Just a little update



  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    I am really sorry. And sending you a big cyber hug.

    I'm so sorry Kat. Hugs and
    I'm so sorry Kat. Hugs and prayers to you!
  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440
    jamiegww said:

    Kat, I just want to give you a big HUG!
    I'm thinking someone was in line for this and they stepped aside and pushed you in their place. There's just no way you should be dealing with this mess at your age. Please know that we are always here for you.


    My Goodness Kat
    You are back at school already?
    Thats Great! I'm sorry to hear about the pain, what are you taking for it?
    It,s hard enough going to school but to have pain and take pain killers on top of it:{
    I have been thinking alot about you and I was glad to see that you posted again to vent and to keep us all informed of your progress.
    Keep your chin up little one we are all here for you.
    Lots of Hugs...Karie
  • pinkpalette
    pinkpalette Member Posts: 112
    weazer said:

    My Goodness Kat
    You are back at school already?
    Thats Great! I'm sorry to hear about the pain, what are you taking for it?
    It,s hard enough going to school but to have pain and take pain killers on top of it:{
    I have been thinking alot about you and I was glad to see that you posted again to vent and to keep us all informed of your progress.
    Keep your chin up little one we are all here for you.
    Lots of Hugs...Karie

    Dear Kat.....
    CANCER SUCKS!!!! I am with you 100% my dear young pink sister. This is a place to be among those that understand what you are going thru. Feel free to say anything. We are your strength when you don't know where to find it.

    hugs, Debbie
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    mamolady said:

    This is daunting, but

    This is daunting, but you will get through this because you have no choice. Is that strength, I don't know. We play the hand we are dealt and hope for the best. There will be days that are going to really test you, just know you are not alone. Some days will even be good, enjoy those days. Don't think about the numbers, just know there are others that have made it through, you can too.
    I think all of us mothers want to wrap our arms around you and make it go away.......... If it were only that easy. Just know we are here for you.

    Life is unfair especially in your case! I would love to just hold you and tell you it would be ok. You are just so young to have to be in this fight and to have to fight as hard as you are.

    You have my prayers Kat, and, I will always be hear to listen to you!

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    mamolady said:

    This is daunting, but

    This is daunting, but you will get through this because you have no choice. Is that strength, I don't know. We play the hand we are dealt and hope for the best. There will be days that are going to really test you, just know you are not alone. Some days will even be good, enjoy those days. Don't think about the numbers, just know there are others that have made it through, you can too.
    I think all of us mothers want to wrap our arms around you and make it go away.......... If it were only that easy. Just know we are here for you.

    double post

    double post
  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339

    Dear Kat.....
    CANCER SUCKS!!!! I am with you 100% my dear young pink sister. This is a place to be among those that understand what you are going thru. Feel free to say anything. We are your strength when you don't know where to find it.

    hugs, Debbie

    so sorry you have to deal with this at such a young age...you have alot of us praying for you...

    Take care and a HUGE hug to you
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    debi.18 said:

    Keeping this simple
    Plain and simple....this SUCKS! Life is so unfair at times but it seems you've been dealt more than your fair share. Like everyone else, I just want to hug you and make everything better. You might not feel strong, but you are much stronger than I could ever imagine being!

    Lots of love and hugs,

    Praying for you Kat with all
    Praying for you Kat with all of the other pink sisters and we will all continue to offer you whatever we can in support and encouragement.

    Do keep updating us and posting please.


  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    epark said:

    so sorry you have to deal with this at such a young age...you have alot of us praying for you...

    Take care and a HUGE hug to you

    Hugs, squeezes and lots of
    Hugs, squeezes and lots of love and prayers for you. Not fair, not fair, not fair! You are dealing with quite a hand much too soon in your life. Your plight is a testimony to others and it's unfortunate this has happened to you, a beautiful, vibrant, intelligent young woman. Cancer sucks period. Please keep us updated and know that we are here for you always. ((((HUGS))))
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    weazer said:

    My Goodness Kat
    You are back at school already?
    Thats Great! I'm sorry to hear about the pain, what are you taking for it?
    It,s hard enough going to school but to have pain and take pain killers on top of it:{
    I have been thinking alot about you and I was glad to see that you posted again to vent and to keep us all informed of your progress.
    Keep your chin up little one we are all here for you.
    Lots of Hugs...Karie

    Just sending you a big pink
    Just sending you a big pink sister hug today Kat!

    Sue :)
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    Hi Kat, my heart goes out to

    Hi Kat, my heart goes out to you. I don't know what to say other than I pray for the best possible solution to your current situation. It is heart breaking to see someone as young as yourself go through what you are going through. You are right, life is not fair ever. If it were there would be no povery, no disease and equal opportunity ..... however we all do the best we can given our situations. Take care and please keep us posted on how you are doing.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Kat, It truly breaks my
    Kat, It truly breaks my heart to look at your picture and think about what you have been through and are going to go through. At your age you shouldn't even be thinking of these things. I do admire you though, you are one of the strongest young ladies I know. And I know in my heart that you will be a survivor. I'm in "aw" of you Kat. My Surgeon told me some people are rock stars and some aren't, You Kat are a ROCKSTAR!! Take care darlin Kay.

    I hope Kat you can see all
    I hope Kat you can see all of the support and love that we all hold for you. Please keep coming on to update us on how you are.

