New cancer?

Hi everyone,

It has been quite a while since my last post. I am sorry to say that this post has to do with renewing the fight again. A brief history: was diagnosed with stage 3 cc in 2007 (2 node involvement) Things have been going along well until about 6 weeks ago when I developed a persistent cough. No temperature or other symptoms. About 4 weeks ago it became more serious. I went to the doctor and he sent me for an xray. The radiologist report said there was a spot on the lungs consistent with pneumonia. Got put on antibiotics. Had a follow up xray the following week and it should that the spot had worsened although I was starting to feel better. This was happening just before a two week vacation of western Canada. Before I went, I had the doctor listen to the lungs. The seemed clear so we arranged to do the trip. Long story, short, halfway through the trip I ended up in hospital for four days. I had extreme shortness of breath and had trouble walking 30 feet without going into a cough spasm. They did a complete workup, including blood, ultrasound, ct drained about 2 litres of fluid from the pleural cavity. These results have shown that they believe I have a new primary lung cancer..not associated with colon cancer {although the have not been able to define conclusively - I am awaiting the results of more tests) I made it back to Toronto and I am anxiously awaiting to see my oncologist. Has anyone else run into a similar situation..where it was thought a new cancer might be in the works as opposed to a metastasis of the orginal cc. By the way, I also had Hodgkins about 22 years ago. So this will be the third time round. Please let me know if you have had this experience and what the treatment options were.

Cheers, Lance


  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Can't help you lance , but some of us had to deal with different
    primary cancers ,for example KathiM had to deal with a colon and a breast cancer! may be she can explain.
  • ldot123
    ldot123 Member Posts: 272
    pepebcn said:

    Can't help you lance , but some of us had to deal with different
    primary cancers ,for example KathiM had to deal with a colon and a breast cancer! may be she can explain.

    Thanks Pepe
  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    Oh Lance, sorry about the
    Oh Lance, sorry about the news. I hope you get some answers from some of our crowd here. Surely someone has been down your road. Wishes of wellness to you!

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Hi Lance,

    I've missed your "cheers" lately! Good to hear for you, but I'm sorry for the reason you are posting. I know of two women who have had new primary cancers while battling colon cancer & it was breast cancer for both of them. I don't know of anyone who has gotten lung cancer during colon cancer, not to say it doesn't happen though.
    I'm sorry about that, Lance. Keep us informed and come here for any support, sharing, or venting you need- we are here for you.
    I'm saying a prayer for you right now-

  • biz
    biz Member Posts: 60 Member
    I have no experience there,
    I have no experience there, but I just want to say good luck and I wish the best for you.
  • ldot123
    ldot123 Member Posts: 272
    biz said:

    I have no experience there,
    I have no experience there, but I just want to say good luck and I wish the best for you.

    Thanks everyone
    Will keep you posted. Hopefully will have more details next week.
  • marqimark
    marqimark Member Posts: 242 Member
    Don't know
    I don't know.
    Finished my first and I hope only bout with cancer last year.
    Tests every three months.....

    I inherited colon cancer from my mom.
    If I inherit leukemia from my dad, I will be really pissed.
    So I HOPE to never be in your shoes, but I am on my guard for sure.

    So sorry to hear you are having to rejoin the battle
