
Survivor73 Member Posts: 135
So, I am waiting for my surgeon to call about the pathology from my hysterectomy...I talked to the secretary...they have the report, but can't tell me...so I asked for the Dr to call me...she said she would leave a message for her to call, but this is not normal practice...I am so frustrated...she wants to know why I can't wait until the 15th for my appointment...

So what that I have already dealt with 2 cancers so far this year...apparently I can wait to get answers even when they have them readily available...I'm so frustrated...

Add to this is my nephew is missing...he's 23 and has been missing for 3 weeks...the police are involved and have not been able to find him...we're really scared, anxious, can't beleive this is happening to our family.

Oh, and my sister had her tatoos done yesterday...rads to start on the 12th.

And, my other sister is dealing with her dog who was diagnosed with malinoma...he went for another surgery today to get better margins...this is the dog that was really attached to her husband who died of lung cancer 2 yrs ago...

We are all falling apart...but I am being pushy asking for my results prior to my appointment??

I don't think I can handle anything negative anymore...

Feeling really down...just needed to vent....

Thanks for listening....S73


  • sinee
    sinee Member Posts: 196 Member
    full plate girl
    Wow, now that's a full plate....so, the thing that you need to know is what is going on with your results. Call the "secretary" and let her know that you need to speak to the Dr...and if she says this si not normal practice, tell her maybe it should be, because it certainly is normal with other Dr.'s You are not willing to wait an additional 15 days for the results, that is unacceptable~When did you have your surgery? Rads really is the easy part, been there, done that. Feels a bit odd, because it is isolating~so be sure to call her before or afterwards. Seems like everyone forgot about me when I was going through my rads...so it can be a bit depressing because of that...You are going to be ok, and this is the place to vent...so, now that you have, get back to counting your blessings, and I am not being cruel. Focus on one thing positive and more will pop out at you...don't let yourself spiral down to far....call your Dr. get your results, tell them you will hold until they speak to the Dr. or have a time that is best to speak with her...you are paying them, they are not paying you. You can switch Dr.s too....as for the dog, sorry to hear about it, but don't take it on. Unless you are living with your sister that has the dog. Sounds like you need to just catch your breath and re-focus some of your energy back on yourself. Even just for a day or an hour? Give yourself some time for you to heal, my goodness, it isn't being selfish it is just necessary. Sinee
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Drs office
    My sugeon called within 1/2 an hour when he found out that I had been misinformed about the type of breast cancer I had. (I had been accidentally called by his staff on my cell phone that I was HER2 postitive prior to surgery). When I found out that I was not HER 2 postive from the radiologist (a very early consultation appointment), I called his office for further clarification. I explained that I felt that this was merely a clerical error and that I just wanted to know what kind of breast cancer I had. I am sure he felt he was doing some damage control/ When I spoke to his medical records staff and asked for a copy of the HER2 report from Mayo I also told them I felt it was a clerical error and that, "I just wanted to know what form of cancer's A$$ I had to kick?" They of course were applogetic too and sent the report right outl. Two weeks is a long time to wait even if there is no clerical error.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry you have to wait...!

    sorry you have to wait...!
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Doesn't sound unreasonable to me
    They have the results, all you need is an answer, surely someone can get that for you. Maybe you can work up a fake tear or 2 to get their attention and let them know just how bad things are for you right now. You don't need this worry to drag on, seems cruel.

    I even asked at the place where I will get my right mammo done about getting same day results. They told me that was not their usual practice but will be able to set up an appt for me to accomodate that if I tell them when I call for the appt.

    Hang in there, you've got waaaaay too much going on,

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    grams2jc said:

    Doesn't sound unreasonable to me
    They have the results, all you need is an answer, surely someone can get that for you. Maybe you can work up a fake tear or 2 to get their attention and let them know just how bad things are for you right now. You don't need this worry to drag on, seems cruel.

    I even asked at the place where I will get my right mammo done about getting same day results. They told me that was not their usual practice but will be able to set up an appt for me to accomodate that if I tell them when I call for the appt.

    Hang in there, you've got waaaaay too much going on,


    The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
    I always try to play nice---at first. You should NOT have to wait 2 weeks for your results after all you've been through-or otherwise. If it were me, I'd take a minute, maybe write down what I want to say and call back. If the "secretary" shows no compassion in your request, and the doc isn't there, I'd ask to speak to his nurse or nurse practitioner and explain why you really need to speak to the doc or his nurse and get that result immediately. Who cares about their "usual practice!" That is a bunch of crap--and they know it too.

