Room for one more in the Junior Class???

Friends and Classmates-' must have taken some time to grade that last test, but my surgeon finally called me late this afternoon! My petscan was good and there was no evidence of local or distant lymph node involvement and disease seemed to be contained to the esophagus-----BUT they never know that until the post surgery pathology comes back...He said that "there doesn't look like there is much of a tumor left"..said I had a "very good clinical response" and that they will "be able to offer me surgery". I should have asked more questions, but I was a little rattled.

I don't have a surgical (MIE) date yet, but he said it would be "right after Labor Day". I'm hoping for 9/5. I have a meeting with him Friday.

This is extremely hard for me wo write in the face of some of the bad news we have gotten on this site recently. My heart goes out to everyone who ever had this disease, as well as their families and caregivers. I wish I could be of more help to some people on the site. Believe me, I read every post. Sometimes I am not strong enough to even post my condolences. There is nothing fair about this.

Thanks to everyone who helped me make it this far!

dx 5/9


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  • hopper52
    hopper52 Member Posts: 108
    Way to Go Jeff
    I just made a post about my situation that didn't come out as rosy as yours, but congratulations.........Now the MIE and hopefully a NED life after that.
  • fredswilma
    fredswilma Member Posts: 185
    So very pleased for you,

    So very pleased for you,
    It is indeed good to hear good news on this site and yes even us stage iv caregivers are heartened by somebody else's good news, hoping you get a date for your surgery soon i believe it is the waiting that is a real trial for some. Will be thinking of you and your family in the days ahead.
  • Laura23
    Laura23 Member Posts: 81

    So very pleased for you,

    So very pleased for you,
    It is indeed good to hear good news on this site and yes even us stage iv caregivers are heartened by somebody else's good news, hoping you get a date for your surgery soon i believe it is the waiting that is a real trial for some. Will be thinking of you and your family in the days ahead.

    Awesome news!

    It is such awesome news! Congrats! Time to celebrate!

    I would definitely be calling the surgeon to schedule the surgery ASAP. Dr. Scott was talking about moving up Luis' surgery so I know there is space in the schedule.

    You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Wife to Luis
    Dx 4/11/2011 T3N1M0
  • jthomas233
    jthomas233 Member Posts: 85
    Laura23 said:

    Awesome news!

    It is such awesome news! Congrats! Time to celebrate!

    I would definitely be calling the surgeon to schedule the surgery ASAP. Dr. Scott was talking about moving up Luis' surgery so I know there is space in the schedule.

    You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Wife to Luis
    Dx 4/11/2011 T3N1M0

    I thought the same thing...

    I'm going to shoot him an e mail to that effect, but he said he was booked to Labor Day...If you hear for sure that your surgery can be moved up, please let me know and I'll try and force the issue...I really want to get the ball rolling here! I finished treatment on 7/18, so ideally, I would like to have a spot right around yours...when did Luis finish treatment? Why are they moving him up?

  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    It is so great you had a
    It is so great you had a good response to the treatment and are able to have the surgery. You have moved up to the Junior class with honors. I agree with the deep emotions that you feel as you read the posts. Such nice and caring people. Bill had to wait about 4 weeks or so to have his surgery after treatment completion. It is a long wait; however, even now, the chemo and radiation you had are still working to fight the tumor. Please keep us posted as soon as you learn anything. William expressed my sentiments so much more eloquently than I could. It is how we all feel. Congrats again!!
  • jojoshort
    jojoshort Member Posts: 230 Member
    Share the good news
    Yes, you can! Thanks for giving us all some good news. Wishing you all the best,
  • NikiMo
    NikiMo Member Posts: 342
    Snoopy dancing over here!!

    I think my title says it all. Jeff and I did a little snoopy dance when I told him. We are both happy for you, and can only hope the same results for the whole sophmore class. I understand what you are saying about sharing good news when others are grieving. I believe that every individual on this board is amazing, how else can you describe people that are working through their own life challenges and still reach out to uplift others and provide support and help to the clueless 'new guys'. I know in my heart that everyone got a big smile on their face when they read your news, how could they not? You are fighting the good fight. Like William said none of us asked for this, but we all want to beat it. How better to uplift all patients with EC by giving this everything you have. And I know without a doubt you are giving this fight all you have.

    Outstanding news :)

  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Congratulations on the good
    Congratulations on the good report. So glad to share in this joy with you. You're right, there's way too much sadness and that's why it's so important to share good news.
    Praying for you, SAndra
  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    Share the Good News from the rooftops

    Our online family here is so happy to hear when someone has traveled this road we all call the EC monster and gets news that they can have surgery, or are NED or the cancer is stable. Or even when we call in hospice.

    You are right there seem to be times when it seems like we are losing so many loved ones --- well before we are ready. But I am reminded that every person here is a survivor - you survive from the day you hear those words . . . you have EC. Some of us get better news than others, some have more time --- but all of us rejoice in every piece of good news. And we cry when we lose another brave sole to this monster. But never hesistate to share good news.

