Why can't we agree to disagree?



  • TMac52
    TMac52 Member Posts: 352
    plh4gail said:

    Choices we make, people, personalities, opinions, stats, jeesh!!
    This argument/opinion is getting very old and boring. Click the "like" button if you agree.

  • jjaj133
    jjaj133 Member Posts: 867 Member
    plh4gail said:

    Choices we make, people, personalities, opinions, stats, jeesh!!
    This argument/opinion is getting very old and boring. Click the "like" button if you agree.


  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    jjaj133 said:



    last time I posted yawn and got in trouble.......pleeeeeze.....enough
  • karen40
    karen40 Member Posts: 211 Member
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    plh4gail said:

    Choices we make, people, personalities, opinions, stats, jeesh!!
    This argument/opinion is getting very old and boring. Click the "like" button if you agree.

    Many Surgeons on Here
    They're very good at dissecting things.
    Don't fret Gail, some comment is bound to get flagged, then the post will be removed.
    Forty-eight hours later, a new post will ask "What happened to the post about blah, blah, blah?"
    To which someone will say "They removed it".
    That will be followed by the cry of "CENSORSHIP!!!".

    Then that post will have about 60-70 replies about the free speech vs. terms and conditions of a web site argument. Three or four people will get banned, five or six will leave for FB for a month, then one person (who was on vacation will return) will ask "What happened???" and it will start again until we realize what happened.

    We can usually squeeze four or five weeks of "peace" in here if we're lucky.
    Then the cycle begins again.


    or...is this the time we break the cycle?
  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Many Surgeons on Here
    They're very good at dissecting things.
    Don't fret Gail, some comment is bound to get flagged, then the post will be removed.
    Forty-eight hours later, a new post will ask "What happened to the post about blah, blah, blah?"
    To which someone will say "They removed it".
    That will be followed by the cry of "CENSORSHIP!!!".

    Then that post will have about 60-70 replies about the free speech vs. terms and conditions of a web site argument. Three or four people will get banned, five or six will leave for FB for a month, then one person (who was on vacation will return) will ask "What happened???" and it will start again until we realize what happened.

    We can usually squeeze four or five weeks of "peace" in here if we're lucky.
    Then the cycle begins again.


    or...is this the time we break the cycle?
    Very Funny and so true.
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    laurettas said:

    Checked it out
    Checked out the first Google you recommended. Here are a couple of things I saw:

    A comment from the Chinese medicine salon:

    In China doctors always combine traditional Chinese and western medicine together. Many clinical reports show integrated therapy is better than any single therapy.

    We shouldn’t only use Chinese medicine to treat cancer, but Chinese medicine can definitely play a very important role in the cancer treatment.

    From AsiaOne.com:

    He cautioned, however, that TCM alone cannot effectively treat cancer and should not be used as a primary mode of treatment. Rather, herbal remedies play an auxiliary role, by helping to relieve symptoms associated with cancer treatments.

    Will check more later.


    Be sure to try and read the positive reports also!

    I'm not trying to convince you of anything, I'm
    just trying to open your eyes and your mind.

    If I can't at least do that much, my presence here
    is in vain.

    (I don't get paid to sit here, ya'know?)

    My best.... (fwtw)

  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Many Surgeons on Here
    They're very good at dissecting things.
    Don't fret Gail, some comment is bound to get flagged, then the post will be removed.
    Forty-eight hours later, a new post will ask "What happened to the post about blah, blah, blah?"
    To which someone will say "They removed it".
    That will be followed by the cry of "CENSORSHIP!!!".

    Then that post will have about 60-70 replies about the free speech vs. terms and conditions of a web site argument. Three or four people will get banned, five or six will leave for FB for a month, then one person (who was on vacation will return) will ask "What happened???" and it will start again until we realize what happened.

    We can usually squeeze four or five weeks of "peace" in here if we're lucky.
    Then the cycle begins again.


    or...is this the time we break the cycle?
    lol thats funny!
  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    karen40 said:


    philly...you are so totally right....I have just been sitting outside reading one of my cancer diaries......entry over and over again....."forum fighting again"

    hhaa...you are right

  • jjaj133
    jjaj133 Member Posts: 867 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Many Surgeons on Here
    They're very good at dissecting things.
    Don't fret Gail, some comment is bound to get flagged, then the post will be removed.
    Forty-eight hours later, a new post will ask "What happened to the post about blah, blah, blah?"
    To which someone will say "They removed it".
    That will be followed by the cry of "CENSORSHIP!!!".

    Then that post will have about 60-70 replies about the free speech vs. terms and conditions of a web site argument. Three or four people will get banned, five or six will leave for FB for a month, then one person (who was on vacation will return) will ask "What happened???" and it will start again until we realize what happened.

