new here!



  • SueRelays
    SueRelays Member Posts: 485
    sinai said:

    Wow I didn't expect so many replies, thankyou! Well I'm supposed to get 6 chemos before my mastectomy and the treatments are every 21 days. The surgeon hasn't told me yet if it's going to be a bilateral mastectomy and removal of my ovaries, like I said I'm afraid to ask, but she did told me at the beginning it was a possibility. She also said because I was premenopausal my cancer was more aggressive. After that I'll get more chemo and radiation. I'm getting my second treatment tomorrow I'm not nervous anymore I found out they are not that bad.


    Hi Gabby!
    Adding one more to

    Hi Gabby!

    Adding one more to the thread! I'm fairly new too. Will be having my 3rd ( out of 60 treatments this Friday. My hair came out in clumps too and I finally got tired enough of it to have my boyfriend shave it. It was hard and did not come with a tear or two. Now I'm enjoying not having all that hair to take care of. Getting spoiled with the amount of time it takes me to get there's ONE positive :)

    I also never felt like why me...why not me? I'm no more special than anyone else.

    There are good things that come from this......all this love and support from people who we haven't even met is one HUGE one!!

    I will add you to my prayers!!
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Welcome!!! You are right to lean on God. It helps tremendously to have faith. Sorry to hear you got this at such a young age. Stick around and do some reading and you will get the hang of getting through this.
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    Welcome!!! You are right to lean on God. It helps tremendously to have faith. Sorry to hear you got this at such a young age. Stick around and do some reading and you will get the hang of getting through this.

    Welcome aboard Gabby!
    Glad you found us but sorry for the need to. I'll be sending prayers your way, they really do help. Mine was a similar diagnos, IDC stage 2a. With the mastectomy 3 of the 9 nodes removed showed evidence of involvement. I had chemo first, then surgery, then rads. All this started last July and active treatment ended March 30. I had a clear PET scan and mammogram and have been declared in complete remission. You can do this! Fight like a girl!!!
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    Sorry to hear of your dx. and sorry that you have to join our club but you will find the best support and comfort right here. We understand your feelings, we will help you through this difficult time of your life. Please stay positive and strong. Pray for courage and strength DAILY. I know this is so hard...we have all been there, but you must think positive and have a fighting attitude! You can do this!!
    I used scarves (bandana). I bought many at walmart. Never bought a wig.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    Sorry to hear of your dx. and sorry that you have to join our club but you will find the best support and comfort right here. We understand your feelings, we will help you through this difficult time of your life. Please stay positive and strong. Pray for courage and strength DAILY. I know this is so hard...we have all been there, but you must think positive and have a fighting attitude! You can do this!!
    I used scarves (bandana). I bought many at walmart. Never bought a wig.

    Hi Gabby
    Welcome to the site.
    Please focus on short term goals managing side effects of Chemo, helping kids with homework, enjoying fall colors.
    I was diagnosed with stage III C with 11 positive nodes more than 3 years ago at the age of 46. I am doing OK. Please look forward you have a fright future in frond of you.
    New Flower
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    dyaneb123 said:

    Hi Gabby
    Welcome! Im so glad that you found this site. You will find lots of support and love here from women who have been where you are in treatment or are there with you now. I can imagine how frightening this must be for you , with everything happening so fast. Can you tell us a little more about your DX and treatment? Why do you think it's very advanced? Has it metastisized? Please feel free to ask questions, vent, share your progress, whatever
    you feel like posting.Someone I'm sure will have some good info to share with you.

    I pray for a cure every day
    I pray for a cure every day too Gabby. I am very sorry that you are going thru this. The pink sisters are here for you 24/7, so, you are never alone in this journey.

    Wishing you the best of luck,

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    debi.18 said:

    Welcome Gabby
    Welcome Gabby! I also am so sorry you have joined us. One marvelous side effect has been the connection with the incredibly awesome ladies on this board. The support and information on this site is amazing.

    Sorry your hair fell out so soon. I've had 2 taxol/herceptin treatments and am just kinda waiting for mine to go. I have wigs and scarves just sitting in the room waiting. Not that I'm in a hurry, just want to get it over with.

    Praying for you and your family.....lots of hugs!!


    Welcome Gabby to the best
    Welcome Gabby to the best support group of pink sisters! I will be praying for you!

    Love, Leeza
  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440

    Hi Gabby
    Welcome to the site.
    Please focus on short term goals managing side effects of Chemo, helping kids with homework, enjoying fall colors.
    I was diagnosed with stage III C with 11 positive nodes more than 3 years ago at the age of 46. I am doing OK. Please look forward you have a fright future in frond of you.
    New Flower

    Hi Gabby
    I was given a Beautiful wig from the hospital where I recieved my treatment, wore it twice, I loved the scarfs, felt way more comfortable then my wig.
    Wishing you the Best and I hope you keep coming too this board for strength and support!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    sinai said:

    Wow I didn't expect so many replies, thankyou! Well I'm supposed to get 6 chemos before my mastectomy and the treatments are every 21 days. The surgeon hasn't told me yet if it's going to be a bilateral mastectomy and removal of my ovaries, like I said I'm afraid to ask, but she did told me at the beginning it was a possibility. She also said because I was premenopausal my cancer was more aggressive. After that I'll get more chemo and radiation. I'm getting my second treatment tomorrow I'm not nervous anymore I found out they are not that bad.


    So glad your treatment
    So glad your treatment wasn't so bad for you Gabby!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Lynne Logan
    Lynne Logan Member Posts: 105 Member
    Like you I'm new but have
    Like you I'm new but have found this group to be so wonderful and supportive. My questions have been answered and I've found a place where I can just "talk." I'm due for my second infusion this coming Friday. Thanks to the good ladies here I know what to anticipate.
    I think you're sounding a lot better than the first time you posted. Perhaps you're now feeling a lot more hopeful?
    My first reaction way back when was I would not go through treatment. I experienced losing my daughter to very aggressive melanoma back in 1986. I was told that chemo had come a long way and my stage III cancer was nothing akin to what my daughter had dealt with.
    With all the confident health care professionals I never have given anything but getting better a thought. I wouldn't be going through this (or scaring my family) if I didn't feel 100% sure I'd make it just fine.
    Keep the faith.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    Warm welcome, Gabby...
    We're all here to support & encourage each other. Your waves of many emotions all at once, and your fears, are totally understandable to us. Seems like you've already made much progress along your own journey. Sometimes it helps to remind oneself that we can only proceed one forward step at a time.

    The Board is open 24/7, each & every day. Visit often, whenever you need or would like to. Best wishes for successful treatment.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Adding my hello and welcome
    Adding my hello and welcome to you Gabby!
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    tko683 said:

    Welcome, I am glad that you found this site. It has been very helpful to me and I'm sure you will feel the same way. I am so sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis at such a young age. I was diagnosed with stage 3a at the age of 44 in 2004. I will tell you that I had 8 cycles of chemo, radiation, mastectomy, and a year of herceptin treatment. I am still on tamoxifen now. I will say that none of the treatment was as bad as I imagined it coulb be, even the chemo, was not that bad. Take care of yourself and know that you have many people praying for you. Keep us posted and ask any questions, as you can see there are many stage 3 survivors out there. Strength and prayers, Teri

    Hi Gabby! I had a
    Hi Gabby! I had a lumpectomy followed by rads. I am very sorry that you are here, but, we will surround you with support and all of the help that we can.

    Keep posting to let us know how you are doing.

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