I know my body best

aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
this is what I decided after a crueling weekend of decision making. Tamoxifen
has not been kind to me but after 2 weeks of not being able to properly breathe
and yet another ER visit, I decided I am taking myself off this medication. I am
back to my very strict regime of daily juicing, walks, yoga and very good nutrition.
It's been only a couple days and I am feeling much better. The pain in my chest
was getting unbearable, what gets to me is they take a scan, no cancer how bad
could it be.. but I am telling you it was bad. And I am sick of being sick. I will
just enjoy every day that I have and this is something I can do.

Please don't get me wrong, don't want to encourage anyone to get off their medicine.
I just think it is the right thing to do for me. I gave it over a month and the SE's
just worsened. My onc knows and he will talk to me in a week to see if I feel better.
Oh where o where did my innocence aka peace of mind go? Did anyone see it?



  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Ayse, good to see you
    Ayse, good to see you posting, I have been looking for your posts. Sorry to hear that Tamox has not been kind to you. I have a very good friend that told me she was sick for the entire 5 years she took the pill. I have to agree that we are all different and you definately know your body better than anyone.

    I also believe that diet is so very important in our lives. I have recently been spending a lot of time researching diet and exactly what is the best one for me as I go through this 3rd challenge between the beast and me. I have always had what I considered a healthy diet. But, I am reading more and more about the potential dangers of dairy. I am considering eliminating all dairy from my diet as well as red meat and pork. I really didn't eat much red meat as it always seemed to be the hardest to digest. My problem is that I feel like a babe in the woods because this is a lifestyle change that is pretty drastic. I want to make sure that I am getting all the vitamins and minerals I need daily especially since I am actively taking chemo treatments every 3 weeks. Sorry to ramble on about this subject. Maybe we can share some recipes.

    Good to hear from you and take care of yourself. Sending love and (((hugs)))!!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I don't think anyone would
    I don't think anyone would think you are suggesting we all stop our meds! I am glad you are communicating with your oncologist, that you are doing what is right for YOU, and that you are eating and exercising and doing what is healthy for you and your life! 5 years is a long, long time to take a medication if it is only going to stop you from living the life you not only want, but DESERVE!

    I am juicing as well~ not as dedicated as you are, but being as I am a fresh fruit and veggie lover ( and could easily swear off meat altogether) I do feel that you are on the right track for your mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. And there isn't much more than that, is there????

    Ich liebe dich~ Gute Besserung!

  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    chenheart said:

    I don't think anyone would
    I don't think anyone would think you are suggesting we all stop our meds! I am glad you are communicating with your oncologist, that you are doing what is right for YOU, and that you are eating and exercising and doing what is healthy for you and your life! 5 years is a long, long time to take a medication if it is only going to stop you from living the life you not only want, but DESERVE!

    I am juicing as well~ not as dedicated as you are, but being as I am a fresh fruit and veggie lover ( and could easily swear off meat altogether) I do feel that you are on the right track for your mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. And there isn't much more than that, is there????

    Ich liebe dich~ Gute Besserung!


    Good for you! Not very long ago, I did the same thing. I knew there was something wrong, "my body was telling me so". I had to do something! After so many chemo combinations, I'd had just about ALL the side effects - BUT this was so different. I took it upon myself to de-medicate while waiting for test results and an appointment with my onc. I totally stopped both chemo RX's (13 daily pills). We must be pro-active with our treatments (or lack of). Our bodies do speak to us, we need to learn to listen! Like you, I am in no way suggesting to others to stop their meds. I do however applaud you for making this decision and hope that everything works out for the best!
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Good for you! Not very long ago, I did the same thing. I knew there was something wrong, "my body was telling me so". I had to do something! After so many chemo combinations, I'd had just about ALL the side effects - BUT this was so different. I took it upon myself to de-medicate while waiting for test results and an appointment with my onc. I totally stopped both chemo RX's (13 daily pills). We must be pro-active with our treatments (or lack of). Our bodies do speak to us, we need to learn to listen! Like you, I am in no way suggesting to others to stop their meds. I do however applaud you for making this decision and hope that everything works out for the best!

    Ayse--knowing you and how strong you are
    I know that the side effects were bad for you to stop the Tamox. You're a brave fighter--always have been. I met you because you were the girl who was going to drive herself to her double mastectomy!

    I do believe there is something deep down in all of us--our inner voice, if you will--that always tells us what's best to do. We don't, however, always listen. You're listening to yours right now--so that's exactly what you should do. Even though we all want to live long full lives, quality of life is important.

    I hope something gets worked out between you and your physician so that you can both feel better and have the peace of mind in knowing you're doing the right thing. Also, you are incredibly knowledgable and diligent with your diet and exercise. I so admired you with the juicing! Don't forget--our meds are just a part of our path to health. You are already doing so many things to stay on that path.

    Hugs and hugs, my friend,
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Have you gone to doctor to
    Have you gone to doctor to see if perhaps something else prior to doing so? I have been on tamox for 3 yrs / I just had total hysterectomy due to side effects..and back on it now..after 3mths off...

    sorry you are having such issues...

  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    You know best
    Ayse... you are your own best advocate. Glad to hear you and your oncologist are talking about your decision and are being proactive by taking steps towards a healthier( mind, body, soul) you.

    Keep going, continue moving Forward with your Life!
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Hoping for the best for you!
    Ayse, I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. You are strong, wise ( & wonderful!), whatever your decision, it will be made with much thought and consideration. Trust your heart and your judgement. We are all with you.

    Big Bear Hugs,