    We can usually squeeze four or five weeks of "peace" in here if we're lucky.
    Then the cycle begins again.


    or...is this the time we break the cycle?
    this is
    too funny and very true.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    plh4gail said:

    Choices we make, people, personalities, opinions, stats, jeesh!!
    This argument/opinion is getting very old and boring. Click the "like" button if you agree.

    Like like like
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Many Surgeons on Here
    They're very good at dissecting things.
    Don't fret Gail, some comment is bound to get flagged, then the post will be removed.
    Forty-eight hours later, a new post will ask "What happened to the post about blah, blah, blah?"
    To which someone will say "They removed it".
    That will be followed by the cry of "CENSORSHIP!!!".

    Then that post will have about 60-70 replies about the free speech vs. terms and conditions of a web site argument. Three or four people will get banned, five or six will leave for FB for a month, then one person (who was on vacation will return) will ask "What happened???" and it will start again until we realize what happened.

    We can usually squeeze four or five weeks of "peace" in here if we're lucky.
    Then the cycle begins again.


    or...is this the time we break the cycle?
    Phil ?
    I had to go out....

  • Buckwirth
    Buckwirth Member Posts: 1,258 Member
    John23 said:

    Phil ?
    I had to go out....


    While you were out
    someone else posted in your name.

    I disagreed with something they said.

    Another person felt hurt.

    Someone else threatened to leave.

    A fifth person asked us all to get along.

    At this point I became confused and am now posting on the UOAA board.

    What were we talking about?
  • marqimark
    marqimark Member Posts: 242 Member
    I agree
    Attacking people that have our issues doesn't make sense.


  • son of hal
    son of hal Member Posts: 117
    marqimark said:

    I agree
    Attacking people that have our issues doesn't make sense.




  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Many Surgeons on Here
    They're very good at dissecting things.
    Don't fret Gail, some comment is bound to get flagged, then the post will be removed.
    Forty-eight hours later, a new post will ask "What happened to the post about blah, blah, blah?"
    To which someone will say "They removed it".
    That will be followed by the cry of "CENSORSHIP!!!".

    Then that post will have about 60-70 replies about the free speech vs. terms and conditions of a web site argument. Three or four people will get banned, five or six will leave for FB for a month, then one person (who was on vacation will return) will ask "What happened???" and it will start again until we realize what happened.

    We can usually squeeze four or five weeks of "peace" in here if we're lucky.
    Then the cycle begins again.


    or...is this the time we break the cycle?
    You Had Me Rolling, Phil....
    Boy, that's it and the truest thing I have ever read, Phil.

    Every word so true, that's it's funny -but dead on with your accuracy.

    Great way to make a point with your usual humor, of course:)

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Many Surgeons on Here
    They're very good at dissecting things.
    Don't fret Gail, some comment is bound to get flagged, then the post will be removed.
    Forty-eight hours later, a new post will ask "What happened to the post about blah, blah, blah?"
    To which someone will say "They removed it".
    That will be followed by the cry of "CENSORSHIP!!!".

    Then that post will have about 60-70 replies about the free speech vs. terms and conditions of a web site argument. Three or four people will get banned, five or six will leave for FB for a month, then one person (who was on vacation will return) will ask "What happened???" and it will start again until we realize what happened.

    We can usually squeeze four or five weeks of "peace" in here if we're lucky.
    Then the cycle begins again.


    or...is this the time we break the cycle?
    Here, here! You're so right!

    By the way, I love your profile pic- hilarious!

  • Kimo Sabe
    Kimo Sabe Member Posts: 64



    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
    Maybe in the direction of topic here. It is six in the morning and I am not here because I am an early riser.  I'm here because of insomnia from my Oxaliplatin treatment yesterday. I think actually it was the premedication with Emend and Dexamethasone. 

    As a newbie, I don't have a dog in the fight. I think I've seen this discussion a couple of times before in my short time here.

    Now I'm humming:  There's battle lines being drawn
    Nobody's right if everybody's wrong............
    Singing songs and carrying signs
    Mostly say, hooray for our side.

       With my cancer, I have less time for dissidence . There were many good pearls above, however  I find the power in this group to be its diversity, its compassion, its knowledge, its experience, its support, its honesty, and humor.  I think I could enjoy dinner or go party with almost everyone here. Especially if they enjoy dumb jokes and old television comedies like the honeymooners.  We will have to wait until December  ( EOC-end of chemo) before I can enjoy some good fermented grape juice or a tall Mojito. 

    Our commonality of cancer is truly a tie that binds. Binds more than just our bowels.

    Well my insomnia is improved and I will send this note later on. Ciao,