Biopsy and surgeon visit

grams2jc Member Posts: 756
I had my endometrial biopsy on Thursday afternoon and won't be hearing those results for 7 to 10 days, I really didn't know what to expect but it wasn't bad. Thanks for the advice about taking ibuprofen prior everyone. I started going to this gyn because that is all she baby deliveries, no surgeries, so she suggested I see the ob/gyn who shares her office as a surgical consult, not her partner just 2 practices in 1 office. Boy were they not on the same page. Her thinking was that because of Tamox. I will have to be checked for edometrial thickening regularly, (My pelvic ultrasound showed a fairly large fibroid, a cyst on left ovary, and thickening of the uterine lining, thus the biopsy) and worry about my ovaries because of the bc, plus I am not going to be having any more kids... chemopause, age, etc., so why not have the hyst and not have those issues to worry about. His thinking was that I should not have the surgery due to my rheumatoid arthritis and my "significant" breast cancer...HUH? He also told me based on the fact that I could not push my cervix down toward him...what are you asking me to do? and oh by the way you are my second exam of the day, AND I have to pee after waiting on you this long,that he would only do the surgery with the full bikini-line incision. SO, left his office knowing that whatever the biopsy says he is NOT touching me again. He asked me what each of my doctors had told me about my health status and what were they thinking, lectured me about the incidence of uterine cancer and Tamox., and basically left me feeling that either, A. I am not going to live long enough to merit having this surgery B. He just thinks it might cause my RA or BC to flare back up, or C. He is a jerk with the gentleness of a blacksmith. My attempts to get him to elaborate on his comment were unsuccessful. I am really sad she sent me to him because I really like her...and it makes me question her thinking that she sent me to him....HMMMMM

Oh well, time to think since biopsy results won't be back for several more days, and this would probably be elective surgery, sort of. And that is something else he asked me, why did I WANT this surgery....guess I look like a crazy woman to him...could be right ;-)

Thanks for letting me vent,



  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Jennifer, first off, I don't
    Jennifer, first off, I don't know that I will ever see a male ob/gyn because they don't seem to get it. Second, you should probably talk to your regular doc a little more. If she or your oncologist think it is to your advantage to have everything out, you should do it. I am for anything that will improve our odds.
    I had my ovary out because I am ER + and I didn't want to take tamoxifen. I did not have the uterus out because there is not that issue of CA with AI's and my uterus is fine for now.
    good luck,
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    mamolady said:

    Jennifer, first off, I don't
    Jennifer, first off, I don't know that I will ever see a male ob/gyn because they don't seem to get it. Second, you should probably talk to your regular doc a little more. If she or your oncologist think it is to your advantage to have everything out, you should do it. I am for anything that will improve our odds.
    I had my ovary out because I am ER + and I didn't want to take tamoxifen. I did not have the uterus out because there is not that issue of CA with AI's and my uterus is fine for now.
    good luck,

    Thanks Cindy
    You are right about talking to my regular doc as well as my MO before this is all over, no matter what the biopsy shows.

    It doesn't seem like male ob/gyns get it, and he didn't know me at all or would have known that I had heard all about Tamoxifen and cancer from my pink sisters, LOL

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    grams2jc said:

    Thanks Cindy
    You are right about talking to my regular doc as well as my MO before this is all over, no matter what the biopsy shows.

    It doesn't seem like male ob/gyns get it, and he didn't know me at all or would have known that I had heard all about Tamoxifen and cancer from my pink sisters, LOL


    Just because you go into the
    Just because you go into the medical field does not mean you have the empathy or people gene.i have fired some docs as they were not a good fit. i also felt that if I could not connect withthem while awake, I did not want to trust them to advocate for me when I was asleep. Seeing that they are the the captain of the ship (you) during your surgery. (with the anesthesia doc so same goes for him) so find someone who you trust. you should tell your doc as she prob doesnt know about him.
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    carkris said:

    Just because you go into the
    Just because you go into the medical field does not mean you have the empathy or people gene.i have fired some docs as they were not a good fit. i also felt that if I could not connect withthem while awake, I did not want to trust them to advocate for me when I was asleep. Seeing that they are the the captain of the ship (you) during your surgery. (with the anesthesia doc so same goes for him) so find someone who you trust. you should tell your doc as she prob doesnt know about him.

    I hope your test
    I hope your test turns out fine.Maybe you won't have to worry and make decisions on what to do.Sounds like that doctor isn't compassionate.I am sure only seeing 2 patients like you mentioned he may not be busy.

    I've had delays on (biopsies) that have upset me terribly.Also had doctors know I have a problem.I asked one not to push where I hurt.He did anyway so he's GONE.This could have caused a bowel obstruction but he pushed anyway.I know some of his patients and they are feeling the same way.Also had a doctor who knew I had bc but all he wanted to do was X rays that are dangerously high in radiation.I found a doctor who does less invasive test and minimal radiation.Fired that one too.So 2 down for me and it was a matter of a few months.One doctor I had for 5 months and the other for 25 years.See what BC does to you.Makes you wake up and not put up with BULL.