    Hugs & prayers,

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    Hi Kat, it is good to see
    Hi Kat, it is good to see you post, I was just talking about you to my daughter yesterday. She is 22, an RN, and works on the oncology wing at the hospital. We were talking how young some of you are that are going through this, and especially you with your rare case and so severe. It breaks my heart to see such a young, bright young lady having to go through what no one should ever have to do in their lifetime. You're always in my prayers and I admire your attitude through this all. You don't have to be strong all the time, you need a break down and somewhere to go to say how you really feel, I know the comments, I get them all the time and I want to scream sometimes and say "I'm not that dang strong!!" but we just keep putting one foot in front of the other. My great aunt has had both hips replaced and has rods as well, but she's in her 80's, you at 20, totally unfair! Keep up the faith and keep coming here, you can be honest, tell what's really on your mind, and everyone understands. Big cyber hugs to you young lady, and stay positive :)

    Besides Kat, I am always
    Besides Kat, I am always saying a prayer for you Kari. How is chemo going?

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    fauxma said:

    I can understand that
    I can understand that hearing all the platitudes, motivational words etc can so not be what you want to hear sometimes. I had a friend who told me that when her brother died that my words meant more to her than any others. They seem to fit so many occasions so I will say them to you. This sucks so bad. My heart is with you.

    You are so young, too young
    You are so young, too young to go thru this. I'm not sure what to say except how terribly sorry I am.

    Cancer sucks big time!

    Hugs, prayers and here for you,

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    grams2jc said:

    You are right, it isn't fair
    It just plain SUCKS! As we always say here...numbers mean nothing, you are you, not a number 50 % doesn't take into consideration the overall health, pursuit of treatment or whether they got hit by a truck of the ones who didn't make it. You sound pretty tough to me, but there would be no way to look at what you are facing and think it is wonderful,it's not.

    This is not a motivational speech, I just want you to know you got a raw deal, and I am pulling for you,


    No motivational speech from
    No motivational speech from me. I will just be praying for you and here for you.

    Hugs, Debby
  • mollieb
    mollieb Member Posts: 148
    Being Strong
    I was struck by how everyone is telling you how strong you are. I think people around us need for us to be strong; they want us to be heroines. And it's less hassle to appear strong than to look like a mess, because then everybody feels like they have to do something, and there is often nothing to do. But I never feel strong. There are days when I put one foot in front of the other, keep marching, and hold it together. I manage that most days. And there are days when I am just falling apart, and that comes out of me as bitchiness.

    Here, you are free to be any way you want, and no one will give you a hard time. Well, unless she is having a really bad day. Your story moves all of us. Of course you are afraid, and angry, and sad. And you have to work out how to deal with it in your own way. Nobody else can promise her way will work for you.

    Think about the end of your treatment, and how it will feel to not be tied to your schedule of medical appointments. Then see if you can keep marching, in whatever way feels best to you, to get to that end.

    I am sending you a big hug. Mary
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    jamiegww said:

    Kat, I just want to give you a big HUG!
    I'm thinking someone was in line for this and they stepped aside and pushed you in their place. There's just no way you should be dealing with this mess at your age. Please know that we are always here for you.


    You are so amazing to be
    You are so amazing to be going thru all of this and still going to school. I am so impressed with you Kat.

    I am praying for you and sending lots of hugs to you today, and, every day.

    Hugs, Kylez
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    MAJW said:

    We understand...
    A recurrence does suck big time! Going through it myself....I'm not going to give you all the"stay strong" speech....what choice do we have...?
    All I can say, yes, this sucks and I will keep you in my prayers....keep us posted, we care...

    Hugs, Nancy

    Ps....thanks for calling us " girls" lol:)

    Sending big hugs and prayers
    Sending big hugs and prayers to you today Kat!
  • gami43
    gami43 Member Posts: 281
    mollieb said:

    Being Strong
    I was struck by how everyone is telling you how strong you are. I think people around us need for us to be strong; they want us to be heroines. And it's less hassle to appear strong than to look like a mess, because then everybody feels like they have to do something, and there is often nothing to do. But I never feel strong. There are days when I put one foot in front of the other, keep marching, and hold it together. I manage that most days. And there are days when I am just falling apart, and that comes out of me as bitchiness.

    Here, you are free to be any way you want, and no one will give you a hard time. Well, unless she is having a really bad day. Your story moves all of us. Of course you are afraid, and angry, and sad. And you have to work out how to deal with it in your own way. Nobody else can promise her way will work for you.

    Think about the end of your treatment, and how it will feel to not be tied to your schedule of medical appointments. Then see if you can keep marching, in whatever way feels best to you, to get to that end.

    I am sending you a big hug. Mary

    Kat - I am so sorry to hear
    Kat - I am so sorry to hear what you are going thru now.
    Please know how much you are cared for here. Please keep us
    updated from time to time on this journey you are on. I keep
    you in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you strength, courage,
    love and lots of hugs.

  • cctiz
    cctiz Member Posts: 47
    Braveheart Kat
    I wish i could hold you for a moment and tell you how brave you are to talk to all of us and give us a lesson of endurance and strengh - you are an inspiration - is also good that you accept the things as they are, as they come, do your part, fight as much as you possibly can and when you can't just rest, keep in mind that the most important thing now is your health, you are gonna need all your energy to deal with chemo, personally I think that 56 weeks of it, its bananas, then again do what you can - i'm not on remission and im scared to death when that day to know comes - I'll be thinking about you all the time as the bravest cancer warrior alive!
    all my love
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member

    Good to see you here.
    Although you're going through this again and sharing this upsetting news, I am glad to see you here and posting for us. It means something to me. It means that you are eager to live and will do everything in your power to recover from this. What else can I say that hasn't been said? I can add that I believe in you, that I believe in miracles, and finally, that I have faith you will face this with strength. You will recover.

    I can't imagine what you're going through. Neither can I imagine what thoughts go through your mind. And why things happen (only God knows). But I will pray for you to stay positive no matter what you hear or see. And to never lose your faith.

    And please try to keep us posted on how you're feeling. We are here for you.

    God bless you Kat.

    Praying for you Kat!♥
    Praying for you Kat!

    ♥ Kristin ♥