tumors causing fever

Can anyone tell me about tumors causing fever? My mum had to be taken to the hospital last night because of a high fever 102.7 to be exact. She was given tylenol which brought her temperature down. Blood work came back and all negative. Chest x-ray was negative also. However, this is the second time she had a spike in temperature. She is presently using Erbitux for the colon cancer which is on her liver. Doctors want to start back soon the Camptosar she was taking before. It was discontinued because at the time she ended up with severe diarrhea. However she was also using the 5FU at the time. Just want to know what is going on.


  • SisterSledge
    SisterSledge Member Posts: 332 Member
    Erbitux side effect, perhaps
    I've read that fever can be a side effect of Erbitux, so perhaps this is the culprit. Here's a link to some info on Erbitux.
  • NJC
    NJC Member Posts: 73 Member
    The liver, and the brain are
    The liver, and the brain are responsible for helping to regulate temperature. Liver tumors do have the ability to induce temperature variations, but it's most likely the chemo. Given your mother has tumors in her liver, I'm a little concerned that she was given Tylenol, rather than Advil, etc. Tylenol is very hard on the liver...