    Wishing you the best when with your results the coming week. Waiting is very hard.A Couple week ago I had to wait 2 days and I was very worried.The tumor was found 3 weeks earlier so I was in a panic. Get it out or do a needle biopsy. Did a needle biopsy.It was benign.I wish that for you.

    Lynn Smith

    Lynn Smith
  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member

    I hope your test
    I hope your test turns out fine.Maybe you won't have to worry and make decisions on what to do.Sounds like that doctor isn't compassionate.I am sure only seeing 2 patients like you mentioned he may not be busy.

    I've had delays on (biopsies) that have upset me terribly.Also had doctors know I have a problem.I asked one not to push where I hurt.He did anyway so he's GONE.This could have caused a bowel obstruction but he pushed anyway.I know some of his patients and they are feeling the same way.Also had a doctor who knew I had bc but all he wanted to do was X rays that are dangerously high in radiation.I found a doctor who does less invasive test and minimal radiation.Fired that one too.So 2 down for me and it was a matter of a few months.One doctor I had for 5 months and the other for 25 years.See what BC does to you.Makes you wake up and not put up with BULL.

    Wishing you the best when with your results the coming week. Waiting is very hard.A Couple week ago I had to wait 2 days and I was very worried.The tumor was found 3 weeks earlier so I was in a panic. Get it out or do a needle biopsy. Did a needle biopsy.It was benign.I wish that for you.

    Lynn Smith

    Lynn Smith

    sorry you had this bad experience with your doctor
    Yes, they can be insensitive, can;t they? It's too bad they don;t teach more people skills in med school...though maybe the empathy is something that can;t be taught...either you have it or you don;t.

    Hoping for the best with your results. The waiting is the worst, isn;t it? We have all been there waiting for results and not knowing how they will turn out, hoping for the best but fearing the worse.

    Hang in there,
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Hope You Won't Need Surgery
    I hope the biopsy proves to be benign, Jennifer. You don't want a hysterectomy unless you really need it. The fibroid can be removed and a D&C will take care of the thickening.

    I had cyst on my ovaries and they can tell they are not tumor with an ultra sound. Sounds go through a cyst but not a tumor. My cysts were just left there and it's been over 12 years.

    Tamoxifen is known for giving women a thickening of the endometrial lining as a side effect. For the most part it doesn't lead to endometrial cancer.

    If you go to the medical records department that your doctor is affiliated with you can obtain your copy of the result a lot sooner than 10 days.

    Hope this helps.
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    SIROD said:

    Hope You Won't Need Surgery
    I hope the biopsy proves to be benign, Jennifer. You don't want a hysterectomy unless you really need it. The fibroid can be removed and a D&C will take care of the thickening.

    I had cyst on my ovaries and they can tell they are not tumor with an ultra sound. Sounds go through a cyst but not a tumor. My cysts were just left there and it's been over 12 years.

    Tamoxifen is known for giving women a thickening of the endometrial lining as a side effect. For the most part it doesn't lead to endometrial cancer.

    If you go to the medical records department that your doctor is affiliated with you can obtain your copy of the result a lot sooner than 10 days.

    Hope this helps.

    I hope the biopsy is ok and this whole discussion is moot.

    Remember, I had both breast and endometrial cancers at the same time. There was never a question about not having a hysterectomy and when the diagnoses were made, no one knew whether my breast cancer was "significant" or not.

    If it turns out that your biopsy is positive, please be sure to see a gynecologic oncologist, not a "vanilla" gynecologist. They are the experts and only a gyn oncologist can do the staging. My gyn oncologist was well aware of my breast cancer dx and the breast peeps knew/know about the endometrial cancer - and they communicated with each other. Talk to your medical oncologist about this, I'm sure s/he would help you connect with one.

    Regardless of the outcome, I wish you the best. If I can answer any questions about the endometrial stuff, feel free to send me a private message.

    Oh, my gyn/oncologist is a male. Not all male gyns are insensitive.

  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944

    I hope the biopsy is ok and this whole discussion is moot.

    Remember, I had both breast and endometrial cancers at the same time. There was never a question about not having a hysterectomy and when the diagnoses were made, no one knew whether my breast cancer was "significant" or not.

    If it turns out that your biopsy is positive, please be sure to see a gynecologic oncologist, not a "vanilla" gynecologist. They are the experts and only a gyn oncologist can do the staging. My gyn oncologist was well aware of my breast cancer dx and the breast peeps knew/know about the endometrial cancer - and they communicated with each other. Talk to your medical oncologist about this, I'm sure s/he would help you connect with one.

    Regardless of the outcome, I wish you the best. If I can answer any questions about the endometrial stuff, feel free to send me a private message.

    Oh, my gyn/oncologist is a male. Not all male gyns are insensitive.


    I agree with Suzanne, I love
    I agree with Suzanne, I love my gyno. It was with his loving hand that I started my cancer journey. I saw him last month for a uterine ultrasound and I too have fibroid tumors. Nothing he is concerned with yet, so I am in the watch, wait and see phase. He gave me his thumbs up to start my tamoxifen regimen. Good luck Jen.. you know I'm in your corner cheering you on buddy...
