Heard of this??

Annette 11
Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
If you remember I am trying to build up my white blood count and many ladies had very good suggestions which I appreciate and am using. I was at the grocery store and came upon this product and I wondered if anyone has used this or has heard about it. It's called Lifeway Kerfir. It has soooooooooooo many probiotics!! It states that it is good for the immune system. Check out the reviews online. People love it. It comes unsweetened or flavored. It's great to put into a smoothie. Sounds interesting. Any thoughts? I'm nervous alittle as it has so many (good)bacteria's. You can see the ingredients on their website. Please let me know what you all think. I have a blood test in a couple of weeks and I would be so happy if the wbc is near normal. thank you for your help.


  • mruczko
    mruczko Member Posts: 110
    I have been drinking Kefir off and on for a number of years, whenever I can get a hold of a plain, unflavored one without all the extra sugar. In between I eat Greek Yoghurt. Both are healthy, easy to digest and good for the gut. I don't know if it helps to build up white blood cells, though.