    One day I pray that the statistics will be 80 to 90% survival rate for EC and a better than 50% survival rate for Stage IVs and one day a cure. From my lips to God's ears.

    Hugs and prayers,
  • json_2011
    json_2011 Member Posts: 100
    Good news , anytime
    Jeff , sir , thankyou for sharing. Any positive news here will be very grateful. You go you sophmore!! Jeff im praying for you and your famliy!! Everytime i post , i say a little prayer. Keep us updated!!!

  • Laura23
    Laura23 Member Posts: 81

    I thought the same thing...

    I'm going to shoot him an e mail to that effect, but he said he was booked to Labor Day...If you hear for sure that your surgery can be moved up, please let me know and I'll try and force the issue...I really want to get the ball rolling here! I finished treatment on 7/18, so ideally, I would like to have a spot right around yours...when did Luis finish treatment? Why are they moving him up?



    Luis finished treatment 7/8 - about 10 days before you. Dr. Scott wanted to do surgery on the 24th, which would have been around the 6 week mark. But we are dropping our oldest off for his freshman year at college (University of Delaware) on that day. Thought about changing the day we drop him but there is a parents meeting and some other activities that I would hate to miss. Can't stop living just because there is a cancer diagnosis.

    Anyway, Dr. Scott mentioned today that he would like to move up the MIE because he thinks that Luis is strong enough. He said that ideally the surgery should be 6-8 weeks after the completion of treatment. The 30th is still in that time frame. He also mentioned that waiting a few days is not going to really change anything. So, if they can't do the surgery before labor day, just use the time to eat and exercise and enjoy your beautiful family. But definitely keep us informed.

    Do you know about the esophagectomy support group? It meets the 4th Monday of every month by the fireplace at 7pm. We went last month and Luis came away very encouraged. I'm hoping he'll want to go again this month.

  • linda1120
    linda1120 Member Posts: 389
    This is wonderful news. We are so glad you will be having surgery soon. Take care and build yourself up before the big day. Enjoy your lovely family. God is great!

    Linda and Jim

    Jim diag 9-6-10
    MIE 1-5-11 OHSU, Portland, Or.
  • cher76
    cher76 Member Posts: 292
    Wonderful news, Jeff! We
    Wonderful news, Jeff! We are so glad to hear of your results and upcoming surgery. Any time someone has a victory over this monster of a disease, it gives us all hope. Hang in there, we will be praying for you and your family.
    Wife of Rickie, Stage IV EC dx Oct. 2010
  • Joel C
    Joel C Member Posts: 174
    cher76 said:

    Wonderful news, Jeff! We
    Wonderful news, Jeff! We are so glad to hear of your results and upcoming surgery. Any time someone has a victory over this monster of a disease, it gives us all hope. Hang in there, we will be praying for you and your family.
    Wife of Rickie, Stage IV EC dx Oct. 2010

    Awesome news Jeff!!
    I’m so pleased to hear about your clean scan, you’ll be a post grad before you know it.

    My advice now is to get strong, I mean real strong. Do the things you love, bike, golf spend time with the family and really push it. I was hiking everyday during the eight weeks between my completion of treatment and surgery. I was thinking about going back to work during those eight weeks but decided training everyday was time better spent so I just worked from home for an hour or so each day. I can tell you I’m glad I prepared and I know you will be too. I was up walking the day after surgery, in fact every day the nurses would ask the patients how many laps they did around the ward, it got to the point that the nurse would say to me “I’m not even going to ask how many laps you did today”. The point to my rambling is I had my body programmed to walk before I went into the hospital and that made all the difference in my recovery.
    Best of luck Jeff,
  • Daisylin
    Daisylin Member Posts: 365
    Joel C said:

    Awesome news Jeff!!
    I’m so pleased to hear about your clean scan, you’ll be a post grad before you know it.

    My advice now is to get strong, I mean real strong. Do the things you love, bike, golf spend time with the family and really push it. I was hiking everyday during the eight weeks between my completion of treatment and surgery. I was thinking about going back to work during those eight weeks but decided training everyday was time better spent so I just worked from home for an hour or so each day. I can tell you I’m glad I prepared and I know you will be too. I was up walking the day after surgery, in fact every day the nurses would ask the patients how many laps they did around the ward, it got to the point that the nurse would say to me “I’m not even going to ask how many laps you did today”. The point to my rambling is I had my body programmed to walk before I went into the hospital and that made all the difference in my recovery.
    Best of luck Jeff,

    We celebrate together, we cry together
    Jeff, please don't ever feel guilty sharing good news! We all need a boost of joy, even if it's not for our own loved ones. There has been so much sorrow posted here in the last week, it's wonderful to wipe away our tears, and shout out a cheer for you! Congratulations on your clean scan, may you remain that way forever!

    wife of Lee, stage ivb
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Woo Hoo!
    So GLAD to see you move on to the "end" of your Junior class. Can't wait to hear more WONDERFUL news from you as a Senior!

    A clean PET is a wonderful thing. Thank you for sharing! Good news is appreciated by all here.

    wife of Nick, Stage 3