Encountering more ovarian cancer patients and a survivor!

Yesterday while in Kroger, a lady came up to me, pointing at my hat, and said "My hair used to look like yours." She said he was 73 and diagnosed with ovarian cancer (stage 3) in July 2010. She ended her chemo in April. She had a nice hair of head. She was so sweet.

The other day a friend called to check on me. She was telling me about a young woman (34) who had lost her husband a son in an accident a few yrs. ago. She re-married fairly recently. She desired to have another baby. Unfortunately, she was just diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She has had her surgery.

I live in Miss. Recently a lady from church brought me a hat her sister in TX had made for me. This lady's (who made me the hat) daughter was involved in an auto accident a couple of weeks ago. Thankfully she wasn't badly hurt. She went to the ER later that night because of pain. They went ahead and did a CT. They found a large cyst on one of her ovaries. She is scheduled for surgery this Monday. (29th) Her doctor is certain that it is cancer.

We have to make women more aware of the symptoms of ovarian cancer. I am telling every woman who will listen, even if it's a store clerk. I was aware of the symptoms because a dental assistant had told me of them a few yrs. ago. She was diagnosed a few yrs. prior to that time.

You ladies are great. Anyone who fights cancer (and chemo) is a warrior. There are no wimps in this battle. Hope all of you have a great weekend.



  • carolenk
    carolenk Member Posts: 907 Member
    Monitor CA-125, too
    Even if the CA-125 isn't an ideal screening test, women should have that test done annually. In the US, Lab Corp will give you a discount on the test if you have no insurance or insurance refuses to pay.

    The symptoms alone are too vague to be of much help for getting an early diagnosis.
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    no wimps here!
    I know what you're saying. Everytime anyone who knows me hears of someone who has been diagnosed, they tell me. We all know that early detection is the Holy Grail that needs to be found with this disease. If you go online and search Teal Toes, you should find the website that will send you these cards you can hand out that list the symptoms of OVCA... they are free and they send you a lot.

    Last week a woman I used to work with was diagnosed with uterian cancer. She called me to ask questions for we all know how scary a cancer diagnosis is. I hope I was of some help. She thanked me and I told her that when I was first diagnosed a breast cancer survivor told me not to say "thank you".... just pass it on.
    ((((HUGS)))) Maria