Today's Annual Mammo Leads to a Biopsy...



  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    Don't feel you need to minimize this
    No matter what, it is very unsettling and frightening. I think anger and fear are the most natural reaction to the news you got today. I hope that it turns out to be nothing. Try not to let it dominate your thoughts. Hang in there!

  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Susan, for once words fail me I am so livid about this! Please know that you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers - and that a certain little Kitten now residing in Heaven is pulling for you big time, too. Be strong, and whatever this little intruder is, know that you can beat it too.

    Joe, Eefy Jo, YB Bo, and the Nubalizer
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    Aortus said:

    Susan, for once words fail me I am so livid about this! Please know that you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers - and that a certain little Kitten now residing in Heaven is pulling for you big time, too. Be strong, and whatever this little intruder is, know that you can beat it too.

    Joe, Eefy Jo, YB Bo, and the Nubalizer

    So sorry Susan
    Not what any of us want to ever hear.But focus on that 1 important word "tiny".
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    These mammos....
    ....are such an evil neccessity. If anything can be positive in this, I will focus on the word "tiny". (I would rather focus on a hot dude calander, but "tiny" will have to do!)
    Always hopefull and positive for you Susan. Your right...cancer sucks. Umph!!
    Big hugs
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    of course we'll be there with hopeful thoughts. A whole pink busload of us! We'll be hovering to make sure you're in good hands. My sister had a lumpectomy in 2000, rads and then took Tamoxifen for 5 years. She had a recurrence in Sept 2010 in the other breast. Had another lumpectomy and targeted rads. Because she has osteoporosis she is taking Evista (sp?). She is doing fine now. I wish the best for you.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I am hoping and praying it's not malignant. I'm thinking positive thoughts!


  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    cahjah75 said:

    of course we'll be there with hopeful thoughts. A whole pink busload of us! We'll be hovering to make sure you're in good hands. My sister had a lumpectomy in 2000, rads and then took Tamoxifen for 5 years. She had a recurrence in Sept 2010 in the other breast. Had another lumpectomy and targeted rads. Because she has osteoporosis she is taking Evista (sp?). She is doing fine now. I wish the best for you.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Dear Susan, I was so sorry
    Dear Susan, I was so sorry to see your post. Hope the next few days go by fast and that the "tiny" tumor is benign. You are loved here on this board and everyone will be praying for you. Sending you hugs, Sunrae
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    Absolutely we are with you in spirit dear sister. It could come back Negitive, just a cyst.
    Try to stay positive...Mon. will be here before you know it and hopefully the report will be good.
    Hugs to you,
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Hoping "suspicious" area be
    Hoping "suspicious" area be nothing more than benign tissue. Take it one day at a time and remember to breath.

    Oh, also your feelings are valid and I am glad you posted your concerns on the board. How else are we to support one another if we don't share what is going on in our lives. We are here for one another. Thanks for letting us know how you are doing.

    Let us know what develops on your end. Take care, hugs to you.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Hoping "suspicious" area be
    Hoping "suspicious" area be nothing more than benign tissue. Take it one day at a time and remember to breath.

    Oh, also your feelings are valid and I am glad you posted your concerns on the board. How else are we to support one another if we don't share what is going on in our lives. We are here for one another. Thanks for letting us know how you are doing.

    Let us know what develops on your end. Take care, hugs to you.

    suspicious means needing
    suspicious means needing further investigation. not a forgone conclusion. I had some benign ones after cancer. It isnt any easier as you go along. Praying for a good outcome and so sorry you have to deal with all this crap.
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Just saying.....
    Love you Susan.

  • CAchick
    CAchick Member Posts: 277
    I had the same
    Dear Susan,
    I had the same--the "good" breast had a lump....turned out to be benign, but it was scary!
    Prayers and best wishes to you. We will all be on the bus...
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    CAchick said:

    I had the same
    Dear Susan,
    I had the same--the "good" breast had a lump....turned out to be benign, but it was scary!
    Prayers and best wishes to you. We will all be on the bus...

