Has anyone had HIPEC in the state of Florida?

I may be a candidate for HIPEC and am looking for the best surgeon and hospital. It would be great if I could stay in Florida for insurance purposes, but I also want a surgeon and hospital with lots of experience in this procedure. I have been told by my oncologist that Dr. Lavine and or Dr. Sugarbaker are the best in the southeastern US, and I am willing to go out of state, but with 2 school aged children it will be very hard on our family with me in a hospital for an extended period of time.

Any comments, information and advise would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,



  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Here are a couple of


    Here are a couple of more choices, but they're not in Florida...

    Dr. David Bartlett, Univ. of Pittsburg (former student of Dr. Sugarbaker)

    Dr. Martin Goodman, Tufts Medical, Boston, Ma (former student of Dr. Bartlett)

    Best wishes, Cynthia