Any suggestions on gaining weight???

My dad is stage 4 colon. I post for him all the time cuz he has a neurological disease which makes him shake alot and cannot type. He is down to 145lbs. He is 5'9. Having trouble wanting to eat, liking any food and has NO appetite. Any suggestions???


  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    When I was at that point,I felt the same way,but I was able to eat soup,plain rice,and hamburger patties,plain,no bun.I could not eat anything with any salt,or spices.Plain mash potatoes were also ok.Try jello also.I hope this helps.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Scrambled eggs, oatmeal, ensure drink, soups. Something that is tasty but easy on the tummy. Hope this helps.

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Old Favs
    After my surgery I had lost about 30 lbs during my stay in the hospital and had no real appetite.

    What helped me was a juice glass of Boost with extra protein 3 times a day,

    I also had very small servings of things which were old favorites, things I liked best before surgery.

    Having been the 'patient', and speaking from experience, I think it is best not to ask 'are you hungry', 'are you thirsty'. Just pick times thru the day to provide very small portiions.

    Sometimes the appetite is also impacted by the meds. You may want to check with his doctor to see if that is possible with his and if they have any recommendations.

    Hope his appetite improves,

    Marie who loves kitties
  • marqimark
    marqimark Member Posts: 242 Member
    Wish I had the answer
    I couldn't eat etc, lost 55LBS.
  • Love2Cats
    Love2Cats Member Posts: 127
    I hate to say it, because sugar is so bad for cancer, but I have been regaining some of the weight I lost with Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I am stage 4 too, but I figure since I am not curable, I may as well live a little before I go. I don't know if he is on chemo, because I know I had trouble with cold things on chemo. The healthiest snack that I actually craved when on chemo, was I found this organic turkey jerky that got me through a long period when I lost my appetite. It's really delicious, and gave me the protein I needed to get by. Also, it was easy to keep by the bed when I was too sick to get up and cook for myself. You can buy it in bulk on, but here is a link to the companies website, so you can read about their products. Take care