    Sending positive thoughts for negative cells to be found at the biopcy area and best outcome from pathology report. It is always tough to come back to be investigated and we all are coming with you.
    New Flower
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769

    Sending positive thoughts for negative cells to be found at the biopcy area and best outcome from pathology report. It is always tough to come back to be investigated and we all are coming with you.
    New Flower

    I know you are angry and upset to say the least but know that we are all here for you. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. You have my number if you want to just scream or vent.
    Comforting Hugs coming your way,
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member

    I know you are angry and upset to say the least but know that we are all here for you. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. You have my number if you want to just scream or vent.
    Comforting Hugs coming your way,

    I am exceedingly grateful...
    ... for all the support, encouragement, kindness and love expressed here. Thank you. :-)

    Spoke with my med onc yesterday. By the time I called, he had already seen the images and read the detailed report submitted by the Doctor of Radiology. Med onc is in complete agreement with the current plan, and answered all of my "what if" questions (which the other doctor evaded). So, will continue to hope for benign results. However, if things don't go that way - at least I have an idea about what I may be up against. It ain't pretty; but, I feel much better knowing than not.

    Thanks, again.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    I am exceedingly grateful...
    ... for all the support, encouragement, kindness and love expressed here. Thank you. :-)

    Spoke with my med onc yesterday. By the time I called, he had already seen the images and read the detailed report submitted by the Doctor of Radiology. Med onc is in complete agreement with the current plan, and answered all of my "what if" questions (which the other doctor evaded). So, will continue to hope for benign results. However, if things don't go that way - at least I have an idea about what I may be up against. It ain't pretty; but, I feel much better knowing than not.

    Thanks, again.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Always with you. The pink
    Always with you. The pink bus will be full. Will pray, hugs
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Oh Susan, I just saw your FB post and came straight over here to see what was going on. Don't know how I missed this earlier! You are so dear to me and it hurts that you are going through this! Hang in there and know that you are being prayed for like a mad dog (now picture a crazy mad dog growling and snarling) that is how fervently I will be praying for you! If it has returned then it is time to put on go the pink boxing gloves with your determination and spirit you will get through this. The work "tiny" is a good thing so there is a positive here. When my cancer returned the third time in my "good breast" it was a stage one and required only 4 chemo sessions and was over in no time. I'm here for you, we are all here for you! Keep busy and know that you are being prayed for and that you are loved!

    <3 RE <3
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    I am exceedingly grateful...
    ... for all the support, encouragement, kindness and love expressed here. Thank you. :-)

    Spoke with my med onc yesterday. By the time I called, he had already seen the images and read the detailed report submitted by the Doctor of Radiology. Med onc is in complete agreement with the current plan, and answered all of my "what if" questions (which the other doctor evaded). So, will continue to hope for benign results. However, if things don't go that way - at least I have an idea about what I may be up against. It ain't pretty; but, I feel much better knowing than not.

    Thanks, again.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Glad you got information
    Glad you got information from your MO that has your armed and ready if need be. I agree with the sister that said focus on the word tiny right now. you know that we will all be here for you whatever the results. Big hugs and prayers to you.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    RE said:

    Oh Susan, I just saw your FB post and came straight over here to see what was going on. Don't know how I missed this earlier! You are so dear to me and it hurts that you are going through this! Hang in there and know that you are being prayed for like a mad dog (now picture a crazy mad dog growling and snarling) that is how fervently I will be praying for you! If it has returned then it is time to put on go the pink boxing gloves with your determination and spirit you will get through this. The work "tiny" is a good thing so there is a positive here. When my cancer returned the third time in my "good breast" it was a stage one and required only 4 chemo sessions and was over in no time. I'm here for you, we are all here for you! Keep busy and know that you are being prayed for and that you are loved!

    <3 RE <3</p>

    Oh, Susan--we're all hoping and praying
    that this is a false alarm. Please hang in there (hard to do, I know). This waiting is horrible. I'm praying and sending all positive energy your way for the perfect result.

    Many hugs,
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    missrenee said:

    Oh, Susan--we're all hoping and praying
    that this is a false alarm. Please hang in there (hard to do, I know). This waiting is horrible. I'm praying and sending all positive energy your way for the perfect result.

    Many hugs,

    Susan, thinking about you
    Susan, thinking about you tonight and hoping that they find nothing out of the ordinary tomorrow. Remember, we'll all be there in a circle around you!
