Biopsy identity testing

Perineum Member Posts: 12
Hello all,

I've already discussed with you about my friend's situation of pT0 (Vanishing prostate cancer phenomenon).
A reminder: Biopsy showed carcinoma in 1/12 prostate tissues, Gleason score 8.
Very large prostate size (about 120 gr).

He is determined to do a DNA test to check if there is no mix-up with his biopsy.
I've read an article about this phenomenon, and they suggested "polymerase chain reaction– based microsatellite marker".

I didn't understand if it's a DNA testing or something else?
Will really appreciate it if someone could explain, and if someone had an experience with this biopsy identity testing and can share his incidence..

The article is "The Vanishing Prostate Cancer Phenomenon" by Stacy Loeb, Edward M. Schaeffer, and Jonathan I. Epstein.

Thanks a lot !!!


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Markers of Cancer

    Jonathan I. Epstein MD (in your post) is probably the best pathologist we have in the world. He works at JH and is known for his studies on the various types of cancerous cells. He has found several “markers” to identify cancer which is now used by many pathologists around the world.
    DNA is used to identify cells that are or could become the origin of cancer. Several variants in the chromosome chains have been already identified as related to prostate cancer. These variants can be related to untypical sequences in DNA pairs which become the basis of studies by researchers.

    Cancer cells are known to be more “active” in multiplying than normal cells. The differentiation of produced energy is used in logical approaches in medicine and it is used as a marker to identify cancer in image studies, such as PET scan. The reason for a “faster” activity is the sort period of time cancer takes for mitosis.
    Radiotherapy takes also advantage of this timely period for mitosis to calculate the best time of exposure.
    Molecular markers composed of sequence repeats (microsatellites) is not yet a standard model to assure diagnosis because of the several different types of cancers but at the hands of guys like Dr. Epstein they can be regarded at a high level of accuracy in their judgments. Your friend would be in “good hands” if he uses a pathologist laboratory of equivalent grade as that at Johns Hopkins.

    You haven’t report since June 2011 about your case and on your final decision on a treatment. I recall that you had a critical diagnosis with a PSA of 9 and Gs9 with Signet ring cell carcinoma. I wonder what treatment has you chosen. You wanted very much surgery.
    How are things going with you?

    Wishing you the best.
