Today's Annual Mammo Leads to a Biopsy...

Christmas Girl
Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
... already scheduled for one week from today, next Monday morning, the 22nd. Pathology results a few days later. Described as "tiny" and "very suspicious" - the other breast, up 'til now the "good" one. Admit that I'm simultaneously frightened and very angry (sorry, dear Chen).

Am hoping my pink sisters and Kindred Spirits here can spare some hopeful thoughts on my behalf. Not easy for me to ask - so many here facing so much worse.

Kind regards, Susan


  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    Of course
    you're angry and frightened and a whole bunch of other things.

    Hang on as best you can and we'll keep you company. I'll wash the pink bus so it's ready to take you to your biopsy.

    Sending lots of positive energy your way.

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    My heart goes out to you.I totally understand.I just went through this.July 14 a tiny tumor was found in the same breast as the cancer. I waited a couple days to get word on when I was to get a biopsy.Heard nothing and breast center had no order.Then heard from my doctor.Let's take it all and not just do a needle biopsy but I was to see him first.Got the consultation 2 weeks later and then something changed.I am getting a needle biopsy and the breast center will do it. He didn't know how I knew about a excisioal.Well his office and pretty sure it was the nurse.Finally after almost 3 weeks the breast center was given a order. I was very mad and upset. I found out almost 1 month later it was benign. Just found out last Thursday.I thought I was loosing it.

    I prayed prayed and prayed more.I will do the same for you.Like i was told at least it's small but Hey we dont want one at all.I was going in for my 6 month mammo and just so happened it was my cancerous side.Or it could have been there longer. I still have the thing.Not a emergency to get it out.I was told what type of benign tumor but forgot the name.This tumor wasn't felt only found with a mammo and a ultra sound.Perfect timing.

    You have every right to be frigthened and upset.I still feel overwhelmed and stressed about it.Seems I keep getting tumors since my dx.Sure they are benign but I dont want any.My friends and niece never had this problem and they were dx with advance and fast growing cancers but I'm different.Just what my doctor says.Everyone is different.

    Tonight you will be in my prayers.Believe in miracles.Until the biopsy you don't know.

    Lynn Smith
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    I think frightened and angry
    I think frightened and angry is a normal response to all the effort you have put into keeping this thing at bay and I am angry too, very angry at this insidious beast that turns our life into turmoil at the drop of a hat. But after anger comes strength and determination and I know you have lots of that. "Some hopeful thoughts"? Susan, you have the prayers, wishes, hopes and desires of more than you can imagine in your lets kick A$$.
    Many hugs
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    We are all facing the same
    We are all facing the same beast together Susan...and your in my thoughts. Lets stay positive that its just a cyst or something like that cuz a cyst also says "suspicious" too.
    I got my fingers and toes crossed for ya!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry.....I hope things go a
    sorry.....I hope things go a smoothly as they can ...the unknown is hard , as we all know!

    sending good thoughts your way


    try a journal...helped me a lot
  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    I'm going thru the same thing
    only my biopsy is on 9/7 because me surgeon is out of town til then.
    I'm also angry--had planned on celebrating 1 year cancer free on 8/19...
    And I'm scared! I'll be ok most of the day but in the wee hours of the night, my mind starts to go round and round.
    I wish us both good results!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    joannstar said:

    I'm going thru the same thing
    only my biopsy is on 9/7 because me surgeon is out of town til then.
    I'm also angry--had planned on celebrating 1 year cancer free on 8/19...
    And I'm scared! I'll be ok most of the day but in the wee hours of the night, my mind starts to go round and round.
    I wish us both good results!

    Susan .. Happy thoughts, prayers
    that it is that -- a suspicion, and nothing more. I wish I had some wonderful thought, or idea on how to handle the anxiety, but I don't -.

    Holding you, Susan close to my heart, thoughts in prayers.

