationshiops withyour docs and nurses? friends family to help? For me going through chemo was harder the second time as I knew what i was up against. use that knowledge to be aware of your needs to minimize the side effects. We are here alsways ans want to know what is going on. You will need to be strong so you can do this and we are here.

    Fight Like A Girl
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    The pain, fear, and yet hope
    The pain, fear, and yet hope in your post is beyond description. I will not try and add to the eloquent responses you have gotten from the Kindred Spirits here on the boards. Aside from the lovliness of the sentiments expressed, I hope you are strengthened by the sheer number of posts you got in response! We love you, we ache for you, we rejoice with you, in short we simply get it....wish that we didn't, wish there was no need for such empathy and care. But as long as any of us needs to vent, there will always be listening ears and loving hearts to envelope us all. I hope you are feeling the sisterhood surround you. On the good days and the horrid ones and the semi-normal days inbetween...we are with you. As you are with us.

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    chenheart said:

    The pain, fear, and yet hope
    The pain, fear, and yet hope in your post is beyond description. I will not try and add to the eloquent responses you have gotten from the Kindred Spirits here on the boards. Aside from the lovliness of the sentiments expressed, I hope you are strengthened by the sheer number of posts you got in response! We love you, we ache for you, we rejoice with you, in short we simply get it....wish that we didn't, wish there was no need for such empathy and care. But as long as any of us needs to vent, there will always be listening ears and loving hearts to envelope us all. I hope you are feeling the sisterhood surround you. On the good days and the horrid ones and the semi-normal days inbetween...we are with you. As you are with us.


    I am hoping and praying Kat
    I am hoping and praying Kat that you have logged in again by now and have seen all how all of the pinkies here are behind you, with you and holding your hand thru the journey you find yourself on now.

    No amount of saying how sorry we are, the tears we have shed for you and the prayers that are being said for you daily can even begin to express how we all feel about you.

    When one of our sisters is going thru what you are now, we all try to support, encourage, and lift your spirit up in every way possible.

    Please remember that this is your safe place, the one place where you can come to and vent, write, and just plain tell us how you are doing and what you are going thru.

    We are always here for you and always will be!

    You are so loved Kat, so much in all of our prayers and always on our minds.

    Sue :)
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    camul said:

    Kat, you are right,
    This does suck, but you are still amazing to be back at school 2 weeks after the surgery. Remember your hip will get better as your body heals. As far as 56 weeks of chemo?? Don't think I would be happy with that one either. But I do applaud you for deciding to going back to school. It may take you a little longer to finish, but you are not letting the beast stop you.

    Remember we are all here for you to vent, scream, yell, holler, or whatever. As hard as it may seem to be the poster child for BC, or cancer, you have also brought awareness to everyone around you (even if not by choice).

    Prayers and good wishes are following you.


    I said a special prayer for
    I said a special prayer for you today at church Kat and put you on our prayer list too.

    Hugs, Noel
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    epark said:

    so sorry you have to deal with this at such a young age...you have alot of us praying for you...

    Take care and a HUGE hug to you

    You have and will continue
    You have and will continue to be in my prayers Kat.

    ♥ Kristin ♥