    Don't feel like you're wrong to request this--it is your right to know in a timely manner. And 15 days is just NOT timely.

    Good luck and let us know.

    Hugs, Renee
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    missrenee said:

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
    I always try to play nice---at first. You should NOT have to wait 2 weeks for your results after all you've been through-or otherwise. If it were me, I'd take a minute, maybe write down what I want to say and call back. If the "secretary" shows no compassion in your request, and the doc isn't there, I'd ask to speak to his nurse or nurse practitioner and explain why you really need to speak to the doc or his nurse and get that result immediately. Who cares about their "usual practice!" That is a bunch of crap--and they know it too.

    Don't feel like you're wrong to request this--it is your right to know in a timely manner. And 15 days is just NOT timely.

    Good luck and let us know.

    Hugs, Renee

    DOn't understand why they won't tell you!
    You're not being unreasonable and you have the right to know.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    missrenee said:

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
    I always try to play nice---at first. You should NOT have to wait 2 weeks for your results after all you've been through-or otherwise. If it were me, I'd take a minute, maybe write down what I want to say and call back. If the "secretary" shows no compassion in your request, and the doc isn't there, I'd ask to speak to his nurse or nurse practitioner and explain why you really need to speak to the doc or his nurse and get that result immediately. Who cares about their "usual practice!" That is a bunch of crap--and they know it too.

    Don't feel like you're wrong to request this--it is your right to know in a timely manner. And 15 days is just NOT timely.

    Good luck and let us know.

    Hugs, Renee

    Jennifer .. I am laughing at the fake tear or two
    comments -- but, agree 100%. Do what you needed to get results via over the phone or squeeze in to see your Doctor ASAP. Ask that the PA give you results or nurse -- enough with this waiting game. Grrrrr

    Let us know.

    Vicki Sam
  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    VickiSam said:

    Jennifer .. I am laughing at the fake tear or two
    comments -- but, agree 100%. Do what you needed to get results via over the phone or squeeze in to see your Doctor ASAP. Ask that the PA give you results or nurse -- enough with this waiting game. Grrrrr

    Let us know.

    Vicki Sam

    I agree with the ladies...
    phone stalk your doctor every hour if you have to or just show up in his office...he will have no choice than.....

    Best Wishes
  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    Well, maybe look at it as if
    Well, maybe look at it as if you had cancer, wouldn't they want to tell you right away? At least I hope they would. And as far as that receptionist asking why can't you wait? Obviously she has never had to sit on pins and needles like we have and do waiting for test results. It is one of those times where I sit on the fence... do we curse or understand her ignorance? Either way, if you are fine getting the news over the phone, your dr. should accomodate your wishes. Your doctor works for you.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    Well, maybe look at it as if
    Well, maybe look at it as if you had cancer, wouldn't they want to tell you right away? At least I hope they would. And as far as that receptionist asking why can't you wait? Obviously she has never had to sit on pins and needles like we have and do waiting for test results. It is one of those times where I sit on the fence... do we curse or understand her ignorance? Either way, if you are fine getting the news over the phone, your dr. should accomodate your wishes. Your doctor works for you.

    Usually if the cancer is found they call within 48 hours
    If pathology report has cancer the doctors usually do not wait for two a patient's next appointment. Unfortunately, everyone who has cancer is getting a call immediately. Let's hope that they keep you waiting because there is no problem. I know it is very cruel and you have a right to be upset.
    Wishing you to get good results soon.
    New Flower
  • Survivor73
    Survivor73 Member Posts: 135

    Usually if the cancer is found they call within 48 hours
    If pathology report has cancer the doctors usually do not wait for two a patient's next appointment. Unfortunately, everyone who has cancer is getting a call immediately. Let's hope that they keep you waiting because there is no problem. I know it is very cruel and you have a right to be upset.
    Wishing you to get good results soon.
    New Flower

    still waiting...
    So, I went to my GP's office today and signed a request for my file from the surgeon...
    The secretary promised to send the request today and she will call me when they get it in and will show the dr as soon as possible...then he will decide how soon I need to come in...hopefully tomorrow...