    Glad you posted, dear Sister --

    We adore and cherish you, Susan.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Sending you ONLY positive thoughts...
    I am sending you ONLY positive thoughts your way. Praying this is nothing serious and that you stay calmed when waiting.
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    Sorry to hear of this latest "bump" in the road. Remember that we are here for you!
    Let us know how it goes! (((Hugs))) and prayers.
  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    My dear friend
    Just so you know you are in Wendy and my heart, and the packs as well. Me and mine have formed a protective circle around you feel our love and admiration. We are here for you as you know. Whatever this is we will be beside you every moment. When you go for your biopsey the hand you feel on your shoulder will be mine reasureing you and giving you all my strength. You WILL not be alone in this know matter what it is. You are my friend, my sister, and my commrad in arms. You have Wendy and my number day or night it don't call and we will do our best to sooth your fears, we will always let you vent, we will cry with you, and laugh with you.

    sister/friends/warriors together forever
    tj & wendy
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    tjhay said:

    My dear friend
    Just so you know you are in Wendy and my heart, and the packs as well. Me and mine have formed a protective circle around you feel our love and admiration. We are here for you as you know. Whatever this is we will be beside you every moment. When you go for your biopsey the hand you feel on your shoulder will be mine reasureing you and giving you all my strength. You WILL not be alone in this know matter what it is. You are my friend, my sister, and my commrad in arms. You have Wendy and my number day or night it don't call and we will do our best to sooth your fears, we will always let you vent, we will cry with you, and laugh with you.

    sister/friends/warriors together forever
    tj & wendy

    Dear Xmas girl
    Susan you have every right to be frightened and angry! I am angry hearing this news! I hate hate hate that you have to worry. I will be praying for you and joining the protective circle. as Traci says you are our dear sister and friend and we will be with you always hoping and praying for only the best.
    I have to schedule my mamo soon...already scared to death. It is a normal reaction from what we have been through. all my love, hopes and wishes are going out to you today Susan.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    tjhay said:

    My dear friend
    Just so you know you are in Wendy and my heart, and the packs as well. Me and mine have formed a protective circle around you feel our love and admiration. We are here for you as you know. Whatever this is we will be beside you every moment. When you go for your biopsey the hand you feel on your shoulder will be mine reasureing you and giving you all my strength. You WILL not be alone in this know matter what it is. You are my friend, my sister, and my commrad in arms. You have Wendy and my number day or night it don't call and we will do our best to sooth your fears, we will always let you vent, we will cry with you, and laugh with you.

    sister/friends/warriors together forever
    tj & wendy

    Dear Xmas girl
    Susan you have every right to be frightened and angry! I am angry hearing this news! I hate hate hate that you have to worry. I will be praying for you and joining the protective circle. as Traci says you are our dear sister and friend and we will be with you always hoping and praying for only the best.
    I have to schedule my mamo soon...already scared to death. It is a normal reaction from what we have been through. all my love, hopes and wishes are going out to you today Susan.
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    rjjj said:

    Dear Xmas girl
    Susan you have every right to be frightened and angry! I am angry hearing this news! I hate hate hate that you have to worry. I will be praying for you and joining the protective circle. as Traci says you are our dear sister and friend and we will be with you always hoping and praying for only the best.
    I have to schedule my mamo soon...already scared to death. It is a normal reaction from what we have been through. all my love, hopes and wishes are going out to you today Susan.

    Hoping good results for you~
    Susan, I am sorry you are at the point of another biopsy, and on the good healthy breast! I hope, and pray it is benign. I too, have one healthy breast, and the pink bus is gassing up for me to be scanned at the end of this month. I am always agitated in August (sounds like a letter to dear Abby) but the unknown takes over my thoughts. We band together to keep you hopeful, encouraged and lifted up!
    ~hugz, Melanie
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Oh Susan~ my heart is so
    Oh Susan~ my heart is so with you...this is news you didn't need or want. Why do you think my mantra is "Be Stronger Than, Not Angry At?" Because I need it in front of my eyes to remind me constantly~otherwise I would live in a constant state of anger, frustration, fear, you name it! So feel your feelings~ they are valid !!!!

    You don't need to ask us for any extra good thoughts~ you are one of us, and none of us gets anything leftover...the Pink Bus, the healing thoughts, the strength, the shoulder to lean or cry on~ it is all instantly available. In abundance.

    A dear and most special friend once sent me a necklace. It says Never Give Up. That dear and most special friend is you, of course. (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))

  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    only good wishes for you my friend...
    ...along with prayers, good mojo, good vibes, crossing fingers, etc. I know how scary this is for you, but always remember, we are all here for you, and everyone else, as you go through another one of the roller coaster rides we have to go on in our new "after treatment" life.
    So sorry you have to go through this again, and I am adding my arms around you to Traci, Wendy, and all the others.
    And do NOT feel bad for being angry or frightened, just hang in there for now!

    Your angry and frightened right along with you friend
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    cats_toy said:

    only good wishes for you my friend...
    ...along with prayers, good mojo, good vibes, crossing fingers, etc. I know how scary this is for you, but always remember, we are all here for you, and everyone else, as you go through another one of the roller coaster rides we have to go on in our new "after treatment" life.
    So sorry you have to go through this again, and I am adding my arms around you to Traci, Wendy, and all the others.
    And do NOT feel bad for being angry or frightened, just hang in there for now!

    Your angry and frightened right along with you friend

    Susan, I am so sorry to hear
    Susan, I am so sorry to hear about this. I'm joining the circle started by TJ and Wendy; the northeast contigent will be right by your side and covering your back during the biopsy. I hope that it turns out like the many biopsies I had on my 'good' breast, something that looked a bit suspicious but ended up being nothing of concern. Please keep us informed as to how to send good thoughts your way.

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    cats_toy said:

    only good wishes for you my friend...
    ...along with prayers, good mojo, good vibes, crossing fingers, etc. I know how scary this is for you, but always remember, we are all here for you, and everyone else, as you go through another one of the roller coaster rides we have to go on in our new "after treatment" life.
    So sorry you have to go through this again, and I am adding my arms around you to Traci, Wendy, and all the others.
    And do NOT feel bad for being angry or frightened, just hang in there for now!

    Your angry and frightened right along with you friend

    That is unreal.The long wait.I wasn't going to wait one more day since I knew the Breast Center could at least do the biopsy and then the surgeon a lumpectomy later.I truly believe my doctor got busy with vacation time and also other surgeries that were needed.BUT all couldn't be as important as a possible cancer surgery. The breast center got me in the next day and it could have within a week.If it was anything I would know much sooner than what had been planned.

    I think our dx were at a time(summer) when so many doctors are on trips etc and take time off.This is the second time I was put off.The first was 6 weeks with the needle biopsy and 2 more weeks with the lumpectomy.

    I remember my doctors last words on Aug 4 for a excisional consultation.He said we have time and all should be done by Labor Day. Had already been 3 weeks and then another month?????? I wasn't waiting.It put stress on me and my husband.I was irritable.No one I know has ever been put off for possible cancer or cancer surgeries. We all need that biopsy ASAP.Maybe a wait for over a week but not weeks and weeks later.

    I pray for you JoAnn and Susan for good results coming up.I kept telling myself over and over when I waited "80% of the tumors are bengin".Then on the other hand I thought I am a survivor and it could be back. We all will be thinking of both of you in the next week or so. We all know first hand what you are going through.

    Lynn Smith
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Wow Susan,
    Sorry and shocked to hear this! You bet I will be thinking and praying for you,dear friend!
    Love you,
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Of course you are both
    Of course you are both scared and angry. The anger will pass and turn into your fighting spirit should you need it. Prayers and good thoughts coming to you, dear Christmas girl. I hate that this is happening to you and hoping it will turn out to be nothing significant.
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    fauxma said:

    Of course you are both
    Of course you are both scared and angry. The anger will pass and turn into your fighting spirit should you need it. Prayers and good thoughts coming to you, dear Christmas girl. I hate that this is happening to you and hoping it will turn out to be nothing significant.

    Take a deep breath!
    I'm so sorry 12/25 that you have to go thru all this! Yes, it is unfair! Just know that we are all here for you and will be by your side thru this whole ordeal! Sending HUGS!! Cathy