    I just really hate waiting...don't understand why they can't just pick up a phone and call me...

    Hope all is well with everyone...S73
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    missrenee said:

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
    I always try to play nice---at first. You should NOT have to wait 2 weeks for your results after all you've been through-or otherwise. If it were me, I'd take a minute, maybe write down what I want to say and call back. If the "secretary" shows no compassion in your request, and the doc isn't there, I'd ask to speak to his nurse or nurse practitioner and explain why you really need to speak to the doc or his nurse and get that result immediately. Who cares about their "usual practice!" That is a bunch of crap--and they know it too.

    Don't feel like you're wrong to request this--it is your right to know in a timely manner. And 15 days is just NOT timely.

    Good luck and let us know.

    Hugs, Renee

    IN my case
    MOST dr appts make me GO IN to theh office for results even BLOOD work or my annual colonscopy! WITH MY BC I called and spoke to me dr..

    I LOVE HIM DEARLY..been with him for over 20 yrs..but ....he told me over the phone...he said NOT BAD BUT NOT good...DCIS...i looked up the rest on line...

    HE just did my hystertomy...

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    still waiting...
    So, I went to my GP's office today and signed a request for my file from the surgeon...
    The secretary promised to send the request today and she will call me when they get it in and will show the dr as soon as possible...then he will decide how soon I need to come in...hopefully tomorrow...

    I just really hate waiting...don't understand why they can't just pick up a phone and call me...

    Hope all is well with everyone...S73

    Hoping you get your answers
    Hoping you get your answers today! Let us know.

    Hugs, Kylez
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Kylez said:

    Hoping you get your answers
    Hoping you get your answers today! Let us know.

    Hugs, Kylez

    What's going on?
    I assume you don't have your results? I'm so sorry to see all the crappy things going on around you.

    There's no reason to be put off by the surgeon's office. You called because you wanted the results. If she was out of town, in surgery, or something else, that would be different. Maybe that's her policy, but sometimes patients need more than policy. My gyn oncologist called me when he received the pathology from my hysterectomy (about 1 week after surgery). He said he calls because he knows his patients are anxious and he likes to check on their progress as well. On the other hand, my breast surgeon waited to give me final results until my appointment, but I think my breast follow up was sooner than gyn, so it would have been only a matter of a couple of days difference. I think.

    Hope you get your results soon. Now we have a 3-day weekend. Try to enjoy it, the results will be the same Tuesday as last week. I know, easy for me to say. Waiting is the worst.

  • Survivor73
    Survivor73 Member Posts: 135

    What's going on?
    I assume you don't have your results? I'm so sorry to see all the crappy things going on around you.

    There's no reason to be put off by the surgeon's office. You called because you wanted the results. If she was out of town, in surgery, or something else, that would be different. Maybe that's her policy, but sometimes patients need more than policy. My gyn oncologist called me when he received the pathology from my hysterectomy (about 1 week after surgery). He said he calls because he knows his patients are anxious and he likes to check on their progress as well. On the other hand, my breast surgeon waited to give me final results until my appointment, but I think my breast follow up was sooner than gyn, so it would have been only a matter of a couple of days difference. I think.

    Hope you get your results soon. Now we have a 3-day weekend. Try to enjoy it, the results will be the same Tuesday as last week. I know, easy for me to say. Waiting is the worst.


    still no news
    So my GP sent a request for my files to the OB/GYN. They sent my files but only the stuff up to the surgery - they didn't send the info for the pathology or the surgical notes...

    They told the secretary at my GP's office that the Dr (OB/GYN) wants to give me the results herself, so I'm back to waiting until the 15th...

    I can't believe this...I'm so mad, frustrated, just want to cry...

    I'm a big control freak...ok, I'll admit I have issues...lol...but I just want the control over my medical information...it's about me, why shouldn't I have some control and say over it...

    Cancer takes away your control...part of my dealing with it is knowing what's coming and being aware of everything from researching to talking to others with the same thing....I have learned more on this board about some of it than from my dr's...

    I just want some control and getting results within a reasonable time should be something that can be easily accomodated by the dr's...I'm not asking for a lot...can't believe this is happening...it's so unfair and negative...throughout all of my treatments with other Dr's I have been treated with respect and care...then this crap...

    I don't think the meeting on the 15th will be a very nice one...I get mad/upset everytime I think about this...

    Hope all is well...S73